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War-Related Suicides in 1945:

  1. #1

    Martin Bormann (Hitler's crony and faithful lapdog)
    Willibald Borowietz (A cog in the Nazi machinery)
    Philipp Bouhler (One of the masterminds behind the T-4 Euthanasia Program)
    Eva Braun (Hitler's beloved and deluded companion)
    Wilhelm Burgdorf (Hitler's yes-man and lackey)
    Gunther Burstyn (Austro-Hungarian military officer, WWI veteran)

    Isamu Chō (Japanese Imperial Army officer)
    Leonardo Conti (Nazi physician, heavily involved in racial hygiene programs)
    Max de Crinis (Psychiatrist involved in Nazi euthanasia program)

    Theodor Dannecker (Gestapo officer involved in the Holocaust)
    Ernst Bergmann (philosopher) (Not directly war-related, but supported Nazi ideology)

    Joseph Wilson Ervin (American Naval officer, served in WWII)

    Heinrich Fehlis (SS officer, involved in atrocities)
    Hans-Georg von Friedeburg (Nazi admiral, signed Germany's surrender)

    Kurt Gerstein (Waffen-SS officer, tried to expose Holocaust atrocities)
    Paul Giesler (Nazi politician)
    Joseph Goebbels (The infamous propaganda minister)
    Magda Goebbels (Joseph's wife, murderous fanatic)
    Ernst-Robert Grawitz (SS doctor, experimented on concentration camp prisoners)
    Robert Ritter von Greim (Luftwaffe officer, committed suicide after Hitler's death)
    Walter Gross (politician) (Nazi official, instrumental in anti-Semitic laws)
    Rolf Günther (Nazi official, involved in occupation of Czechoslovakia)

    Heinrich Himmler (The architect of the Holocaust, top-tier scumbag)
    Adolf Hitler (Ah, the Führer himself, the cherry on this rotten cake)
    Ernst Holzlöhner (jedi doctor, died in Theresienstadt)
    Otto Hönigschmid (Chemist, assisted in manufacturing chemical weapons)

    Dietrich von Jagow (German diplomat, committed suicide after Hitler's death)
    Hugo Jury (Austrian Nazi official)

    Matthias Kleinheisterkamp (SS officer, involved in killing operations)
    Chikahiko Koizumi (Japanese Navy admiral)
    Hans Krebs (Wehrmacht general, signed surrender in Berlin bunker)
    Friedrich-Wilhelm Krüger (Nazi official, oversaw deportation of jedis)
    Walter Krüger (SS general, involved in war crimes)

    Robert Ley (Nazi official, head of the German Labour Front)


    Shiro Makino (Japanese Navy admiral)
    Alfred Meyer (SS officer, involved in Holocaust)
    Emanuel Moravec (Czech Nazi collaborator)

    Milutin Nedić (Serbian Nazi collaborator)
    Ryosuke Nunoi (Japanese Navy admiral)

    Takijirō Ōnishi (Japanese Navy admiral)

    Hans Pfundtner (Nazi official, committed suicide after Hitler's death)
    Carl Friedrich von Pückler-Burghauss (Nazi official, killed himself after Hitler's death)

    Leopold Reichwein (Nazi official, involved in forced labor programs)
    Meinoud Rost van Tonningen (Dutch Nazi, financier of NSB)
    Bernhard Rust (Nazi official, Minister of Education, brainwasher extraordinaire)

    Walter Scherff (SS officer, involved in the Holocaust)
    Arno Schickedanz (Nazi official, involved in euthanasia programs)
    Georg Scholze (Nazi official, involved in genocide)
    Otto von Schrader (Nazi official, responsible for forced labor)
    Heinrich Seetzen (Nazi official, involved in genocidal policies)
    Rudolf von Sebottendorf (Nazi mystic and occultist)
    Karl Steubl (SS officer, involved in euthanasia program)
    Ludwig Stumpfegger (Hitler's personal physician, helped dispose of his body)

    Josef Terboven (Nazi official, Gauleiter of Norway)
    Heinz Thilo (SS officer, involved in atrocities)
    Kjeld Toft-Christensen (Danish Nazi, involved in deportation of jedis)

    Aris Velouchiotis (Greek resistance leader)

    Ernst Weiner (Nazi official, committed suicide after Hitler's death)
    Eduard Wirths (SS doctor, involved in medical experiments in Auschwitz)

    Zhao Zhengping (Chinese Communist Party member, died in Japanese custody)

    Only two of these are non-Axis:
    Joseph Wilson Ervin (American Naval officer, fought against the Axis)
    Aris Velouchiotis (Greek resistance leader, fought against Axis occupation)
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