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  1. Warcry Certified lover boy
    id rather be like the rich nerd like bill gates or wozniak who wouldnt show off or dress the part so to speak and even show up to work in slippers.
  2. Warcry Certified lover boy
    see like this guy id never fit the part thus such girls would never approach me like her:

  3. I kinda want to try khat. It's a chewable drug they use in Mombassa apparently
  4. Warcry Certified lover boy
    To be honest even if one did approach me I’d probably turn it down because I do t have a car to take her too unless I took her to a blind spot but I’d probably not tho k of it and just would assume hey I don’t even have a place to get my discs sucked at or take her to my pad but again I’d probably not even tho k of that.
  5. Warcry Certified lover boy
    It’s weird how shallow they are though they’ll only suck guys dicks in suits.
  6. Warcry Certified lover boy
    I don’t even think ukrianian teens are so shallow?
  7. Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump
    I kinda want to try khat. It's a chewable drug they use in Mombassa apparently

    Somalians love it or wherever the fuck they are from...
  8. Warcry Certified lover boy
    Like imagine being so shallow you only will suck a dick that had a suit around it.
  9. Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Originally posted by Warcry It’s weird how shallow they are though they’ll only suck guys dicks in suits.

    Buy a suit then faggot
  11. Warcry Certified lover boy
  12. Charles Ex Machina Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by EduCaTional CATastropHE When you think about it, there are really only 2 possibilities. Either we are all descended from black people and therefore we are all black at heart but white people just got lighter over time, OR there are 3 major space alien groups that colonized earth a long time ago and created modern race

    its worse for them africans if all we really came out of africa.

    if we do in fact originated from africa, the fact that we have evolved by leaps and bounds, evolved so, so much in appearance and mental capacity while our negroid ancesstors evolved not a single bit since the day we left africa is self evidence of their genetic inferiority.

    no matter how you want to cut it you cant cut it in a way that will make blakies look good on the evolutionary chart.
  13. EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
    I self identify as a MAP...

    mongol attracted person
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by EduCaTional CATastropHE I self identify as a MAP…

    mongol attracted person

    i made a thread trying to figure out your new name and then I read this post like ten minutes later lol
  15. Warcry Certified lover boy
  16. Warcry Certified lover boy
  17. Kafka sweaty
    Wondering if I should dye my hair blonde since I haven't had it since I was 20.
  18. Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Kafka Wondering if I should dye my hair blonde since I haven't had it since I was 20.

    What kind of blonde? I actually bleached my hair once but it came out mostly orange. I can't believe I let myself walk around like that, oh well.
  19. Warcry Certified lover boy
    this piece of human agrbage shit and racist naitonalist silver spoon akren piece of shit who is clealry legal look at her photo at least 16 started insulting me before when i got her social and later she strated tlaking shit to me for no reaons like many polalck fems becaus ethey are so age phobic depsite this fucking bitch clealry being legal and old and not even veyr good looking. looka t this stupid pollack cocky mouth and naitonalsit peice of shit:

  20. Warcry Certified lover boy
    i hate these fucking people i have to live with or mostyly just their young or youth generaitonf emales existing here i wish this bich knew about lady dee and oldje and what chicks like ehr do in the chech rpeublic ishetad of acting liek rpicnesses or karens and being super picky and rude to every guy who is slightly older than them.
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