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JOIN THE NEWTOTSE ARMY TODAY OR.... you are a KAFKA simp and a virgin loser feminist liberal faggot!!! pedophile!!!

  1. #1
    Ellaria⏳ Yung Blood



  2. #2
    ner vegas Space Nigga
    shut up retard
  3. #3
    Ghost Black Hole
  4. #4
    Lanny is a G and actually knows how to properly moderate a forum.

    Lanny bans people for breaking site rules.

    You ban people because you don't like them.

  5. #5
    Ghost Black Hole
    "go target someone else" LMAO what a fucking pussy bitch

    I use this to troll on newtotse
  6. #6
    Ghost Black Hole
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Kingoffrogs Lanny is a G and actually knows how to properly moderate a forum.

    Lanny bans people for breaking site rules.

    You ban people because you don't like them.

    He can't even figure out how to CSS his ban messages.
  8. #8
    Originally posted by Donald Trump He can't even figure out how to CSS his ban messages.

    Buncha pathetic skripp kiddys doesnt even understand how his bloatware site works. It's pathetic and Lil Sporty would bash iz fucken head in IRL

    It's sad too, I had high hopes for the kid
  9. #9
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Buncha pathetic skripp kiddys doesnt even understand how his bloatware site works. It's pathetic and Lil Sporty would bash iz fucken head in IRL

    b] how does bbcode and <a href= ] css code p{
    color: blue
    work anyway?

  10. #10
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Donald Trump b] how does bbcode and <a href= ] css code p{
    color: blue
    work anyway?


    even more fascinating is that all these work too

    Firebrick | B22222
    Darkred | 8B0000
    Maroon | 800000
    Orange | FFA500
    Darkorange | FF8C00
    Coral | FF7F50
    Tomato | FF6347
    Orangered | FF4500
    Gold | FFD700
    Yellow | FFFF00
    Lightyellow | FFFFE0
    Lemonchiffon | FFFACD
    Lightgoldenrodyellow | FAFAD2
    Papayawhip | FFEFD5
    Moccasin | FFE4B5
    Peachpuff | FFDAB9
    Palegoldenrod | EEE8AA
    Khaki | F0E68C
    Darkkhaki | BDB76B
    Goldenrod | DAA520
    Darkgoldenrod | B8860B

    as well as here
    | FFEFD5 █████████
    | FFE4B5 █████████
    | FFDAB9 █████████
    | EEE8AA █████████
    | F0E68C █████████
    | BDB76B █████████
    | DAA520 █████████
    | B8860B █████████
  11. #11
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
  12. #12
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Anywhere I go is the real totse. I am totse incarnate and cannot be stopped. Your efforts are futile. It is my presence alone which is blessed by the internet heavens themselves; I am totse, Jeff hunter reincarnate.

    Your welcome to be in my presence. Yes it is wonderful isn't it? Yesssss
  13. #13
    CandyRein Black Hole
    I’m callin the cops
  14. #14
    Charles Ex Machina Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by CandyRein I’m callin the cops

    dey gonna shoot you ded or knee on yer neck
  15. #15
    CandyRein Black Hole
    But……… you Remember when you said you wish you had a transsexual girlfriend?

    You ..are gay and that’s okay
  16. #16
    Ghost Black Hole
    At the dawn of the universe, there was nothing. Then... Boom. The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals... hurtling across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence. Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind. And Time. Tell me his name again. Jeff Hunter. He's a plague, He invades BBS's. He takes what he wants. He wipes out half the population. He sent Spectral. The attack on NIRVANAnet(tm), that's him. This is it. What's our timeline? No telling. He has the Power and Space Stones. That already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe. If he gets his hands on all six stones... He could destroy life on a scale hitherto undreamt of. Did you seriously just say "hitherto undreamt of"? Are you seriously leaning on the Temple of the Screaming Electron? Is that what it is? I'm going to allow that. If Jeff Hunter needs all six, why don't we just stick this one down a garbage disposal? No can do. We swore an oath to protect the Time Stone with our lives.

    NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845
    Rat Head Ratsnatcher 510-524-3649
    Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766
    realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043
    Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102

    Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives,
    arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality,
    insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS.

    Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are,
    where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother.

    "Raw Data for Raw Nerves"

  17. #17
    Charles Ex Machina Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by CandyRein But……… you Remember when you said you wish you had a transsexual girlfriend?

    You ..are gay and that’s okay

    ma'am, ah fink your miztaken
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