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Why is the forum layout so dated on here?

  1. #21
    Originally posted by infinityshock Commodore 64…ftw

    Computers only stopped sucking about 2016 or so. Before that most of them were way too slow and shitty. Those that weren't slow and shitty were way too expensive and got hot.
  2. #22
    Ghost Black Hole
    Lanny said it himself and it remains true to this day

    Technologically we provably had everything we needed to create a sufficient piece of forum software in the early 2000s. But vB3 reached end of life in 2007, its successor in vB4 suffered from bloat, abuse of AJAX where it wasn't necessary, and an almost absurdly bad/slow/overly abstract database design. PHPBB has gone down the same road. In general forum software has just become too complex when BBSs were basically solved over a decade ago.

  3. #23
    jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Patron Saint jerrybs back. I was thinking how funny it'd be if we all convinced bradleyb to chop his balls off hts style

    I'm kinda pissed at bradleyb, he didn't even make up an obit for me. He had plenty to work with like being old and a hillbilly.

    I thought we good e-niggas bradley, you hurt me and it'll take at least a minute or two to get over my hurt feels. lol
  4. #24
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    I, for one, really dig it. Beats those new forum softwares easily.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #25
    Originally posted by Donald Trump 2002 was the high water mark of civilisation.

    I cry every time
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