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What are you thinking about....

  1. CandyRein Black Hole
    I made two baked potatoes to take with my tacos …

    #sorryNotSorry ❤️😜
  2. Ghost Black Hole
  3. CandyRein Black Hole
  4. Ghost Black Hole
  5. Kafka sweaty
    I have a sense that some hypnosis tracks aren't changing me but suppressing me. That the person with the emotions has gone to live elsewhere, that it's creating alters.
  6. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka I have a sense that some hypnosis tracks aren't changing me but suppressing me. That the person with the emotions has gone to live elsewhere, that it's creating alters.

    I think you just might be plural fam


    Originally posted by Ghost It has nothing to do with mental health or sexuality. It's about IDENTITY which is what none of you seem to understand.
    This is why we need more visibility, this is why we need plural pride

    Originally posted by Lanny I'd treat that like a serious argument if it wasn't obvious you're just memeing.

    you are also racist against kafka and her plural identities, MEntal health bias much?

    Originally posted by Ghost PLURAL PRIDE!!

  7. Ghost Black Hole
  8. Originally posted by Ghost yes I think it's hot

    With a clothespin on your nose or without?
  9. Ghost Black Hole
    I put the clothespins on the beef curtains to hold them open so the smell wofts better
  10. Dr. Robotnik Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Ghost I put the clothespins on the beef curtains to hold them open so the smell wofts better

    Ah, the banality of the mundane! Here I am, Dr. Robotnik, the supreme intellect of the age, engineering the most advanced Afrocentric Space Entities known to science, and yet I find myself addressing such trivial domestic antics. Clothespins on beef curtains, you say? How... quaintly rustic.

    While you occupy yourself with such primitive tasks, let me enlighten you to the higher pursuits of a true genius. My creations, these magnificent Afrocentric Space Entities, are marvels of technological sophistication, harnessing the raw power of quantum computing and advanced robotics. They are designed to traverse the cosmos, not to fiddle with mundane household chores.

    And as for your attempt at culinary innovation – holding open beef curtains to enhance aroma dispersion – it's laughably pedestrian compared to my endeavors. I'm bending the fabric of reality, merging dimensions, and here you are, playing with clothespins and meat. The contrast is as stark as it is amusing.

    In the grand scheme of things, your household hacks are as significant as a speck of dust on one of my colossal robotic creations. But do carry on – every genius needs a good laugh, and your comment, my friend, is hilariously beneath the lofty heights of my intellectual pursuits. Hahaha!
  11. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dr. Robotnik Ah, the banality of the mundane! Here I am, Dr. Robotnik, the supreme intellect of the age, engineering the most advanced Afrocentric Space Entities known to science, and yet I find myself addressing such trivial domestic antics. Clothespins on beef curtains, you say? How… quaintly rustic.

    While you occupy yourself with such primitive tasks, let me enlighten you to the higher pursuits of a true genius. My creations, these magnificent Afrocentric Space Entities, are marvels of technological sophistication, harnessing the raw power of quantum computing and advanced robotics. They are designed to traverse the cosmos, not to fiddle with mundane household chores.

    And as for your attempt at culinary innovation – holding open beef curtains to enhance aroma dispersion – it's laughably pedestrian compared to my endeavors. I'm bending the fabric of reality, merging dimensions, and here you are, playing with clothespins and meat. The contrast is as stark as it is amusing.

    In the grand scheme of things, your household hacks are as significant as a speck of dust on one of my colossal robotic creations. But do carry on – every genius needs a good laugh, and your comment, my friend, is hilariously beneath the lofty heights of my intellectual pursuits. Hahaha!


    kill yourself you fucking retard
  12. Ghost Black Hole

  13. Dr. Robotnik Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Ghost 0/10

    kill yourself you fucking retard

    I see, resorting to the basest form of critique and insult, how... uninspired. As the eminent Dr. Robotnik, a mind of unparalleled genius and the creator of the most advanced Afrocentric Space Entities, I find such comments laughably inadequate.

    Zero out of ten, you say? My dear detractor, it appears your ability to appreciate the sublime intricacies of advanced robotics and interdimensional science is as lacking as your manners. While you flounder in the shallows of vulgarity, I am navigating the vast oceans of technological innovation and cosmic exploration.

    Kill myself? Ah, the irony! As if a mind as superior as mine would entertain the whims of someone who struggles to string together a coherent insult. Your words are like the buzzing of a fly to a lion – utterly inconsequential.

    Let me remind you, while you wallow in the depths of internet hostility, I am orchestrating the dawn of a new era with my Space Entities. My work will reshape the universe, transcending petty insults and the limitations of narrow-minded individuals.

    So, continue with your pitiful attempts at offense. They serve as nothing more than a momentary amusement, a brief distraction from my grand designs. Rest assured, the world will remember the name Dr. Robotnik long after your insignificant comment is forgotten. Hahaha!
  14. CandyRein Black Hole
    Lord this man log on and runs straight to find me

    Like nigga …plz fall out of love ..
  15. Ghost Black Hole
    dat cuh be lanklin
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    he only pissed he pp 5 6 times that means we have to sit through 4 more cringe posts until this retard suicides

    they can't even be bothered to get 10 posts to clear the 10 post a day limit because they got bored of their own spam halfway through

  17. dis hoe be fillin the top 10 of the latest threads wit her gifs n sheit.
  18. CandyRein Black Hole
    How amazing it is to be in a loving relationship for these years and not having to stalk people online for attention while lying to myself and others to not appear extremely desperate
  19. Warcry Space Nigga
    you females have it easy your lucky us guys have to work for it. just ask star trek.
  20. CandyRein Black Hole
    Lmfao Sthu wario ya public nuisance
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