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Coach Red Pill says post 35 women are menopausal

  1. #1
    Statistically it makes sense. Like between 32 and 35 their chances at conceiving drop 70%. Past 35 is just falls off, and post 40 that's drops to almost zero.
  2. #2
    Reality is male lives are different from female lives.

    I used to think my aunt had ruined her life. She had her 4 children young, then split up and went back to college at 40 or so.

    Seems to have worked for her. She's a grandmother to about a dozen kids and earns about 120k.

    If she had went to college young, based on what I see, she'd have no kids, a cuck boyfriend happy to be childless, no grandkids, and be earning way less.
  3. #3
    EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
    i actually dont give a fuck
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