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imagine having a laptop or a gmaing pc

  1. #1
    Warcry Space Nigga
    running on thisnfucking thing:

    youd never have to techarge. i see this as the future of vomputing fuys. this ina ddition to an always on always internet enabled society.
  2. #2
    ner vegas African Astronaut
    have you tried running a computer on 3v100mW
  3. #3
    Just rip an RTIG out of a russian lighthouse and plug your computer into that

    or get a solar cell and tape it to a bunch of tritium rods for INFINITE SOLAR ELECTRICITY

  4. #4
    Imagine having a nuclear powered super computer and all you use it for is stalking 12 year old girls on Instagram
  5. #5

    *grows a third arm to molest the child thrice as hard*
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