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Anybody here like Muk-bang videos??

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  2. #2
    The comment section is cringeworthy. Bunch of white knight bleeding heart faggots trying to help this fat whale. I really hate the pussies in this country. If this walrus posted this video in China or Russia, people would be ripping her apart and making her cry and it would be funny as fuck and she would get more subscribers.
  3. #3
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Oh big fucking surprise she not only slurps and snorts and grunts and slobbers, she fucking chews with her GAPING MAW wide open. God damn I would seriously love to cut this bitch's neck open and stare into her eyes as she bleeds out, using her blood as ketchup as I finish her McDonalds cringefries. Does she HAVE to make little breathy noises CONSTANTLY and suck her teeth and JESUS FUCK I cannot STAND this goddamned WITCH!!!! And then she wears makeup and jedielry as if it makes even an IOTA of difference to mask her HIDEOUS PHYSICAL CONDITION. She's so fucking enormous that the video is lagging for me to process all of her pixels. AHAHAHA.

    She literally has a video of her 'conquering the stairs' which is like a 10-step stairway that she preps for and puts on a heart beat monitor and bunch of other shit like she's about to run a marathon.

  4. #4
    Fuck fat people they are so retarded. Meth is literally everywhere and its like less than a hundred a gram but "NO DRUGS ARE BAAAAD!!!" *chugs a 2L of coke and fries and 8 big macs*
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