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Making Money in a Third World Country By Selling Interracial Pornography. Bradley B Broductions is now an Etsy Store!

  1. #21
    Bradley Florida Man
    So i'm laughin, i tell my roommate about how tyler kinda a straight up bitch, im tellin her the comment about the police and his teeth and injury and cop callin as ways, I call my co president h-e tells me the drinking doesn't look god on me at noon, i tell him thanks, he asks if i will be drinking monday morning for our minutes meeting, I told him i haven't in six weks, he said good nigga otherwise ikll still stay home

    so now im kinda irritated, coked out and drunk on good tequila, the blue and clear one, my roommate and i split a bottle but she makes drinks for us and keeps the bottles we split when we're both not drinking (She's smart you see, i am a nigger too bro)

    SO anyway, i blacked out this night i think, yea this is when i got the shelving . So I decide i am done drinking teqiula, imma do better things with my life, imma smoke teh rest of this black and mild and go back to drinkings teel reserve 211s.

    So i go down to the gas station and I se one of my other gangsters in my set, he asks me if I want a ride, the gas tation is only like 3 blocks away and i later found out he was just sitting in his car smoking a cigarette, that's a courtesy I'll remmber in my men, he lives in the apartment block next to me.

    SO he drives me the 3 blocks tot he gas station and i ask him if he wants anything and he ask me if I have things they don't sell at the gas tation, so I was like hell ya, I love when my firends purchase fishing stuff from me for opening season, so I go in the gas tation get a 4 pack ofs teel reserve, and a large reds apple ale (my god and I enjoy drinking tehm together alot) and I see the fat lady at the counter
    and she says "It's good you don't drive, this is the second time you've been here." (THe first time Iw as buying mixers, this is true)

    I looked at her ginormous belly and back at her 18 year old laid of little debby face and said "It's good you don't strip, your appearance gives my eyes covid."

    She said excuse me, i said "YOu're a fat dumb bitch and I can't see how you still work here. That's my opinion of you. Please don't tell me how you feel about me giving you busines in the future."

    "Can you leave?"
    "Yeah Imma leave this up here and my boy gonna buy it or should i cal your manager and repeat what i said about your competency?"

    she's like crying and looking at he scratch offs

    and is adi bro go in there adn buy the shit, my card isn't working

    my friend walks in ther and this lady is he later said "Bro I thought it was a set up because I have a strap under my coat and this lady's like "How could someone do that?" " so i'm about to bolt and the other cash register lady says "I Can take you sir," and he's like "I"m just her to buy his stuff" and she said "I KNow" and like glared at my boy

    he told me he can't take his presidents anywhere and how crackhead (my co president, and life long friend) got them kicked out of the strip club and then the strip club called him back and apologized after he counted up all the money the next day.

    my ppl pretty gang g , then i got money from him and walked to Tyler's house.

    So I have a bunch of beer and money on me, i decided i'mma tell him to man up and if he can get over what i said, i'll hang out with him, we can smoke some dabs and i'mma stretch him out. He'll love it. So I text him and say "Hey I just wanna walk over to your house, you were kinda suicidal earlier and I care about you. I sometimes don't have reception by your house, I'll let you know when i get ther."

    then i left my phone at home space nigga cuz this is how u do cop callers my nigga take notes, ur phone isn't ur friend unless ur jeff bozos or a nun

    So I go walk over to his house and I come in through the back cuz im goin on foot (I lost my license because they found meth in my blood in 2019 winter and i dragged it out until cuz of coivd it was 30 days in jail with half time served and a 1800 fine, no licene for 13 months, i was in jail like two months ago for the two weeker tweaker, they wanted me to say a bunch of crazy shit about meth and i told him idk what that is, and they said ok ur high right now (I was) and they pulled my blood and they found meth, xanax, marijuana, .04 alcohol bac which is legal here)

    so ya, anyway

    so i'm comin in from the back (I do that alot) and i see Tyler and his 6 foot (tyler is also 6 foot) white haired sasquatch folllowin him and they both have little handbags (except his kinda looks like a nicer faggy purse)

    So I smooth out my hair (I wear nice things to do missions, just collared shirts and slckas will get you far unles you're really ugly)

    make my 5 beers more presentable (I pull one stel reserve out and open it)-, consume 1/2

    I give them approximately 90 secodnds (I count in my head, there's not really aproximating shit, if you're gonna be successful)

    i ring all 4 3xx units cuz i don't remember hwich of the ones on the third floor is his



    *sips more beer*


    RIngs all 4 again but for longer.

    1 opens the door with a buzz

    I look left ahd I look right as i do before i open any door or go tyhrough a dorway, if you listen to the Highest One he will say, to listen and se what awaits the wandering at the next empasse, but what do i know.

    THat moment i see tyler's door open

    Tylre is only wearing bright red underpants and all the lights are off in the aartmeent. We remain in th e dooor way with it halfway closed and him in it, i assume so grandma can hide. gay ppl can be naked with eaech othere or alone and stuff but not with your grandmother while yoou cry with the lights oof

    "Hey what's up bud. Are you feling beter? I brought over some stuf for your shoulder and --"

    'have you been drinking brad?"

    "Oh ya i brought you these 3 beers too to help, i cracked one while i was walking over, it's kinda hot outside. How are you doing?"

    'you can leave?'

    *Looks shocked* "Tyler? You should just drink a beer and man up, you called the cops, we can fuck him outta everything in this apartment, i'm super good at it, why don't you wear your partial more? WE can get it refitted? Here grab the beer."

    'I don't wanna know you.'

    "Oh okay, have a good day. Tyler remember to brush your teeth more. Don't call me again, call grandma"

    'fuck you brad'

    "Why are you naked with your grandma here and all the lights off bro"

    then he slammed dooor

    I wonder what creates sadism that people can't shake and manifest in various ways of their life. Brutal. I'd show you the next person i'm esexually interested and going to start seeing soon, but most femininen men are most feminine in the face and i don't think i need to post my potential loved ones picture on a forum for sadist amongst other good people.
  2. #22
    Bradley Florida Man
    i can only imagine her sitting on his bed (his ex had a sepereate room) ptting her grandson's hair and telling him he doesn't have to groow up and theen letting him suck expired powodered milk out of her titty

    when he coulda manned up, put an ice pack on it, iw as gonna give him so cortico steorids i have for inflammation in my joints related to my rheumatoid arthritis, and tell him to get over it and get over what i said, and call the ppl to do the restarining order and my guy wants the tv and entertainment center of due who hurt u asap andhe'll let u know hat else he can get outta here for u

    then i was gonna make him suck me off for like5 5 minutes, fuck him in the as for like 20, go to my house, do a bunch of coaine, dab carts, and shity outdoor wed i like to roll blunts of

    instead he gets grandmas cookies and remains a pussy

    yea so that's why i date dudes
  3. #23
    Bradley Florida Man
    and tequila too he coulda di some more teuqila with me and my roommate or those buttscotch shot things i don't like coulda did those too, but he had to be a fag and im past it.
  4. #24
    Bradley Florida Man
    oh and he takes vyvance 50mg everyday and oesn't have extras to come off of one or two of them for his boy

    so like what the fuck?

    YOu have acess to speed and you're still a ginormous loser who sleps till 3pm, doesn't have a job, needs to be suicidal for hostage taking attention geting, like what the fuck? HOw come you can't do like 3 of them one day and get your teeth fixed.

    fuckin losers bro. adn then you try to give them advice and they need to call grandma cuz she's police proof unlike ur soon to be boyfriend cuz he's not cop proof at all
  5. #25
    Bradley Florida Man
    he was uper attractive tho and the sex was 7-8/10 and he had money for his own shit most of the time

    enought hat i din't feel like he was leaching of me cuz i don't pay for sex or friendships that's why I don't have too much of either my niga

    the b stood for baller but that what they made up after they met me Bradleyb93 the white of America
  6. #26
    Bradley Florida Man
    oh and then i foound a really nice shelf i was telling D about right after i left tyler to fuck his grandma so that was a huge come upp nice black meetal that's how i knew God supports me and everything i just did to help someone wake upa nd take control of their action while my alcoholism runs rampant in mine.

    not drunk rn tho@@@ i think imma go play animal crosing , do some drugs and tell HTS that i hope she is having a good night,

    HTS Is probably the kindest feeling towards any girl i have felt outside of my ex the transgender girl from up north that broke my heart and made me start drinking and hollaring at beautiful transgender people in my life.

    TOrtilla said he will pay for us to get together (I cannot enter Canada or Mexico because of government limitations) but HTS can come here and I have a dog cage and would like to meet her a lot so HTS if you see this.

    Call me ;) or tort! my ex made 400$ in the first month with onlyfans with 3 videos of her geteting fucked and 4 photoo shoots of jjust her being a tranny nakeed and then stopped doing it cuz we started fighting again,

    Are you on HRT? Do you have the little kid mind?

    WIll you listen like a child if you do?

    WE can get money and we can have ur mom keep geting ur government welfare and she can wire it to you in another country.

    Trust me I've been looking into this idea for some who ins't us.

    YOu can come to cambodia as my first White wife if you are open to other cultures, lady boys (THey'll love you trying to be one), we may be able to do prostitution alongside my new friends or at he brotels I frequent. WE will also have another man, he is of my set and a formal member and one of my best friends. He is not a homosexual but i would say he loves knife fighting and the safety of himself as mujch as I do. And that's a lot. SO we'll protect you.

    I won't ever be your pimp because you will own everything i own 50% and will be contributing as much as you can for our family.

    THis is not a joke and I am not joshing you. IT comes with good product of an evolving nature, we will always have weed and you must not drink or be alcoholic, if you can drink and manage it and are nice when you are drinking seldomly, that is the custom of our people and i respect your right to do it as much as you like since you are my wife and not child.

    THis offer will only ever change if I am with someone else and if I am ever single again, let me know and we can try again. I'm sure you will be just as beautiful of a person as you are today and have been for the decade i have wanted to know you.

    I have never kiled a woman or transgender person woman. I have never harmed any children but I will at some point find a son in my life who has no one and is intelligent, if i find a homeless child that is very smart, I will adopt him as my own if he needs me. You may have be a mom to a small boy. I will never adopt a girl.

    My mom's downstairs neighbor who i lived with from 7 to 17 was my first father figure and one of the only reasons I have a good understanding of morality, though not much has stuck. I consider him to be my father. His son owes me a large sum of money related to investsments i made before i was busted, I do not talk to him because of it, though I Consider him my only actual "brother." in that we grew up together as children and lived together and what not. He was 12-13 when he molested me, I was 4/5. THis resulted in my rampant faggotry we see today.

    He currently has 1 wife, and 1 son, I wish nothing for the best for my family and because of that I wish nothing but the worst for him and pray he drops dead from others he has likely fucked out of things in life due to being a bad person. However, I don't ned to be the one and one day, his father and I hope that I will feel forgiveness in my heart, which I do not to any thief that remains in debt but claims to be sory.

    I am owed 11,900.

    He is strugling as is everyone and maybe one day he pays me and I will begin to be his friend again and grab his weiner and make weird gay jokes and go hunting with him and visit his father in the old folks home.

    In the mean time I help his father and tell his father about how I am the better son, though we are not related because i never stole from him or anyone else despite also being a drug addict who makes excuses.

    yes yes very exomplex
  7. #27
    Bradley Florida Man
    well time for bed, i really wanted to do that today and im glad this became of it.

    night night
  8. #28
    Bradley Florida Man
    u know how coool it would be for u to have a lady boy wife that's also your best firend while you're married to mee and we both speaek Khmer and Eenglish and live in the United States doing tranny porn

    They have internet at my house and cmabodia. We get the fastest we can here, and we get the fastest we can there.

    You must be HIV free.
  9. #29
    Bradley Florida Man
    sory that was a mesage i was typing up for HTS
  10. #30
    Bradley Florida Man
    Imma tell HTS can pick whichever one she wants oout of the list i coome up with.
  11. #31
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
  12. #32
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    this is a good idea minus the part with OP
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