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Mind Over Matter: Perception of Time Influences Wound Healing...
2024-01-04 at 3:57 PM UTC
2024-01-04 at 4:21 PM UTCmy head hurts
2024-01-04 at 4:22 PM UTC
2024-01-04 at 7:39 PM UTCi
2024-01-04 at 7:46 PM UTCThat's interesting. I have hypnosis to distort my perception of time. It speeds up bad experiences and slows down good ones. I wonder if I can modify it.
2024-01-04 at 7:47 PM UTCDoes this mean it can also age you? If you feel like a lot of time has passed?
2024-01-04 at 9:30 PM UTCsource:
lmao -
2024-01-06 at 10:52 PM UTCMnbvc