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bringing &TOTSE BBS back

  1. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker It must have something to do with the list I has you put on before Zoklet closed. My first link on that search string brings up the Wikipedia article on Albino Blacksheep.

    Oh? the 'Hunt for' thread huh?

    then 2 months later I was mowed down by a 16 year old kid.
  2. Third Temple African Astronaut
  3. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Obama and Biden
  4. You are getting dangerously close to the truth.
  5. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Third Temple Why is it the first thing of "Who is AlbinoBlackSheep" in google does it bring up a .Gov library link?,The%20End%20of%20the%20World.%22


    first thing even. Not even a first link but the Actual fucking description itself. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK

    Because Google sucks now, as a result of a two-pronged attack from paki SEO gurus and from within Google itself. Google made the choice to prioritize search results from authoritative sources, so 9 times out of 10 if you google something you're going to see wikipedia, news outlets, and .gov links. It's a bit weird that there's a .gov page explaining ABS at all, but then again it was a huge site 15 years ago that everyone went to so it makes sense the Library of Congress has some interest in preserving knowledge of its existence (ABS also being a repository of largely American cultural output).
  6. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai Because Google sucks now, as a result of a two-pronged attack from paki SEO gurus and from within Google itself. Google made the choice to prioritize search results from authoritative sources, so 9 times out of 10 if you google something you're going to see wikipedia, news outlets, and .gov links. It's a bit weird that there's a .gov page explaining ABS at all, but then again it was a huge site 15 years ago that everyone went to so it makes sense the Library of Congress has some interest in preserving knowledge of its existence (ABS also being a repository of largely American cultural output).

    It's very strange that it made the library of congress at all.

    very strange.
  7. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Third Temple It's very strange that it made the library of congress at all.

    very strange.

    Like I said, it's a decade spanning repository of American new media cultural output. Preserving stuff like that is kind of one of the Library of Congress' missions, neh?
  8. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai Like I said, it's a decade spanning repository of American new media cultural output. Preserving stuff like that is kind of one of the Library of Congress' missions, neh?

    I understand that. but many other sites are not on there.

    I will say that it's interesting people posting direct videos and me not getting what was being hinted regarding this site.

    someone who runs a popular photo site was a member and would do that to me.
  9. Third Temple African Astronaut
    I never said Jeff Hunter had direct links to 9/11 but I did say his website got used by someone claiming they were going to do just that and it's odd he threaten and actually black-listed me.

    then here come Harper reeds story and others
  10. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Third Temple Funny how you're pulling this shit up but not the original page of the 9/11 threat.

    also this is when Lokil and i didn't get along much. he was an admin suddenly it seemed. because his time on totse wasn't that long and was not from the bay area. he showed coming out of LA area.

    but we started to get along during that summer period. he even told me I should trade in my car for a Beamer or a better car thats safer since I had small kids at the time. I remember him talking about a BMW or Audi or some foreign car and how the bodies cage was superior to that of American cars (which I think I had a Buick at the time)

    go find the posting

    remember Jeffry Hunter might of Played Jesus but Jeff Hunter is not your Savior, Pal. lots of one side of the searching you're doing here.

    shut up faggot
  11. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

  12. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood shut up faggot

    Another year contract up
  13. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Third Temple Another year contract up

  14. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I need to change this to a list for a dating site and a totse approved sites


    this isn't even programming at this point, I mean it is but it's not anything technical i'm literally just editing menus

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // BBSLIST.MPS : BBS list creator for Mystic BBS software v1.07+
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // This program will export the BBS list data to a text file, and allow the
    // user to download the created text file.
    // The command line option specifies the base name of the BBS list to go along
    // with the same parameters of the BBS list menu commands:
    // bbslist [bbslist name] IE "bbslist bbslist"
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------


    ListFile : File;
    ListName : String
    OutFile : File;
    OutName : String
    bbs_cType : Byte
    bbs_Phone : String
    bbs_Telnet : String
    bbs_Name : String
    bbs_Location : String
    bbs_Sysop : String
    bbs_Baud : String
    bbs_Software : String
    bbs_Deleted : Boolean
    bbs_AddedBy : String
    bbs_Verified : LongInt
    bbs_Extra1 : LongInt
    bbs_Extra2 : Integer
    Total : Integer
    Temp : String

    If ParamCount <> 1 Then Begin
    WriteLn ('Invalid command line option.');
    WriteLn ('');
    WriteLn ('Usage: BBSLIST [bbs list id]');
    WriteLn ('|CR|PA');


    ListName := CfgDataPath + ParamStr(1) + '.bbi';
    OutName := CfgSysPath + 'temp' + Int2Str(NodeNum) + PathChar + 'bbslist.txt';

    If Not FileExist(ListName) Then Begin
    WriteLn ('|CR|12There are no entries in the BBS list.');

    If Not InputYN('|CR|12Download the BBS list? ') Then

    Write ('|CR|14Creating BBS list ... ')

    fAssign (ListFile, ListName, 66);
    fReset (ListFile);

    If IoResult <> 0 Then Begin
    WriteLn('Unable to find BBS list data');

    fAssign (OutFile, OutName, 66);
    fReWrite (OutFile);

    fWriteLn (OutFile, '')
    fWriteLn (OutFile, '.-------------------------------------------.')
    fWriteLn (OutFile, '| BBS listing created on ' + DateStr(DateTime, UserDateType) + ' at ' + TimeStr(DateTime, True) + ' |')
    fWriteLn (OutFile, '`-------------------------------------------''')
    fWriteLn (OutFile, '')

    Total := 0;

    While Not fEof(ListFile) Do Begin
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_cType, 1)
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Phone, 16)
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Telnet, 41)
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Name, 31)
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Location, 26)
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Sysop, 31)
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Baud, 7)
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Software, 11)
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Deleted, 1)
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_AddedBy, 31)
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Verified, 4)
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Extra1, 4)
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Extra2, 2)

    If Not bbs_Deleted Then Begin
    Total := Total + 1

    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' BBS Name: ' + bbs_Name)

    If bbs_cType = 0 Then Begin
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Accessible By: Dialup')
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Phone Number: ' + bbs_Phone)
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Max Baud Rate: ' + bbs_Baud)

    If bbs_cType = 1 Then Begin
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Accessible By: Telnet')
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Telnet: ' + bbs_Telnet)

    If bbs_cType = 2 Then Begin
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Accessible By: Dialup & Telnet')
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Phone Number: ' + bbs_Phone)
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Max Baud Rate: ' + bbs_Baud)
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Telnet: ' + bbs_Telnet)

    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Sysop Name: ' + bbs_Sysop)
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Location: ' + bbs_Location)
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' BBS Software: ' + bbs_Software)
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Last Verified: ' + DateStr(bbs_Verified, UserDateType))

    fWriteLn (OutFile, '')
    fWriteLn (OutFile, '----------------------------------------------------------')
    fWriteLn (OutFile, '')

    fWriteLn (OutFile, 'Total BBSes listed: ' + Int2Str(Total))

    fClose (ListFile)
    fClose (OutFile)

    WriteLn ('Done.')

    If Local Then Begin
    If InputYN ('|CR|12Local mode: Save list to file? |11') Then Begin
    Write ('|CR|03Enter full path and filename for BBS list|CR|09:')
    Temp := Input (60, 60, 12, CfgSysPath + 'bbslist.txt')
    If Temp <> '' Then Begin
    Write ('|CR|14Saving: |15' + Temp + '|14: ')
    If FileCopy(OutName, Temp) Then
    WriteLn ('OK')
    WriteLn ('ERROR')
    End Else
    MenuCmd ('F3', OutName)

    FileErase (OutName)
  15. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    will this work lol

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // BBSLIST.MPS : BBS list creator for Mystic BBS software v1.07+
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // This program will export the BBS list data to a text file, and allow the
    // user to download the created text file.
    // The command line option specifies the base name of the BBS list to go along
    // with the same parameters of the BBS list menu commands:
    // bbslist [bbslist name] IE "bbslist bbslist"
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------


    ListFile : File;
    ListName : String;
    OutFile : File;
    OutName : String;
    bbs_cType : Byte;
    bbs_Contact : String; // Changed from bbs_Phone
    bbs_Age : String; // Changed from bbs_Baud
    bbs_Gender : String; // Changed from bbs_Sysop
    bbs_Location : String;
    bbs_LookingFor: String; // Changed from bbs_Software
    bbs_Deleted : Boolean;
    bbs_AddedBy : String;
    bbs_Verified : LongInt;
    bbs_Extra1 : LongInt;
    bbs_Extra2 : Integer;
    Total : Integer;
    Temp : String;

    If ParamCount <> 1 Then Begin
    WriteLn ('Invalid command line option.');
    WriteLn ('');
    WriteLn ('Usage: BBSLIST [bbs list id]');
    WriteLn ('|CR|PA');


    ListName := CfgDataPath + ParamStr(1) + '.bbi';
    OutName := CfgSysPath + 'temp' + Int2Str(NodeNum) + PathChar + 'bbslist.txt';

    If Not FileExist(ListName) Then Begin
    WriteLn ('|CR|12There are no entries in the BBS list.');

    If Not InputYN('|CR|12Download the BBS list? ') Then

    Write ('|CR|14Creating BBS list ... ');

    fAssign (ListFile, ListName, 66);
    fReset (ListFile);

    If IoResult <> 0 Then Begin
    WriteLn('Unable to find BBS list data');

    fAssign (OutFile, OutName, 66);
    fReWrite (OutFile);

    fWriteLn (OutFile, '');
    fWriteLn (OutFile, '.-------------------------------------------.');
    fWriteLn (OutFile, '| BBS listing created on ' + DateStr(DateTime, UserDateType) + ' at ' + TimeStr(DateTime, True) + ' |');
    fWriteLn (OutFile, '`-------------------------------------------''');
    fWriteLn (OutFile, '');

    Total := 0;

    While Not fEof(ListFile) Do Begin
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_cType, 1);
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Contact, 16); // Changed from bbs_Phone
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Contact, 41); // Changed from bbs_Telnet
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Contact, 31); // Changed from bbs_Name
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Location, 26);
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Gender, 31); // Changed from bbs_Sysop
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Age, 7); // Changed from bbs_Baud
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_LookingFor, 11); // Changed from bbs_Software
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Deleted, 1);
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_AddedBy, 31);
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Verified, 4);
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Extra1, 4);
    fRead (ListFile, bbs_Extra2, 2);

    If Not bbs_Deleted Then Begin
    Total := Total + 1;

    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' BBS Name: ' + bbs_Contact);

    If bbs_cType = 0 Then Begin
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Accessible By: Email & Text'); // Changed from Dialup
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Contact Info: ' + bbs_Contact); // Changed from Phone
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Age: ' + bbs_Age); // Changed from Baud

    If bbs_cType = 1 Then Begin
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Accessible By: Telnet');
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Telnet: ' + bbs_Contact); // Changed from bbs_Telnet

    If bbs_cType = 2 Then Begin
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Accessible By: Dialup & Telnet');
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Contact Info: ' + bbs_Contact); // Changed from Phone
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Age: ' + bbs_Age); // Changed from Baud
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Telnet: ' + bbs_Contact); // Changed from bbs_Telnet

    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Gender: ' + bbs_Gender); // Changed from bbs_Sysop
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Location: ' + bbs_Location);
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Looking For: ' + bbs_LookingFor); // Changed from bbs_Software
    fWriteLn (OutFile, ' Last Verified: ' + DateStr(bbs_Verified, UserDateType));

    fWriteLn (OutFile, '');
    fWriteLn (OutFile, '----------------------------------------------------------');
    fWriteLn (OutFile, '');

    fWriteLn (OutFile, 'Total BBSes listed: ' + Int2Str(Total));

    fClose (ListFile);
    fClose (OutFile);

    WriteLn ('Done.');

    If Local Then Begin
    If InputYN ('|CR|12Local mode: Save list to file? |11') Then Begin
    Write ('|CR|03Enter full path and filename for BBS list|CR|09:');
    Temp := Input (60, 60, 12, CfgSysPath + 'bbslist.txt');
    If Temp <> '' Then Begin
    Write ('|CR|14Saving: |15' + Temp + '|14: ');
    If FileCopy(OutName, Temp) Then
    WriteLn ('OK')
    WriteLn ('ERROR

    oi think it fucked up the end
  16. On this web site you are expected to make decisions all by yourself. You get to decide who and what to agree with, and why. You get to hear new viewpoints that you may have never heard before. On this web site people exist without age, without skin color, without gender, without clothes, without nationality, without any of the visual cues we usually use to discredit or ignore people who are unlike ourselves. All of these things are stripped away and the ideas themselves are laid bare.

    You will change. You will transform. You will learn. You will disagree.

    You will enjoy it.
  17. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    logoff screen i edited the default one to say totse

  18. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Titanic Out-takes

  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I cant figure it out , the code is fucked

    I'm trying to have 3 seperate BBS lists, one for BBS's, one for normal sites and one for dating but it's all tied to the same bullshit I can't edit them independently no matter how much I fuck with it.

    So i'm removing BBS list and just gonna use a dating site or something or maybe ill keep the bbs and axe the dating. one or the otjher

    totse approved sites will now be the replacement for bulletins

    ill try to make one like this
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