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Why schools have strict dress codes

  1. #1
    High schools in particular. Now that I've begun doing semen retention I understand this. I'm 19 male, but when I was doing semen retention at 15 it had the same effect on me: Anything related to a woman made me rock fucking hard. The only reason that it's becoming less and less of a problem is because more and more teenagers are engaging in masturbation more and using pornography more so they don't have pent up energy that makes you ejaculate when you walk past the girl's locker room.
  2. #2
    Kafka sweaty
    I only remember feeling turned on enough to affect my focus once in high school. It was in the 6th form study room, I would read my fiction books there undetected or get a pass to go to the library to read them. But it was intense, idk how guys go through that throughout the day.
  3. #3
    Kafka sweaty
    We have uniforms in N.I and the girls wear ties. I'm not sure why as they don't in the workplace. In 6th form there were different rules, you could only dye your hair natural colours then. I remember someone coming in to teach us about workplace makeup.
  4. #4
    Kafka sweaty
    I was jealous of my friends, the girls could wear hoodies and trousers in their school but it was still a uniform. It didn't look right wearing hoodies with ties.
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Kafka I only remember feeling turned on enough to affect my focus once in high school. It was in the 6th form study room, I would read my fiction books there undetected or get a pass to go to the library to read them. But it was intense, idk how guys go through that throughout the day.

    Simple: We jerk off in the bathroom.
  6. #6
    Originally posted by Kafka I only remember feeling turned on enough to affect my focus once in high school. It was in the 6th form study room, I would read my fiction books there undetected or get a pass to go to the library to read them. But it was intense, idk how guys go through that throughout the day.

    For me it intensified like 2-3x for the first 2 years of highschool, and then covid happened.
  7. #7
    Third Temple African Astronaut
    Fluid retention is an Indian Hindu thing.

    fuck that shit. Use it or Lose it.
  8. #8
    Kafka sweaty
    In my school I didn't feel like girls had to cover up because of males being distracted by them, it seemed more like it was to be respectful and for self-esteem, to dress like we were already in a white-collar workplace. Uniforms were the same from the waist up. Skirts had to be below the knee but not one of us followed that rule. There's this school in Belfast where girls have to wear ankle-length skirts and that makes me uncomfortable, it feels like it is sexualising them then. Making girls legs taboo makes it worse, don't want to go back to times when ankle flashing is a distraction for men. That's unhealthy.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    Kafka sweaty
    The only thing I didn't like, was that while the skirts looked good, they were structured so it was hard to run in them. Girls couldn't play gaelic at breaks like the guys did.
  10. #10
    Kafka sweaty
    Pleated skirts would have been ugly though.
  11. #11
    Kafka sweaty
    I wore trousers in one day and was called into an office, they said people would think I was pregnant.
  12. #12
    Originally posted by Kafka Pleated skirts would have been ugly though.

    Maybe they should go with kilts.
  13. #13
    Kafka sweaty
    The girls uniform rules weren't enforced, not a single one of us wore the ugly woolen socks or had skirts below the knee.
  14. #14
    Kafka sweaty
    I kept mine just above the knee. Didn't want to roll it up and lose its shape. Tie was always six stripes long. It's all coming back to me now.
  15. #15
    Kafka sweaty
    Not long enough to be bullied or short enough to be told off.
  16. #16
    Originally posted by Kafka The girls uniform rules weren't enforced, not a single one of us wore the ugly woolen socks or had skirts below the knee.

    The only school that I ever went to where I had to wear a uniform was a private school for middle school. I had to wear a sky blue polo and black dress pants and dress shoes and a belt and i had to have my shirt tucked in all neat and both shirt buttons done up. Not cool for a little kid trying to run around on the playground.
  17. #17
    Originally posted by Kafka Not long enough to be bullied or short enough to be told off.

  18. #18
    Kafka sweaty
    I've been thinking about this some more because it's a grey area. Thinking of Kate Middleton specifically. I think it's okay for short skirts to be against the rules because some girls look bad in them, like she would because she's old.
  19. #19
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]

    This fucking kid...

    I went to catholic school my whole life dont even talk to me.

    I'm starting to realize the issue here you need to get laid more, and I'll tell you how:
    Be cool, which in adult terms means, be a complete mess of a human and be basically a crash test dummy and do as much hard drugs as you can and bitches will be everywhere some of them you may even have to call the police on/complete ditch them out of a moving car, idk theres loads of ways

    Maybe that isn't the best option for you, I'm starting to think you'll just have to go the Ole faithful Donald Trump route and pay for play. Hey I'm not into it but I'm not against it as long as it between 2 legal consenting adults.
  20. #20
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Originally posted by Kingoffrogs Simple: We jerk off in the bathroom.


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