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Coffee shop incident

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I know a lot of you are going to call me an idiot and a retard amoung other things, but I like to blog and this incident kinda bothered me so here it goes. I'm a real chill bro in real life and and actually pretty likable by most people. After a week of doing coke and adderall and drinking heavily and smuggling cats in pillow cases out of a motel, I decided a couple days ago enough is enough and cut that stuff out.

    So today instead of drinking I decide to go get a cup of coffee at my favorite neighborhood coffee shop down the street.

    theres only a hand full of people in there being as its 3pm, usually in the mornings or at night the line is extremely long. The only people in front of me are a few girls that seem to be sisters or something like that and they paid for a whole cake. And are just standing there giggling...

    I can wait a minute.. but I'm standing there for almost ten minutes, the employees are walking in and out and no ones asking me what they can get started for me because those girls were still infront of me... you would think they wouldn't be so rude and step to the side so I can get my order started considering they are just waiting for the cake to be brought out and have already paid... and its taking forever.. but no they are to busy in their own world. I make eye contact with this long haired dude that works there like wtf.. man.. and he runs to the back, this hipster girl thats just running all over the place doing nothing comes back out and I say "ma'am you've seen me standing here for almost ten minutes, I just want a small coffee, whats the deal?"

    and she knows I'm right and she hops right on it instantly when I tell her that. She starts pouring it into a ceramic coffee mug (they always ask if its for there or to go.. I doubt they want me walking out with their dishes..) and I say, I want it to go. and she pours it in a to-go cup.

    The stupid girls are still standing in front of me so I'm like excuse me and push through them... So I can pay... and finnally get out of there. And one of the girls says "he just cut infront of us, he's rude"

    I don't even care or let that phase me. But some white knight faggot gets out of his chair and says "ill pay you a dollar to get the fuck out" like he's mr big shit.

    I turn around and say I already said "im taking it to go dumbass, mind your own buisness" and he doesnt say shit back.

    I give the lady 2 dollars for a 1.50 coffee and she gives me 30cents back... I say what the hell give me two quarters (part of the reason why I went there was to break that 2 dollars to get two more quarters so I could finish up my laundry) and I give her the 30 cents back and she gives me 2 quarters

    For some reason I just lost my cool and I'm so pissed off, I walk to the table to get a lid for my to-go cup and I turn my head around as I'm walking and say to the white knight dude "so are you still giving me that dollar to leave" and he gets up and throws it next to my feet and runs away basically. (I don't need a dollar, I just wanted to see if the guy was a bitch and wanted to take it outside)

    I walk out leaving the crumpled dollar on the floor.

    Has anyone ever been really upset in public before? That dude only made things worse and helped make more of a seen. And was a total pussy.
    I thought like man I probably shouldn't go back to that coffee shop for awhile. But fuck that I did nothing wrong. I'm going to go in there later and just act like nothing happened.
  2. #2
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    as I'm walking and say to the white knight dude "so are you still giving me that dollar to leave" and he gets up and throws it next to my feet and runs away basically.


    I lol’d at the mental image of your impotent fantasy actually happening.
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    It happened unfortunately
  4. #4

    I lol’d at the mental image of your impotent fantasy actually happening.
    I lol’d at the second sentence when he said he was "pretty likable by most people"
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^its true, my internet persona is definitely different than how I really am in real life.
  6. #6
    hey if you can afford it why not party every day.

    You should shoot up the coffee shop one day.
  7. #7
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^I can't really afford it, It's just people give me drugs, I was getting a little nutty and paranoid.

    It was weird after the first night of doing coke, i just chilled with a brew and a lil weed to calm down and i felt fine, but while playing starcraft I kept feeling a "presence" I wasn't afraid or weirded out.. its just I would look up from my laptop expecting a friend or someone i knew to be there chillin and no one was ever there.
  8. #8
    psychosis is a good time.

    *zmoke a bowl of meth* who invited all you people!?
  9. #9
    bling bling Dark Matter
    strain your eyes so ur pupils go different sizes so people are scared of you nd dont fuk wit coke
  10. #10
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    strain your eyes so ur pupils go different sizes so people are scared of you nd dont fuk wit coke

    I like a lil coke errr now and then.

    this shit was A1 ma nigga I had that steady geek
  11. #11
    only pussies dont fuck with x and y.
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