2023-11-07 at 6:41 PM UTC
Folks so I got a funny problem. I knock like a cop I tell everyone in my life I don't mean to do this but in reality I used to just be drunk and dind't give a shit. I got hands the size a large orange and they're all boney and shit and my right one is kinda mishaped so it's more like a denty pear.
And I Just pound doors like to knock on my friends louder if I like them but also louder if I don't ike them that much ironically, keepin everyone in the dark about how bradleyb really feels
n uh i stopped using mephedrone, got into FIU where after 1 credit i will be more successful than fellow middle age college goers deaspite my 11 years in the academic slow lane.
but in other news I still look like a skinny homer simpson or my favorite dr phil
dr phil kinda looks like a chomo to me and I always look up to MR Clean and other such unsullied balding role models.
slept 16 hours today after my exams were finished kinda and i don't feel any better but i did buy a fastass bag of weed smoke 1 bowl and pass out and my dog didn't take it out of my sleeping pockets so now it's like 2pm i just cleaned part of my house like swept and mopped and now i took the trash out in my underpsnts as the only white guy but i had blgoves on so people knew what was up, one lady took her kids inside and I had my sunglasses on cuz i still have eye damage but idgaf I'm a really bad person like if you total the value of my goods and evils that I Figure like ummm u know I'm a piece of shit and piece of shit things happen to bad people and good people and good and bad things happen to me, i'm tryin to fuck more homeless black girls but i made the mistake of letting one know where I Live and like uh yea so she thinks I"m like this lighthouse int he storm when really i'm just trying to fuck at the park she lives at ya hear
2023-11-07 at 6:47 PM UTC
I wish the othrodox 12 year old nazi i was as a child could see me now, speaking spanish, eating with chop sticks , supporting palestinians, fucking niggers, falling in love with trannies, covered in skinny scars all over, still hating the jedis and openly speaking about it to minorities to further undermine the zionist occupation of my goverment, and getting money from the government I still hate 88. Going to florida international university, not on parole ut went to prison twice, openly gay.
I think that kids jaw would fucking drop.