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Wisdom's Extraction

  1. #1
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    I have mouth pain right now at 3:19 AM 10/17/2023 and i was going to misspeak. I'm doing an examination right now where it is very uncomfortable but I like Pain, Anyways

    and it is going to be an time where i get wy mizdow teeth extracted before easter island while i take investigation seriously into my hands.

    Why don't you say that you want to buy the drugs while you watch them have a party but you decide to do something anyway when you know that you know exactly what this is.
    When I begin to say that I wanted to buy those drugs we thought that I was only just hessing'.

    + but blaine disagreed and we decided to call it quits before the court of law.-

    I decided to take the time to tell you that I know where you live and I said what I wanted within the pacience of time.(98)

    If blaine wants to buy drugs then that it what he is going to do.

    When yo ubegin bagel mrs pagel to tell them that blaine decided to take the bomb in front of the rest of us even looking at the time that it was 498 and that we wanted to pay attention before the rest of the state, it was my time. My name is John.
  2. #2
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    i had all 4 of my impacted wisdoms removed at once when i was like 16

    thats what gave birth to my opiod addiction! Thanks for the Percs doc, you ruined my life! Er no wait, i did that on my own. then built it back from street-walker junky homeless to not living paycheck to paycheck.

    life is gewd
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