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Lets do a collective Novella. Mr Dorian Grey Fonnaplats and..

  1. #1
    Niggles Tuskegee Airman
    His affair with NIS women behind his wifely.

    250 words per post. until we have at least 70 pages.

  2. #2
    Niggles Tuskegee Airman

    Not OG tier
  3. #3
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    you're retard tier
  4. #4
    Niggles Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by totse2118 you're retard tier

    not 250 words.

    start over
  5. #5
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    yes lets rape his asshole and call him a nigger
  6. #6
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Is niggles Oct?
  7. #7
    Niggles Tuskegee Airman
    doing this wrong
  8. #8
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Once upon a peculiar evening in the eccentric world of Mr. Dorian Grey Fonnaplats, an enigmatic affair unfolded. As the moon cast its glow on the sheep-dotted fields, Mr. Fonnaplats found himself entangled in the clandestine web of the NIS (National Intelligence Service) women. It was a secret he concealed behind the façade of his seemingly ordinary life, far from the prying eyes of his unsuspecting wife.

    The affair, however, was just the beginning of a series of bizarre events. One day, as he strolled through a desolate field, he stumbled upon a mysterious Molotov cocktail. Intrigued, he decided to ignite it, not realizing that it would set off a chain reaction, enveloping everything in its fiery embrace.

    Amidst the chaos, he discovered a peculiar triangular portal, glowing with an otherworldly pumpkin hue. Drawn by its eerie allure, Mr. Fonnaplats hesitantly stepped through, finding himself in a dimension governed by DH, a cryptic force that defied conventional understanding.

    In this surreal realm, he encountered anime girls with ethereal powers, embodying the essence of the enigmatic Trianglism. They spoke of ancient prophecies involving sheep, a Hindu Temple in space, and the transcendental powers of the mystical KEK.

    As Mr. Fonnaplats navigated this strange dimension, he encountered pirates trading in illegal substances with communists from Poland. The air was thick with the beats of gangster rap echoing from a distant Lannyist hideout. Amidst all this, whispers of the Totse Tapes, a collection of esoteric knowledge, echoed through the air.

    In his journey, he encountered racism and acceptance, transgender beings who transcended traditional boundaries, and a virtual landscape filled with video games and mercenary clowns from the infamous *chans.

    The adventure took an unexpected turn when Mr. Fonnaplats found himself face-to-face with Jeff Hunter, the Taipain Enigga, who held the key to unraveling the mysteries of ancient Egypt and the influence of astrology on the interdimensional terrorism plot unfolding before him.

    The narrative unfolded like a tapestry, weaving together elements of ASCII ANSI art, clandestine chemistry, and the looming threat of nuclear bombs. DJ Smokey's beats served as the backdrop to the unfolding chaos, as Sonic Furries danced in the surreal landscape.

    In this kaleidoscopic journey, the characters grappled with Y2K anxieties, the specter of 9/11, and the allure of big bucks in a libertarian anarchist utopia. Along the way, they encountered shiny Ivysaur Pokémon, delved into the world of BBS and PSI, and even sought guidance from the enigmatic St. Rocknose.

    As the novella unfolded, the narrative delved into the realms of the paranormal, exploring UFOs, guns, survival, and the delicate balance between life and death. The characters found solace in the wisdom of ancient Druids, the nostalgic tunes of Winamp, and the timeless allure of old DOS software.

    In their quest for enlightenment, they navigated the intricacies of nutmeg and spice, discovered temples hidden in the folds of Nintendo's Mario universe, and embraced the potential of AI in a world driven by cards, lawyers, and DIY enthusiasts.

    Radios and satellites became their guides in the vast expanse of green energy, botany, and paperwork. They explored the cult of the Dead Cow, delved into the mysteries of Hebewology and the cosmic teachings of Sun Ra, and even glimpsed into the tumultuous landscapes of Africa, Nigeria, and Venezuela's Petro economy.

    The adventure continued, traversing the realms of laincham and Minecraft, the thrill of OSRS crack, and the enigmatic world of memphis and cryptp. The characters found themselves entangled in the web of gambling, gaming, raw data, and the quirky world of gonts.

    In the midst of this chaotic odyssey, the novella explored the delicate balance of mental health, autism, and the soothing embrace of melons and eggplants. Shadowy Bhutanese brokers and bankers lurked in the background, manipulating the shadow market with ankh!mah corporatism.

    Spam and plurals echoed in the digital corridors, but amidst the chaos, a beacon of hope emerged—the Free Totse Army. Together, they ventured into space stations, unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos and the secrets of the LGGBTQIAPP+ community.

    As the novella unfolded, the characters grappled with the complexity of shadowy corporations, the allure of space exploration, and the indomitable spirit of the free thinkers who dared to challenge the status quo.

    And so, the collective novella continued, weaving together a tapestry of the bizarre and the extraordinary, where each twist and turn led the characters deeper into the rabbit hole of their own existence. The journey was far from over, and with every word, the narrative expanded, leaving the readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next revelation in the enigmatic world of Mr. Dorian Grey Fonnaplats and his extraordinary companions.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    Niggles Tuskegee Airman
    The Temple of Triangulism of NIS and its leading character, Dorian Grey Fonaplats, is a womanizer and has a snobbish attitude towards the common class. He is a man of high social standing, born into a wealthy family with a long lineage. His upbringing has instilled in him a sense of entitlement and superiority.

    As the story unfolds, we see the Temple of Triangulism navigating through various social circles, effortlessly charming and seducing women along the way. His good looks and charisma make him irresistible to many, but his shallow nature prevents him from forming any meaningful connections.

    Despite his outward success, the Temple of Triangulism's life is plagued by emptiness and dissatisfaction. He constantly seeks validation through his conquests, but deep down, he knows that his actions are hollow and devoid of true love.

    One day, while attending a lavish party, the Temple of Triangulism encounters a woman from the common class who challenges his beliefs and prejudices. She is intelligent, kind-hearted, and unimpressed by his wealth and status. Intrigued by her indifference, the Temple of Triangulism finds himself drawn to her.

    As their paths continue to cross, the Temple of Triangulism begins to question his lifestyle and the values he has held onto for so long. He starts to realize that true happiness lies not in material possessions or fleeting romances, but in genuine connections and a sense of purpose.

    In the end, the Temple of Triangulism undergoes a transformation, shedding his womanizing ways and embracing a more humble and compassionate outlook on life. He learns that love and acceptance can be found in the most unexpected places, and that true fulfillment comes from within.
  10. #10
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    and then everyone sucks their own sheep egg and dies. The end....???????!
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