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There is no reason to stop is there?

  1. #21
  2. #22
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Wariat So tou rhibk tou bradley or atar trek have bettwr game? Ask star trek he saw me in afrion.

    Bradley has game, he walks around talking about how big his cock is to people and it seems to work
  3. #23
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    vinny do you know the history of this guy and his studio. how the fuck did he meet these girls and attract them to his studio to do that shit and keep them fro telling anyone?
  4. #24
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    "I tired of hiding":
  5. #25
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    "Masha Babko’s nightmare: the victim of a pedophile photographer told about the experience

    The girl was lured to the shooting by the now convicted Novosibirsk photographer Sergei Kropochkin. At that time, the girl Masha was 10 years old. Now Masha is 20 years old and she continues to experience the consequences of childhood trauma. Masha first gave an interview and told about what she experienced and continues to experience after her pictures leaked to the Network.

    The shooting with the photographer “Uncle Serezha” lasted two years. Interrupted, when the Director was planted, his photo studio “Siberian mice” was closed...

    A page in the social network Maria Babko opened recently. Thousands of subscribers instantly. Under each post of the girl – hundreds of sarcastic comments: “When are the new videos?”, “Thank you for your childhood.” And, of course, the most popular question: “How is Uncle Seryozha?”

    Uncle Seryozha is a 58-year-old photographer Sergei Kropochkin. In February 2014, a Novosibirsk court convicted a man. He was convicted of 145 counts of sexually assaulting underage girls.

    Kropochkin was the founder of the photo studio “Siberian mice”. In the atelier of the “creative figure” found an impressive archive with images of naked teenagers. For 15 years, Kropochkin introduced himself as a photographer of a modeling agency and lured girls shooting. He also starred in explicit scenes with children. His favorite model was Maria Babko.

    After much thought, Maria gave an interview to MK:

    - how wide resonance her story received.

    - Do you think I became famous only in Novosibirsk? You’re wrong, the interviewer started. - Judging by the number of negative reviews in my address, it seems to me that the whole country knows my history. Everything that happened to me should not have been widely publicized, because the criminal case was classified. My photos and videos went online. So my name thundered throughout Russia.

    Why Babko decided to make her story even more public, she explained simply: “I’m tired. They make unequivocal proposals to me, I receive obscene comments in the public domain on the Internet. I'm tired of hiding and fearing my name. I want everyone to know the truth about me, and maybe then people will stop poisoning me.”

    I turned on the recorder.

    Do you remember the events of that time?

    - Of course.

    But you were only 10 years old?

    - That doesn't go away.

    - How did it all start?

    I was friends with a girl who was 12 years old. One day she asked me to take a picture for a magazine. I really wanted to keep everything from my parents. She asked me not to worry about anything. We went to meet with photographer Sergei Kropochkin. The first photo was in clothes. It's nothing special. But even then I thought that it was wrong and, most likely, it would end badly.

    - Where was it?

    - In a rented apartment.

    What did you think of Kropochkin?

    He was polite, kind. How to explain? Just an ordinary friendly man.

    - Did he pay the money?

    - Yes. For that shooting gave me 500 or 1000 rubles.

    Did you leave school?

    - Yes. I kept going to school, hanging out with my girlfriends. My life was no different from that of ordinary children. Except when I went to see a photographer for a few hours.

    Did you come to him often?

    - After the first shooting, Kropochkin began to call me on my cell phone almost daily. Of all the girls he had filmed, it was me he addressed most often. We have met. Once. The other one. The third. Slowly he approached me. Over time, he began filming for undressing. They soon got naked.

    Why was he so attracted to you?

    According to him, I received the most orders. Why? You should ask those perverts who paid money for movies. Kropochkin explained that I was the most beautiful, and therefore in demand.

    Who were those employees?

    Kropochkin said that customers were people from different countries. He was sent a finished script of the film, he translated from English or German. I did it myself. The money was transferred to him in some clever way. As I understand it, the money went to encrypted accounts. Everything was conspired.

    How did your parents not notice you were missing?

    I grew up in a large family: I have three brothers and a sister. Parents cannot pay attention to everyone. And then Kropochkin kept the conspiracy. For example, I never came home late, I tried to come before dark. The photographer took the girls only for a couple of hours and only during the day. My parents could not suspect anything. I told my mother that I was going for a walk with my girlfriends, and I went to the photographer myself.

    Kropochkin thought it over carefully.

    - He was a professional in this case, acted according to the worked out scheme.

    How much money did you get for direct photography?

    For the shooting, which gained wide popularity in the Network and turned my life into hell, I received 10 thousand rubles. In general, the prices of the photographer were not very large. He must have lied to us. I thought I was paying a lot. Now I understand that he gave meager fees, and he earned decently on his business.

    What did you spend money on at the age of 10?

    - Everything you've seen. Bought children's magazines, toys, nothing useful.

    “I knew I was doing something bad. But it went anyway.”

    Is your video still available online?

    You have to try hard to find it. Strangers constantly ask me to send videos, photos. But I want to note that I starred only in erotic episodes. All the girls after Kropochkin’s arrest were taken to a medical examination, where they were checked for virginity. I was a virgin.

    - Apparently, Kropochkin understood that such things can give him a long time?

    He knew if he hadn’t crossed the line. There were also adult girls in his films. Perhaps more serious things happened in their case.

    How quickly did you realize you were doing something wrong?

    I immediately realized that this is bad, you can not do such things.

    Did you go to the photographer?

    For a while, I stopped talking to him. I was afraid of him and ignored his calls. But then he talked me into it, and I went back to him.

    - How did you get it?

    Kropochkin was a good psychologist, knew the approach to children. He managed to persuade all the girls. He always worked slowly, calmly, there was no violence and coercion. After filming, he took us home. I don’t know how this could happen in my life.

    How many years did you go to him?

    Two years before he was arrested. When I was 12, it was over.

    Did he have a family?

    He had a wife and an adult daughter who lived in France. He told us about himself. He was no longer living with his wife at the time.

    How many girls went through his studio?

    As far as I know, there were about 500 victims. He's been doing this for over 10 years.

    Have all the girls been found?

    - Like all of them.

    Did you keep in touch with the other girls?

    - No, I don't talk to anyone.

    Did you meet the victims at the trial?

    “I knew some of the girls, but we didn’t talk much then either. And after the arrest of Kropochkin and completely broke off relations.

    “They didn’t give a psychologist to the girls, they decided that we would cope with emotions ourselves”

    How was Kropochkin caught?

    “That day we walked with the girls, went to a children’s club, where the animators held discos,” recalls Babko. A friend came up to me and said that Kropochkin was detained. One girl who went to see him had her father working for the police. Her parents once found her daughter 1000 rubles. That was money from her first shoot. She told her parents everything. That's how Kropochkin was covered.

    - How did you get on?

    - That was easy. When he was detained, he found a computer, flash drives, where photos and videos were stored. During the interrogation, he gave us our names. I still don't know the details, but the cops found all the girls. We all lived in the same city.

    How did the parents react?

    - They didn't know right away. A police report was sent to our house. My mom and I went to the office. They told her everything. When my parents found out, they were very sick. My father was silent, my mother was crying. They did not understand how this could happen to their daughter and where they were looking. Then the proceedings began: my mother and I were taken for questioning, we went to the places where Kropochkin invited us, where films were shot.

    Did you have a bet with him?

    - No, I didn't.

    Have psychologists worked with you?

    - Yes. I only spoke to the female investigator. I thought she replaced the psychologist. But the girls were not provided with a separate specialist in this case. Maybe they thought we'd handle our emotions and feelings anyway?

    Were you present at the trial?

    I have only attended a few meetings where I was involved. The trial was held in closed mode, there were no extra people there. When we were sentenced, we were not invited.

    Did Kropochkin say anything to you at the trial?

    He apologized to his parents and children.

    Do you think he was genuinely sorry?

    I think sincerely.

    He was sentenced to 14 years. Do you think this is a long time for such a crime?

    - I don't know. That's a long time for me. He could have been given more, but apparently found no reason. I received a letter from him last year. He wrote about his life in prison and apologized. Interested in my life, wanted me to send a reply email. Kropochkin is considering appealing for parole. I asked all the girls to confirm in writing that there was no violence during the filming, no one was forced to do this. He had to prove that we didn't consider ourselves victims.

    - Did you answer him?

    - Yes.

    “I’m afraid to be in society.”

    - What happened next?

    The hell started. I was thirteen, Kropochkin had already been sent to the colony. And at that point, someone leaked a video and a photo of me online. All these materials were replicated at a furious speed. Soon the whole school knew what I was doing at the age of 10.

    How did your classmates recognize you? You're all grown up.

    I have a recognizable face. It was easy to identify. My appearance has hardly changed. My classmates have been talking to me since I was a child – they immediately recognized me. First, they began to joke behind their backs, poking their finger. Then more. Send humiliation and insults. Do you know how child abuse happens? Everywhere is the same. I cried, I skipped school, I didn't come to school... At some point, I could no longer tolerate it and asked my parents to transfer me to another school.

    Did you have friends at school?

    I had a lot of friends. After that story, they were gone. I was ashamed not only to be friends, but even to stand next to me. From me and then all people turned away when they learned about the past. It's a herd feeling. It is a normal phenomenon in adolescence.

    Has anyone you know stood up for you?

    - Yes.

    Did your parents tell you about it?

    - Of course. They knew I was being poisoned. My father took documents from the schools where I studied. In the end, they changed five schools. None of them survived.

    Have you been bullied at every school?

    At the beginning of each school, no one knew about me. But the story quickly passed from mouth to mouth over the Internet. As soon as the classmates found out, they started sending videos to each other, telling stories about me. And the persecution resumed with a new force. That's what happened. She came to school one day, caught oblique glances, laughs behind her back - and immediately realized that everyone was already aware. I packed quickly and left school.

    How long did the bullying last?

    - It continues to this day. You've seen what I read online...

    Did you finish the 11th grade?

    After changing five schools, I decided to go to school: I naively believed that it would be calmer there. But information soon arrived. Everyone reacted badly, including the teachers. I remember the day someone posted the video in the virtual group of the school, I was summoned to the director’s office.

    Two teachers of my course and a deputy director were present during the conversation. They turned the computer monitor in my direction, showed me photos that appeared on the Internet. They questioned him and asked him to explain where it came from. I couldn't hold back my tears. I didn't explain anything. Just said, "Call the prosecutor's office and find out if you need to." The next day I took the papers from the school...

    Have your teachers talked to your parents?

    They didn’t call their parents, they didn’t call the police. Just poked my nose into these pictures and demanded an explanation.

    Did your parents react to your behavior?

    I came to collect the papers with my father. I didn’t describe the whole situation. I just said I couldn't study there anymore because of the teachers. I think he figured it out. Dad always protected me. And that time he probably wished them something goodbye. I was not present at their meeting.

    Did your brothers and sisters defend you?

    - Of course. And they protected me. Of course, I did not have to fight with anyone, but I was helped to fight off attacks on the Internet.

    How did you take it all out?

    - It was hard. I was terribly worried that I had no friends, many threats were received, as a result, my psyche broke. It was hard to lose friends over and over again. It was hard for me to understand why people hated me, because I did nothing wrong to anyone. And in the end, I found one way out - to die. I made three attempts. I was miraculously saved.

    “I’m thinking of changing my name.”

    Should I have left Novosibirsk?

    Dad offered. I refused. I didn't want to hide. I knew that wherever I went, sooner or later I would be famous. And the persecution will begin with a new force in any other city. Why do I have to run around my whole life like I'm a criminal? This is not life. They will recognize me in Moscow. I recently arrived in the capital. While walking around the city, young people often approached me on the street: “Is your name Masha? Can I take a picture with you?” I refused. Silently she left. My story is known mainly to young people, especially guys my age and a little older.

    Did you change your name?

    I will be changing my passport and possibly my last name.

    - How did the video with your participation get to the Network, if the criminal case was considered in closed mode?

    - No one knows. There are two versions: either the video was leaked by police officers, or posted by the customers of the films themselves. I'm more inclined to believe that the employers did it. They didn’t just buy movies for themselves. Probably sold out later. When Kropochkin was imprisoned, many of them lost their earnings, began to earn on old materials. Let's go.

    Have you tried removing links from the network?

    Getting off the internet is very difficult. In fact, such things should be bathed, it is prohibited by law. Now it is really difficult to find those videos, but people managed to copy themselves, still send each other. They say there's some kind of forum of perverts where they discuss me violently...

    Interview continuation:
  6. #26
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    the interview entioned how some girl recruited her who was 12. so what i wanna knwo who recrutied the girl and how? also jhow is this diff than eppstein?
  7. #27
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    "Kropochkin was a good psychologist, knew the approach to children. He managed to persuade all the girls. He always worked slowly, calmly, there was no violence and coercion. After filming, he took us home. I don’t know how this could happen in my life."
  8. #28
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    how the fuck does soeone becoe this good guys? fuys? star trek?
  9. #29
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Siberian Rats
  10. #30
    Originally posted by Wariat vinny do you know the history of this guy and his studio. how the fuck did he meet these girls and attract them to his studio to do that shit and keep them fro telling anyone?

    by offering them money if they do something he wanted,

    just like everyone else.
  11. #31
    Originally posted by totse2118 Siberian Rats

  12. #32
    Originally posted by Wariat By game do tou mesn lying.
    No. He means being a mack. a bona fide pimp.
  13. #33
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny by offering them money if they do something he wanted,

    just like everyone else.

    do you know fucking in poland just like usa soliciting a minor for prostitution jsut asking for it not even getting it is a crime? i have asked in diff ways before like mentioned do you do anything for money and even then they just say fuck you or fuck off here in poland and this was two chicks whose age i didnt know in middle of the night walking in a very ssupect matter where one of them first started syaing yes and later claimed she didnt hear as her music was on only to tlak trash for no reason.
  14. #34
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny by offering them money if they do something he wanted,

    just like everyone else.

    lol literally every time
  15. #35
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    again in poland prostituion doe snot even really exist outside brothels and the interne tbut the internet its mostly scams in between some legit offers you really have to know where to look. ask star trek its all strip club scams or trying to invite you to strips even the supposed brothel the taxi took us was a scam didnt even open.
  16. #36
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    ""Tired of hiding": Masha Babko first told about herself and those who tried to bring her to suicide

    Masha Babko is a “girl from memes” who were encountered by almost everyone who at least occasionally happens to be online. But its online popularity can hardly be envied. At the age of 10, she became a pedophile victim, and a few years later, photos and videos of her participation were streamed online.

    In November 2011, after a joint operation with Interpol, pedophile photographer Sergei Kropochkin was detained. During the investigation, it turned out that he was a member of an international criminal gang that traded in an illegal video. Kropochkin was sentenced to 14 years in prison.

    Over the next eight years, Masha changed five schools, tried to commit suicide three times, thought about moving to another city. And in the end she decided to talk about her journey into the abyss of human hatred, and how difficult it is to get out of it.

    About why she decided to break the silence
    This year I’m 20 years old, and I’m tired of hiding, fearing my own name, face, pretending to be some other person. And afraid of what happened in the past. It, this past, should not make me such a person - withdrawn, lonely. So I just decided to try to be myself and do everything for myself.

    I created the VKontakte page and on Instagram, and the guys from MDK wrote to me, they called me over, and I agreed - the attempt is not torture, but they are a very large public, they have a lot of subscribers. All my life I have been confronted with inadequate people, so the reaction of the audience did not frighten me. You have to treat everything with humor.

    In a personal note, of course, different people. Haters, too, but adequate people come, by the way, there are even more of them than haters. They write good things, wishes, offer to meet, hang out. In general, the good guys write.

    Sometimes, of course, they send very unpleasant things. I answer someone purely to burn, but some do not answer at all. It bothers the same thing all the time.

    When I lived with my parents in Novosibirsk, they even came to me. That was before I “came out of the shadows,” so to speak. Apparently, my old classmates leaked my address - strangers went there and came. And it was very scary, because you do not know what to expect from them.

    About the scary story
    I remember that when it started, I was 10 years old. I had a girlfriend in the yard, and she had a girlfriend, Inna (name changed - ed.). Here she somehow called me to make a film, like for advertising children's clothes. I agreed and went.

    This Inna immediately said that parents can not say anything. In principle, the first shooting was normal, in clothes, nothing like that. But I initially realized that something was wrong. And then it somehow all went and went on.

    Parents did not suspect anything. Firstly, we never returned home late, always came before dark. Secondly, it was always possible to lie, that we "go for a walk with the girls." That is, your girlfriends follow you, and you go for a walk - that's all.

    We met with him at the appointed place, away from people. In order not to see that we sit in the car and drive off somewhere. That is to say, it was very easy to lie - children are believed. And thirdly, all this did not last so long - he was soon detained and his parents simply did not have time to suspect anything.

    As he explained to us, [orders for photos and videos] came from abroad. From different countries from different people who "love children" and love to look at little girls. All was paid through the left accounts. Sometimes he was sent scripts in English. He translated them, and then read to us and explained what to do. Why was I so popular in the end? Because most of all orders were on me.

    He gave us money. And in fact, when I received the money, I didn’t even know where to spend it, I still had half the money. Parents, of course, did not know about the money.

    It is difficult for me to answer the question why I agreed, why I went there. I have a good family, we never needed anything. Of course, I am not the only child in the family - I have three brothers and a sister, and my parents didn’t pay much attention to me: my father worked, my mother worked with children, and I, as a helper. And that's all. But parents gave everything to the maximum, everything they could give.

    But the fact is that all the girls really trusted him. There was no psychological pressure, no threat to tell something to parents, no. He would not tell anyone, he understood that he would be imprisoned for it. Yes, and it would be foolish to threaten children.

    He really was like a friend to many. Even to be honest, outside the filming, he could communicate with the girls, he could always be called, he would come and talk to you, just talk. Could money help, somewhere to bring. He was like a friend. I was very lonely then, and I communicated with him.

    About the letter from prison
    He was detained in the winter, almost to my birthday - I should have turned 12 years old. As far as I know, there was one girl who called her friend to act. And this friend's father worked in the police. And when he found money from her that he did not give her, she told him where she got it.

    When he was detained, even OMON, in my opinion, was there. I know this already from rumored girls. We walked, and once Tanya came up to me and said: “He was detained, everything, we are fucked up”. And I have everything collapsed. I just understood what was about to begin. I was already preparing. I was afraid of parents, their convictions. At that age I was not afraid of the reaction of society.

    "Tired of Hiding": Masha Babko 2/3 Masha Babko Interview 19/02/28(Thu)17:23 No. 124173

    No one still knows how all this "wealth" got on the Internet. Many wrote, they say, that the cops merged, because it was all they had. Many say that it is the customers themselves. And then everyone was afraid of their parents, and then, when all of this on the Internet surfaced, then everything was over. Already a veil, on the life of the cross.

    But it all began, of course, with the parents. When the subpoena arrived, my mother went with me. When everything was told to her mother, she left the office in tears, did not understand anything at all: how could she have missed such a big interval in the life of her own child, who was constantly growing up, it seemed, before our eyes.

    Then there were interrogations, the police worked with us. We came separately, ourselves - with our parents we could not tell anything, because it was necessary to remember in detail when, what and how much, to describe the places. It was very difficult, because we never thought that something needs to be memorized.

    There were no investigative experiments, but they drove me around the apartments, and I remembered. And the forensic examination was. We didn’t have a psychologist during interrogations, but were interrogated by a female investigator. She was very loyal to us, not pressed.

    At the trial, we were several times. There nothing depended on us at all. We just sat in the hall and were silent. He was sentenced for half an hour, and we just sit like this: "Damn, when this is over, I want to go home."

    Parents, of course, sat in shock, nobody looked at each other. All were generally disconnected. And with the girls, those girlfriends, we then no longer communicated. Sergey on trial just sat behind bars, that's all. At one meeting, he apologized, but rather to his parents than to us. But it did not ease his fate.

    Now, I know for sure, he is alive and sitting. I can reveal a secret: last year I received a letter from him from prison. He wanted to apply for parole on the grounds that the girls themselves were allegedly shot at his own free will, and there was no violence. I kept the letter.

    He wanted to get a letter from each girl so that we could answer. Of course, he did not order anything, just asked to write his opinion about the whole story, now, when we are already at this age conscious.

    All the girls, by the way, as far as I know, are alive and well, many have got married. Well, of course I know this by rumors, I personally do not communicate with them after the trial.

    About baiting
    The hardest thing started after. The worst period was from 12 to 16 years after it all got on the Internet. It was unreal to make friends. Nobody knew anything before the photos and videos: the court session was closed. Only some teachers were invited to the process, but they, of course, should have been silent.

    And then suddenly it began: friends began to throw me off, show, ask, like “what the fuck is this?”. Many people began to turn away, even those who knew me for a long time. They just changed their opinion about me, as if you were no longer a person for them, but just some kind of squalor and everything.

    In most cases, these were boys. The girls just said something like “whore”, “prostitute”. And the boys really behaved aggressively: humiliated and poisoned, such psychological pressure. Well, at least no one tried to do something physically.

    I could not stand for a long time and left the school - during this time I changed five schools.

    After the ninth grade, I tried to study at the Novosibirsk River College, but even there I was faced with harassment. I don’t know why I went there. I didn’t like it there initially, there was no education there, and when it all started, the teachers didn’t try to protect me.

    I remember, I came the next day, when everyone would scrutinize these photos and videos to each other, and they say to me: “That's it, don't come tomorrow. Come - you fucked up. " And suddenly they call me to the college administration and start showing me photos. They turn my monitor to me, leaf through photos and type: “What is this?”. I say: “You, damn it, what, I'm 16 years old, why are you showing me this? Call the prosecutor’s office, let them tell you all this, you don’t have the right to stick a nose at me at this. ” Well, I left, right that day. Lasted somewhere up to the third pair and just left. My mind could not stand it.

    In the last school I already studied on the evening basis, and only there everyone was not interested. Only those who did not finish their studies there studied: adults who want to get a certificate. Everybody didn't care at all.

    About suicide attempts
    There was no help: neither school psychologists, nor ordinary ones. She appeared only when I tried to kill myself. But this is already clear: they register, write you down to a psychologist, you go to him.

    In total, I had three attempts at suicide. The first - in 14 years. Twice the pill, once - cut the veins. And every time I was saved.

    And suddenly I realized that I could not let my parents down so much - they really helped. If I die, they will be very painful, and my friends will also be who have appeared. By the way, at some point, my father even offered to leave the city, move to the grandmother in the Krasnodar Territory, but I myself did not want to move, did not want to run away.

    "Tired of Hiding": Masha Babko 3/3 Masha Babko Interview 19/02/28(Thu)17:24 No. 124175

    Still saved books. Generally, I like to read. I love fantasy. The last book I read is called Alice Syndrome . This is about a hacker girl who takes revenge on her old friends for what they have done to her. Quite an interesting book.

    My love for reading from this particular period of life when I suffered from loneliness lived according to a home-school-home schedule. The only thing that reassured me was books. I plunged into them and everything. Somehow my dad came to me and said: "On, Jules Verne," Journey to the Center of the Earth. This is my favorite book, I read it just at your age. Check it out. Well, I “checked out”, sat and read until the morning. And somehow I fell in love with fantasy and fantasy.

    If I write myself, then only for myself - I keep diaries, these are my own thoughts in my head, this is personal. But maybe someday I will write a book. I do not know what will be there, but it will definitely be an unearthly something. Not about my life - I have nothing to write about here.

    Now I have passed the age when I wanted to commit suicide. Because I realized that I was not ready to kill myself and lose my life, because some people hate me. Who are they to me, why should I prove something to them? I will just live for myself.

    I am not some kind of “traumatized person”, I am quite adequate to myself, I adequately think and understand that I had mistakes, that my attempts at suicide are nonsense, childhood, romanticization of suicide because you feel bad. I'm an ordinary girl, I just happened to a bad thing in my life, that's all.

    The trail of this story continues to this day, and I do not know what to do with it. It must somehow be removed. Although, I understand, he will haunt me all my life. I resigned.

    I thought that maybe I could somehow help those with similar stories. But I just do not know who will listen to me, that's all. I have not experienced anything supernatural, many are raped, and worse things are done. And what happened to me happened to me because I was a blunt-faced child.

    About good people and big plans
    I never thought that I would begin as if to “hack” on my past. So this is what they say to me, that I “begin to hip at this.” But I just got tired of living as if I was just an extra part of society. I have this feeling all the time.

    For example, on the street they learn, like: “Oooh, you were shooting at the CPU!”. Sometimes, fit, offer to take pictures. I am not proud of it in any way, I refuse of course.

    In general, after all these years, I have little surprises. But when you write in a personal and offer sex for money or star in porn - it is surprising. Moreover, it is clear that people are adults. And after all, nothing stops them: I'm an adult, you can offer.

    But thanks to this story and everything that happened afterwards, I found true friends who went through fire, water and copper pipes with me, one might say. Who stood up for me, who didn't believe the rumors. That is, I now have them, and I am glad about it. In all you need to look for their advantages, and I found them.

    Now I have a lot of plans. First, I want to get a normal education, and not just 11 classes. I have a lot of ideas, for example, I would like to become a psychologist. Help the same girls or boys, those who have experienced this. I was a little interested in how such help was arranged in the West, I watched a lot of films, read books about violence, about how people experience it. It's interesting, but my story, of course, is not like those. There, people are really raped and coerced. I'm not like that.

    I also want to move to Moscow. Maybe then somewhere else - I'll think about it. But in general, I have a dream - with friends to go to Amsterdam. There is a beach from the movie “Reaching the Heavens” - this film has a crush right in my soul, and I would really like to go there.

    Maybe someday I want to have a family and children. But in fact, there is a fear that I, too, will not be able to keep track of them, because we live in such a society. Now sex is on every corner.

    And that's what I want to say. You always have to be strong, whatever the situation in life, you have to be yourself and move on. You can not just put a cross on yourself. I want to live for myself, create for myself, for loved ones. So that people see that, despite the events from your past, you are not a bad person. And I want at least some people to show it."
  17. #37
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I find this facinating anyone else? star trek? scron?

    I remember that when it started, I was 10 years old. I had a girlfriend in the yard, and she had a girlfriend, Inna (name changed - ed.). Here she somehow called me to make a film, like for advertising children's clothes. I agreed and went.

    This Inna immediately said that parents can not say anything. In principle, the first shooting was normal, in clothes, nothing like that. But I initially realized that something was wrong. And then it somehow all went and went on.

    Parents did not suspect anything. Firstly, we never returned home late, always came before dark. Secondly, it was always possible to lie, that we "go for a walk with the girls." That is, your girlfriends follow you, and you go for a walk - that's all.

    We met with him at the appointed place, away from people. In order not to see that we sit in the car and drive off somewhere. That is to say, it was very easy to lie - children are believed. And thirdly, all this did not last so long - he was soon detained and his parents simply did not have time to suspect anything.

    As he explained to us, [orders for photos and videos] came from abroad. From different countries from different people who "love children" and love to look at little girls. All was paid through the left accounts. Sometimes he was sent scripts in English. He translated them, and then read to us and explained what to do. Why was I so popular in the end? Because most of all orders were on me.

    He gave us money. And in fact, when I received the money, I didn’t even know where to spend it, I still had half the money. Parents, of course, did not know about the money.

    It is difficult for me to answer the question why I agreed, why I went there. I have a good family, we never needed anything. Of course, I am not the only child in the family - I have three brothers and a sister, and my parents didn’t pay much attention to me: my father worked, my mother worked with children, and I, as a helper. And that's all. But parents gave everything to the maximum, everything they could give.
  18. #38
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    But the fact is that all the girls really trusted him. There was no psychological pressure, no threat to tell something to parents, no. He would not tell anyone, he understood that he would be imprisoned for it. Yes, and it would be foolish to threaten children.

    He really was like a friend to many. Even to be honest, outside the filming, he could communicate with the girls, he could always be called, he would come and talk to you, just talk. Could money help, somewhere to bring. He was like a friend. I was very lonely then, and I communicated with him.

    About the letter from prison
    He was detained in the winter, almost to my birthday - I should have turned 12 years old. As far as I know, there was one girl who called her friend to act. And this friend's father worked in the police. And when he found money from her that he did not give her, she told him where she got it.

    When he was detained, even OMON, in my opinion, was there. I know this already from rumored girls. We walked, and once Tanya came up to me and said: “He was detained, everything, we are fucked up”. And I have everything collapsed. I just understood what was about to begin. I was already preparing. I was afraid of parents, their convictions. At that age I was not afraid of the reaction of society.

    "Tired of Hiding": Masha Babko 2/3 Masha Babko Interview 19/02/28(Thu)17:23 No. 124173

    No one still knows how all this "wealth" got on the Internet. Many wrote, they say, that the cops merged, because it was all they had. Many say that it is the customers themselves. And then everyone was afraid of their parents, and then, when all of this on the Internet surfaced, then everything was over. Already a veil, on the life of the cross.

    But it all began, of course, with the parents. When the subpoena arrived, my mother went with me. When everything was told to her mother, she left the office in tears, did not understand anything at all: how could she have missed such a big interval in the life of her own child, who was constantly growing up, it seemed, before our eyes.
  19. #39
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Wariat I find this facinating anyone else? star trek? scron?

    i dont get it
  20. #40
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    its fascinating stuff man. the whole interview from a first hand account of what it was like doing porn at such an age.
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