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I saw a couple guns on Facebook.

  1. #1
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    And they like black listed my facebook where everything was exed out and I told them that I know this is in spanish format and that we know you made a format where we know that you wanted to exort an individual and blaine told them he know's exactactly what they're saying. Who would just show you a gun or show up in court where blaine tells them it's an perfecetly good format and that we fill, and that's how I feel. If you get extorted we will began to say something righntin Blaine and we will begin to talk about how we feel. Who else whould she or he show that too? Who else would say that this is what we said (428) time and proclament. If I see one one more gun one my facebook I'm going to say.
  2. #2
    Ok but why are you still on Facebook?
  3. #3
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    I like to practice profile.
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