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Save yourselves from Lanny

  1. #61
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Prometheus Since you’re obviously ignoring my question regarding who from here has joined I’m going to assume the reason you’re here begging for people to join your cult is because the migration has been unsuccessful so far.

    I don't know who's there because they use different usernames. I'm not trying to get everyone to migrate I'm just letting people know they have a safe place to turn to. Fox said nis was the last stop for people looking to kill themselves.
  2. #62
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Lanny That's great, no one is forced to be here lol. I don't really need to be in a place where being mean isn't allowed, although I do post on forums that have stricter moderation and the shitflinging that's endemic here is considered off topic. And that's fine. Places like that should exist, and if that's what you want go forth and enjoy it, most of the world works that way. But that's not what NiS is or aspires to be, and I don't know what about this site would ever make you think that. Like did you roll in and see the "rape escape" banner and page after page of "fuck niggers" threads and think this was a place where everyone's friends and nice to eachother?

    Like honestly there are people here I'd consider friends of a kind, which is not how I feel about online randoms, and part of that is because there's really no reason to pretend to like anyone on here. So if someone isn't an asshole to you that's like actually a kinda genuine thing. The reason everyone hates your guts Kafka, is because you're too retarded to realize that's the dynamic here and you try to cozy up with people as if there's something to gain, then get upset when you can't exchange social credit for sycophantic ass kissing.

    How long did you know Sophie for and you still threw him under the bus.
  3. #63
    Prometheus Houston
    Originally posted by Kafka I don't know who's there because they use different usernames. I'm not trying to get everyone to migrate I'm just letting people know they have a safe place to turn to. Fox said nis was the last stop for people looking to kill themselves.

    Fox said lol.

    A lotta people say a lotta things here. Your own post history is actually pretty damning if you’re looking to take what’s posted here to the bank.

    I’m personally not interested in a heavily moderated politically correct site.

    Who’s moderating this site? You
  4. #64
    Originally posted by Kafka How long did you know Sophie for and you still threw him under the bus.

    This has zero to do with Sophie and everything to do with your undying need for attention. You’ll never leave this place. You’re not mad at Lanny. You’re mad at yourself for how much you need attention, even at its most negative form, to feel validated.
  5. #65
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Kafka How long did you know Sophie for and you still threw him under the bus.

    "throwing him under the bus" would have been turning over his private records to a crazy bitch because she got uppity about being e-dumped
  6. #66
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Prometheus Fox said lol.

    A lotta people say a lotta things here. Your own post history is actually pretty damning if you’re looking to take what’s posted here to the bank.

    I’m personally not interested in a heavily moderated politically correct site.

    Who’s moderating this site? You

    You do you.
  7. #67
    Prometheus Houston
    Originally posted by Kafka You do you.

    I always do, but you know this

  8. #68
    eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Whoa Im in a cult sweet

    or prolly not there is probably a deeper level where the real cult shit is and I'm being made fun of for not being in the actual cult 😪
  9. #69
    Originally posted by Kafka Fox said nis was the last stop for people looking to kill themselves.

    Ok I did say that but what I meant was more like, totse was a place for society’s rejects and most of those people were already on the edge anyway. So totse was the last stop.

    And then NIS is like 3 stops AFTER the last stop. By all accounts we should all be dead by now from suicide, OD, or criminal lifestyle.

    My point was it has nothing to do with the forum, and everything to do with the type of people that were drawn to it in the first place, because of what it was. And you don’t know what it was since you weren’t there.

    I don’t wanna romanticize it and make it all gay, but totse was a moment in history and it’s gone forever now, whatever is left is a poor shadow of what it once was that lanny just rubber stamped his name on. It’s not “Lanny’s cult” that mf wishes he had the charisma to start a cult. He’s a fuckin autistic weirdo.

    Anyway I dunno man lol, look I know you’re just trying to help in your own way and you’re a good person for that. I think you’re just misunderstood. I hope the new community takes off, and good luck with it.
  10. #70
    Kafka sweaty
    There is some psyops going on here and Lanny's indifference is evil or sociopathic.
  11. #71
    Have you seen Lanny’s eyebrows? Of course he’s a sociopath.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #72
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Fox Ok I did say that but what I meant was more like, totse was a place for society’s rejects and most of those people were already on the edge anyway. So totse was the last stop.

    And then NIS is like 3 stops AFTER the last stop. By all accounts we should all be dead by now from suicide, OD, or criminal lifestyle.

    My point was it has nothing to do with the forum, and everything to do with the type of people that were drawn to it in the first place, because of what it was. And you don’t know what it was since you weren’t there.

    I don’t wanna romanticize it and make it all gay, but totse was a moment in history and it’s gone forever now, whatever is left is a poor shadow of what it once was that lanny just rubber stamped his name on. It’s not “Lanny’s cult” that mf wishes he had the charisma to start a cult. He’s a fuckin autistic weirdo.

    Anyway I dunno man lol, look I know you’re just trying to help in your own way and you’re a good person for that. I think you’re just misunderstood. I hope the new community takes off, and good luck with it.

    Do you hear yourself? You're trying to say the people here are suicidal and that's what this community is about.
  13. #73
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Kafka How long did you know Sophie for and you still threw him under the bus.

    "if you don't do what I want I'm gonna chimp out and it's all your fault"
  14. #74
    Originally posted by Kafka Do you hear yourself? You're trying to say the people here are suicidal and that's what this community is about.

    If you don’t stop misunderstanding what I’m trying to say, I’m going to kill myself.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #75
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by frala Have you seen Lanny’s eyebrows? Of course he’s a sociopath.
  16. #76
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #77
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  18. #78
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by frala

  19. #79
    Kawkasian African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka This site is a trap designed to affect you negatively in a psychological way, and whether Lanny is aware of it or not he doesn't care.

    Imagine being this weak willed and susceptible
  20. #80
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Imagine all the people oooooooo imagine there's no heaven
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