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How do you tell if you're autistic or not?

  1. #21
    Kafka sweaty
    Low self-esteem or guilt can be why people don't want to make eye contact. My dad didn't like my uncle because he never made eye contact with him, and it turned out my uncle was a pedo. With autism it's because it's too intimate, I cba finding the report some part of their brain is hyperaware so eye contact stings. That used to be the case for me until I was 21. Idk what happened but I just dead stare at everyone now and my eyes no longer show emotion. I can't connect with people that way.
  2. #22
    Instigator Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Rape Monster This. I've been diagnosed and I hate it and am ashamed/embarrassed of it basically, it's not something I'd ever openly admit to people or lead with or anything like that, and I highly dislike talking about it with most people or having people find that out about me.

    I wasnt trying to look down on anyone, maybe its cause i do tend to do alot of people watching and I AM myself constantly trying to see my own behaviour in others , I have often thought something wasnt picked up in my early teens/ younger years and it just came across and withdrawn instead of a diagnoses.

    I got diagnosed with Borderline(PD)/PTSD when I was 30 and the only way i found out about that was writing to my outside mental from within prison....

    fuck knows, the Health System is too swamped over here and for once Im actually keeping my head above water, but it still plays over in my head and i thought id question it here In this thread.
  3. #23
    Originally posted by Kafka Your throught processes here almost sound like mine but with a dash of brain fog or old-age.

    I’m 30 ffs
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #24
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Fox I’m 30 ffs

    So is she, but she looks much older.

    Lack of empathy, lack of self-control, inability to see beyond what's immediately in front of her in the present. She's not autistic, she uses it as a shield so she has an excuse handy for any bad behavior.
  5. #25
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Rape Monster This. I've been diagnosed and I hate it and am ashamed/embarrassed of it basically, it's not something I'd ever openly admit to people or lead with or anything like that, and I highly dislike talking about it with most people or having people find that out about me.

    suck it rain man
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