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Interesting analysis of aoc laws again

  1. #41
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    people back in those days did not treat raping a 5 year old and grbabing her or him by the ankle behind a barn while it screamed the same as consentual sex with say a 12 year old prostitute or a procorious girl like the one you claim in my case who herself already fuked a 16 yr old and liekd sex and older men and attention as the same as raping some fuking 5 year old you dimwit retard. it is your society that does this not the british in the 19th century and most of the 20th century and whole history of mankind in anglo saxons or britain that maybe thinks like you. certainly none thought like you during those debatesnwhere it should be 13 or 16. read the fucking article how mny times i have to repeat it.
  2. #42
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    aldra you are so fucking stupid for being a computer programer it is mind blowing. you and your friend literally came up with a single instance out of like a million to prove some point that wasnt even my point to begin with that people should fuck 5 year olds. i clearly said as i am mostly a libertarian as something is not done against the will to soemone regardless of age and in this case the fact this almsot baby awas screaming if you read scrons link or article clearly goes against everything i said since it wasnt not against the will you halfwit. plus i do feel age should have soe boundary but it certainly should not be what it is not even 16 as long as the girl is precurious or likes sex and has daddy issues like i already stated and plenty of politicians in the house of commons or chambers thought exactly like me if you read the fucking article how many times i have to say it again?
  3. #43
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    basically age shouldnt even be the deciding factor but the behavior of the girl or people involved whether it was coherced or forced or not not some fucking arbitrary umber. and certianly people should not be putting others down for wanting to bang 16 year olds which is perfetly legal in any way.
  4. #44
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    hpow the fuck is this such a good society when the whole history of mankind it wasnt like this where people wer eobsessed when their fucking birthday is and even in the middle ages where church dominated and people msotly only had sex after marriage it was more normal or less structured or forced like it is now with people waiting for birthdays and shit or putting others down for fucking eprfeclty legal 16 yr olds?
  5. #45
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
  6. #46
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    how is it a healthy society when americans wait for 18 yr old birthdays and ruin girls in porn like facial abuse but beforehand treat them like princesses vs middle ages where people jsut did what they wanted basically even though sex before marriage was frowned up upon and even if you watch braveheart the british raped scottish women of peasant origin on their wedding nights? i still say thats better than porn and facial abuse and what comes out of america bro.
  7. #47
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Wariat more on this issues we should be discussing guys:

    "The Criminal Law Amendment Act limited opportunities for blackmail by ‘precocious’ girls by incorporating a clause that exonerated men of any age who had ‘reasonable cause’ to believe that a girl aged 13-15 was over the age of 16; any girl who looked older than her age was therefore not automatically protected by the law. This decision was based on comments such as those made by Sir Thomas Chambers in 1885, who emphasised that sexual consent law should be grounded in ‘fairness to both sides’ and that ‘it might be that a girl of 13 looked much older than she was; it might be that she was not the seduced but the seducer’. The ‘reasonable belief’ clause was restricted to cases involving first offences by men under the age of 24 in 1922. However, it was broadened again in 2003 after a 2001 case law decision (R v K [2001] 3 W.L.R. 471 HL) found that a 26-year-old defendant could be acquitted of an offence against a 14-year-old girl when he had an ‘honest belief’ she was over the age of 16.

    Concerns about precocious behaviour, irrespective of a girl’s appearance, also have a social and cultural legacy that needs to be addressed. Newspapers are full of reports of cases in which the courts present girls as complicit in sexual abuse: in 2013, for example, there was uproar when a Crown Prosecution Service barrister described a 13-year-old girl as ‘predatory’. Such comments are now barely acceptable, but indicate that the idea of ‘precocious’ girls still lingers. Open and honest conversations about the age of sexual consent need to take into consideration not only the need to protect children, but also how to address and remove the enduring mistrust evident within the legal system of girls who appear physically or behaviourally mature. "

    This makes you think as this is difficult to read to even comprehend much less begin to analyze. I fear this may be beyond the mental capacity of the majority of this forum. Basically before 1922 any girl who even looked remotely older thn 13 or probably could easily be dressed up to look older or had boobies wasnt even protected by aoc laws. at least this is what im getting at from reading this; so who is to say they were not right? or people including politicians in the 1800s were not right?

    secondly, why the obsession in poland of 18 when the actual aoc is 15 and why was i even harassed by the militia for drinking with a 16 yr old at the park and admitting to wanting 16 yr olds when this wasnt even the discussion even in the 20th century? and on this forum too. everything in even the 20th century was acceptable as long as she was 16 or looked it. why the obsession with 18 now?

    again aldra did u even read this? or what is ur take on the discussion who really was right all along? those advocating to keep it low or those mroalists like you trying to constantly keep it high or raise it?
  8. #48
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    also aldra what do you call a logical fallacy where you change the subject pointing to something ourtrageous like some texas guy shooting a spic over some 5 year old? whats the name of tha tlogical falalcy aldra? is it slippery slope or ad hominem?
  9. #49
    Originally posted by Wariat people back in those days did not treat raping a 5 year old and grbabing her or him by the ankle behind a barn while it screamed the same as consentual sex with say a 12 year old prostitute or a procorious girl like the one you claim in my case who herself already fuked a 16 yr old and liekd sex and older men and attention as the same as raping some fuking 5 year old you dimwit retard. it is your society that does this not the british in the 19th century and most of the 20th century and whole history of mankind in anglo saxons or britain that maybe thinks like you. certainly none thought like you during those debatesnwhere it should be 13 or 16. read the fucking article how mny times i have to repeat it.

    but what if the 5 year old wanted to have sex and enjoys it and already had sex with 16 year olds and like it.

    is it ok to have sex with that 5 year old then,
  10. #50
    Originally posted by Wariat also aldra what do you call a logical fallacy where you change the subject pointing to something ourtrageous like some texas guy shooting a spic over some 5 year old? whats the name of tha tlogical falalcy aldra? is it slippery slope or ad hominem?

    luciano's razor
  11. #51
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny but what if the 5 year old wanted to have sex and enjoys it and already had sex with 16 year olds and like it.

    is it ok to have sex with that 5 year old then,

    I never advocated for sex with 5 year olds vinny nor did the reformers or revolutionaries back in the day.
  12. #52
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I would think 9-10 and up and only in some isolated cases of 9 mostly 11 and up should be ok again if no one is forced. basiclaly the middle ages laws.
  13. #53
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    the laws that were on the books i mean prior to any of the reformations in the late 1800s sound good to me. you vinny?
  14. #54
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Wariat actully no i didnt. read the fucking article. no one was tlking about 5 year olds in my original post or in england back in the day. that is a logical falalcy pointing to a single case of someone in texas over a 5 year old or age no one anywhere in anything i posted was tlaking about. so it is you who misunderstood my point and the whole british society and the debates over age of consent law sin the late 1800s.

    i never said anything about 5 year olds you psycho
  15. #55
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Wariat people back in those days did not treat raping a 5 year old and grbabing her or him by the ankle behind a barn while it screamed the same as consentual sex with say a 12 year old prostitute or a procorious girl like the one you claim in my case who herself already fuked a 16 yr old and liekd sex and older men and attention as the same as raping some fuking 5 year old you dimwit retard. it is your society that does this not the british in the 19th century and most of the 20th century and whole history of mankind in anglo saxons or britain that maybe thinks like you. certainly none thought like you during those debatesnwhere it should be 13 or 16. read the fucking article how mny times i have to repeat it.

    so you're okay with muslim immigrants raping 13 year olds?
  16. #56
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    im not answering stupid or repeating myself. scron posted an article to prove some point of his regardfing 5 yr olds not me bro.
  17. #57
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    there is no point regarding 5 year olds I think you are just a sperg MUH AGE MUH NUMBERS okay number head your sexuality is a polynomial equation that uses the aoc as x
  18. #58
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    you are the sperg halfbrain retard. your mommy and daddy are alsos spergs. you described your sperg life in a recent post regarding some bus. last reply to you in this thread. and yes there is a point its just beyond your stupid brain or what it can process. i dont fallf or argument falalcies or retards that easily. you adn scron can shove your article down your ass. this is about my article retard.
  19. #59
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    and yes there is a point read the fucking quotes i posted it is called comapring apples and oranges. you dont post some article about texas and soe raped 5 yr old whend iscussing age of consent laws without comapring apples and oranges form the 1800s discussions in england.
  20. #60
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Wariat you are the sperg halfbrain retard. your mommy and daddy are alsos spergs. you described your sperg life in a recent post regarding some bus. last reply to you in this thread. and yes there is a point its just beyond your stupid brain or what it can process. i dont fallf or argument falalcies or retards that easily. you adn scron can shove your article down your ass. this is about my article retard.

    Originally posted by Wariat and yes there is a point read the fucking quotes i posted it is called comapring apples and oranges. you dont post some article about texas and soe raped 5 yr old whend iscussing age of consent laws without comapring apples and oranges form the 1800s discussions in england.

    muh nonce numbers!
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