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Nicotine is gay

  1. #1
    Instigator Space Nigga
    Fuck nicotine

    I must of started smoking when I was 14 and you could get 10 cigs for about £2, they dobt even sell 10 cigs anymore its all 20 cigs for about a tenner

    Anyways I vape nowadays and its more trouble than its worth cause you've got tonbuy a mod and then some mesh coils and then the liquid and I'm constantly fucking around trying to get thw right flavour and if constantly puffing on this thing like I'm a 15 year old polish prostitute and it's fucking annoying like I've never not known lige without nicotine, how retarded is that?

    My grandad had to give up smoking when he turned 60 cause he religiously smoked park drive( its a brand of cigs) since he was a kid and his lungs are fucked and the doctor ordered him too and his method of quitting was to eat wine gums(they're a candy) and then go cold turkey.

    Anyways fuck nicotine and
  2. #2
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    Chios Honey African Astronaut
    cigs are gross.

    cigars are ok. but they're hard on the heart. I love the smell of pipe tobacco though. especially cherry

    cigs are chemical sticks. they stick all kind of chemicals in it because apparently micro doses of rat poisoning is actually addictive.

    yet they're legal at a national level but marijuana is still illegal at a federal level. Why?
  4. #4
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    I puff on a nicotine vape whenever I need a quick pick-me-up.

    It's great, and I also mix various very special ingredients into my vape juice that I use with a very special vape.

    And smoking a cigar once in a while is great also, great for energy and feeling special, great flavour, makes you feel happy, contented, relaxed but energetic.

    I guess when you smoke all the time trying to chase that feeling it gets too much, but it's the same with any drug.

    Name your drug, you do it all the time, it'll fuck you up.
  5. #5
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I don't smoke, tried nicotine gum/mints though, no appreciable effect
  6. #6
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  7. #7
    Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump I puff on a nicotine vape whenever I need a quick pick-me-up.

    It's great, and I also mix various very special ingredients into my vape juice that I use with a very special vape.

    And smoking a cigar once in a while is great also, great for energy and feeling special, great flavour, makes you feel happy, contented, relaxed but energetic.

    I guess when you smoke all the time trying to chase that feeling it gets too much, but it's the same with any drug.

    Name your drug, you do it all the time, it'll fuck you up.

    Maybe NYE I'll have one. I been wondering if I could afford getting a Hotel in NYC facing the NYE BALL. or go up on the roof bar of one to watch it. Would be blistering cold as fuck. Will have to dress for it. Always wanted to see that

    inb4 ball drops on
  8. #8
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    I recently went down to 30 mg salts from 50 mg, helps me feel less bad about how often I hit it
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