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Interesting analysis of aoc laws again

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    more on this issues we should be discussing guys:

    "The Criminal Law Amendment Act limited opportunities for blackmail by ‘precocious’ girls by incorporating a clause that exonerated men of any age who had ‘reasonable cause’ to believe that a girl aged 13-15 was over the age of 16; any girl who looked older than her age was therefore not automatically protected by the law. This decision was based on comments such as those made by Sir Thomas Chambers in 1885, who emphasised that sexual consent law should be grounded in ‘fairness to both sides’ and that ‘it might be that a girl of 13 looked much older than she was; it might be that she was not the seduced but the seducer’. The ‘reasonable belief’ clause was restricted to cases involving first offences by men under the age of 24 in 1922. However, it was broadened again in 2003 after a 2001 case law decision (R v K [2001] 3 W.L.R. 471 HL) found that a 26-year-old defendant could be acquitted of an offence against a 14-year-old girl when he had an ‘honest belief’ she was over the age of 16.

    Concerns about precocious behaviour, irrespective of a girl’s appearance, also have a social and cultural legacy that needs to be addressed. Newspapers are full of reports of cases in which the courts present girls as complicit in sexual abuse: in 2013, for example, there was uproar when a Crown Prosecution Service barrister described a 13-year-old girl as ‘predatory’. Such comments are now barely acceptable, but indicate that the idea of ‘precocious’ girls still lingers. Open and honest conversations about the age of sexual consent need to take into consideration not only the need to protect children, but also how to address and remove the enduring mistrust evident within the legal system of girls who appear physically or behaviourally mature. "

    This makes you think as this is difficult to read to even comprehend much less begin to analyze. I fear this may be beyond the mental capacity of the majority of this forum. Basically before 1922 any girl who even looked remotely older thn 13 or probably could easily be dressed up to look older or had boobies wasnt even protected by aoc laws. at least this is what im getting at from reading this; so who is to say they were not right? or people including politicians in the 1800s were not right?

    secondly, why the obsession in poland of 18 when the actual aoc is 15 and why was i even harassed by the militia for drinking with a 16 yr old at the park and admitting to wanting 16 yr olds when this wasnt even the discussion even in the 20th century? and on this forum too. everything in even the 20th century was acceptable as long as she was 16 or looked it. why the obsession with 18 now?
  2. #2
    WellHung Black Hole
    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is extremely physically attractive.
  3. #3
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat more on this issues we should be discussing guys:

    "The Criminal Law Amendment Act limited opportunities for blackmail by ‘precocious’ girls by incorporating a clause that exonerated men of any age who had ‘reasonable cause’ to believe that a girl aged 13-15 was over the age of 16; any girl who looked older than her age was therefore not automatically protected by the law. This decision was based on comments such as those made by Sir Thomas Chambers in 1885, who emphasised that sexual consent law should be grounded in ‘fairness to both sides’ and that ‘it might be that a girl of 13 looked much older than she was; it might be that she was not the seduced but the seducer’. The ‘reasonable belief’ clause was restricted to cases involving first offences by men under the age of 24 in 1922. However, it was broadened again in 2003 after a 2001 case law decision (R v K [2001] 3 W.L.R. 471 HL) found that a 26-year-old defendant could be acquitted of an offence against a 14-year-old girl when he had an ‘honest belief’ she was over the age of 16.

    Concerns about precocious behaviour, irrespective of a girl’s appearance, also have a social and cultural legacy that needs to be addressed. Newspapers are full of reports of cases in which the courts present girls as complicit in sexual abuse: in 2013, for example, there was uproar when a Crown Prosecution Service barrister described a 13-year-old girl as ‘predatory’. Such comments are now barely acceptable, but indicate that the idea of ‘precocious’ girls still lingers. Open and honest conversations about the age of sexual consent need to take into consideration not only the need to protect children, but also how to address and remove the enduring mistrust evident within the legal system of girls who appear physically or behaviourally mature. "

    This makes you think as this is difficult to read to even comprehend much less begin to analyze. I fear this may be beyond the mental capacity of the majority of this forum. Basically before 1922 any girl who even looked remotely older thn 13 or probably could easily be dressed up to look older or had boobies wasnt even protected by aoc laws. at least this is what im getting at from reading this; so who is to say they were not right? or people including politicians in the 1800s were not right?

    secondly, why the obsession in poland of 18 when the actual aoc is 15 and why was i even harassed by the militia for drinking with a 16 yr old at the park and admitting to wanting 16 yr olds when this wasnt even the discussion even in the 20th century? and on this forum too. everything in even the 20th century was acceptable as long as she was 16 or looked it. why the obsession with 18 now?

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  5. #5
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i feel such a discussion shjould be wrranted for this forum to prevent future members from being hrassed the way iw as for wanting 16 yr olds.
  6. #6
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    but it may be too deep and profound for this very forum and needs law degrees and shit to even coprehend such a discussion taking place.
  7. #7
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I dont even think terms like minor (and poland isnt evenw est in all other standards but sexual which i find odd they want to be west so bad in this standard but not others like allowing kids to smoke and drink which is hypocryte) were even used prior to what the 1980s in the west even whend iscussing any sexual aspect i regarsd to 16 yr olds?
  8. #8
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    "Policy debates around the age of sexual consent have focused on three main issues: child protection; the age of expected sexual activity; and the age of maturity. There is limited truth in claims about the grounding of sexual consent law in ‘child protection’, and the 1885 law paid no attention to the expected age of sexual activity. The age of maturity provides a tempting third way into this debate, as an ostensibly objective and measurable marker of capacity. However, direct comparisons between ages of puberty now and in 1885 are also deeply problematic. The history of puberty shows problems inherent within reducing sexual consent to a single factor, even a measurable one."
  9. #9
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    aldra occasio cortex
  10. #10
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    do you think aldra its actually a better time to be alive now in hypocrytical society?
  11. #11
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    even star trek advocates moving to africa or the non western world aldra.
  12. #12
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Wariat do you think aldra its actually a better time to be alive now in hypocrytical society?

    the concept of sociwety is hypocritical tell me one society that isn't
  13. #13
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    some are more hypocrytical than others tho.
  14. #14
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Wariat some are more hypocrytical than others tho.

    are they though? what's the scale here? and how is it hypocritical if society is mostly cool with something but the elites have laws the people don't like. That sounds pretty normal actually and not hypocritical , just sounds like how things do be sometimes.
  15. #15
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    for instance polish society and people i find the biggest hypocrytes ever like maybe in the world or europe at least. in all aspects.
  16. #16
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    its nothing to do with religion or their devout catholicism that conyrols the govt either.
  17. #17
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by totse2118 are they though? what's the scale here? and how is it hypocritical if society is mostly cool with something but the elites have laws the people don't like. That sounds pretty normal actually and not hypocritical , just sounds like how things do be sometimes.

    im not for diff laws for diff people i think there should be as few laws as possible and nothing against the will or consent based on factors like age should be cirminalized. against the will or acts against humans not mutual or consentual should be maybe.
  18. #18
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat for instance polish society and people i find the biggest hypocrytes ever like maybe in the world

  19. #19
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Wariat for instance polish society and people i find the biggest hypocrytes ever like maybe in the world or europe at least. in all aspects.

    I don't see how

    check your birth rates nigger

    Originally posted by Wariat im not for diff laws for diff people i think there should be as few laws as possible and nothing against the will or consent based on factors like age should be cirminalized. against the will or acts against humans not mutual or consentual should be maybe.

    yet you are the biggest government supporter slava ukrani muh putler but because you aren't in the army what so you are just a shitty anarchist then basically or a retarded one if you don't believe the state should have a say in the law when it comes to sex

    Originally posted by Wariat its nothing to do with religion or their devout catholicism that conyrols the govt either.

    looks like it's time to become an anarcho communist

  20. #20
    age of consent laws are used by the elite as a tool to keep fresh and pristine girls for themselves while convincing the masses thru the mass media they control to embrace old and used up whores as their female mate of choice.
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