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Reminder that I still really need my testicles punched and kicked...

  1. #1
    WellHung Black Hole
    Folks, wen impotent then fuck my bitch.
  2. #2
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Once upon a time in a town known as "Hick,"
    Lived a dog named Piper, whose spirit was quick.
    With fur so shiny, and eyes full of glee,
    Piper was known as a dog full of esprit.

    In the heart of the town, a champion stood tall,
    A boxer named Rocky, the toughest of all.
    He'd won every match, never tasted defeat,
    His punches were lethal, his kicks hard to beat.

    Now, Piper was small, but his heart was so grand,
    He dreamed of defeating the champ of the land.
    But the odds were against him, it seemed like a trick,
    Until Piper found his secret: a jar of peanut butter slick.

    One sunny day, as Piper strolled in the park,
    He spotted a jar, sitting there in the dark.
    Peanut butter, oh so creamy and sweet,
    He thought it might give him the edge to compete.

    Piper trained hard, day and night without rest,
    With each punch and kick, he became the best.
    The taste of that peanut butter kept him going strong,
    He knew in his heart he couldn't go wrong.

    The day of the showdown, the town gathered 'round,
    To see if Piper's courage would make Rocky go down.
    In the ring they stood, a dog and a champ,
    Piper's paws ready to dance, his spirit not damp.

    The first round began, with Rocky's fierce might,
    But Piper dodged swiftly, he was ready to fight.
    He thought of the peanut butter, his newfound delight,
    And with a powerful punch, he gave Rocky a fright.

    Piper fought with all of his might and his flair,
    His punches and kicks filled the arena with air.
    Rocky was stunned, he couldn't believe his luck,
    This little dog had him cornered, his skills were unstuck.

    In the final round, Piper's determination held true,
    He danced like a champ, his moves were so smooth.
    With one last powerful punch, he knocked Rocky down,
    The champ hit the canvas, wearing a frown.

    Piper had done it, against all the odds,
    Defeating the champ with his punches and prods.
    He owed it all to the peanut butter so sweet,
    For giving him the strength and the beat.

    So remember, dear "Wariat," the lesson in this tale,
    Even the smallest can succeed and prevail.
    With determination and a little delight,
    You can conquer your battles and reach new heights.
  3. #3
    Bradley Florida Man
    the amount of sexualized self harm threads u make is perplexing to say the least.
  4. #4
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    put a drilldo in my dick hole on high power & cut my urethra like cheese strings folx I could really go for some hot wings
  5. #5
    WellHung Black Hole
  6. #6
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  7. #7
    WellHung Black Hole
  8. #8
    Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Nigger

    Say it to his face

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