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Would you have helped Hitler if you were sober and a good German citizen?

  1. #1
    Bradley Black Hole
    yeah I would've, I'd have joined the SS and got to wear those sexy leather outfits that faggot ernest roehm created and been pretty happy with some aryan cock swapping, jedi gassing, etc.

    How about you?

    If you're non white you can pretend like if you were White (I'm sure you've done this) and if you're a chinese person like aldra and vinny, just replace SS with Holy Wind / Kamakazi and respond as such.
  2. #2
    Instigator Space Nigga
    I would just like to goose step and walk down the street saying heil heil an say stuff like "das iss good, ya? without getting beat up. Everytime I've tried it in real life it hasn't come across very well and I get beat up.
  3. #3
    Instigator Space Nigga
    It would also be good to eat a frankfurter without getting a semi.
  4. #4
    Bradley Black Hole
    LOL, I don't get hard when I eat sausages. Is that really a thing? I asked my friend if he gets a semi when he brushes his teeth and he gave me a dirty look one time and I said "I don't know, just a question broski."
  5. #5
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    it's pretty funny to me that the official version of history is that Germans used to be normal, then they chimped out and went crazy for 10 years or so for no reason at all and now they're normal again
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #6
    Bradley Black Hole
    It's very similar to the American Republican Party/GOP's MAGA era.
  7. #7
    Bradley Black Hole
    My auntie and her husband literally believe donald trump is a god and if they could suck his dick he would first and then she could after he busts. And i'm like this nigga is a moron who committed sedition.
  8. #8
    Bradley Black Hole
    She told me (we have a smaller family) if I want to keep criticizing Donald Trump we're only gonna talk on holidays. I said Wow OK, u know I really liked him until he lied in the 2020 elections?
  9. #9
    Bradley Black Hole
    For the last 6 years they have gotten me a new watch or knife every year, even when I live far away, and every year without fail I mail them a Donald Trump/ MAGA flag for christmas LOL
  10. #10
    Bradley Black Hole
    They got like thirteen of them in every window of their house LOL, those type of people.
  11. #11
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    id prolly just be trying to survive so fuck yah id join them and try to fucking ditch the fuck out of them or whatever, honestly its like jail u know its just like u do whatever to get thru it but fuck em in the end
  12. #12
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    bradley would absolutely be WANG GANG material
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  13. #13
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    i dont want to eat the horse
  14. #14
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Unteroffizier Leutnant Hauptsturmführer
  15. #15
    Originally posted by Bradley I'd have joined the SS

    You wouldn't have qualified.
  16. #16
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You wouldn't have qualified.

    Most of the SS were methheads too
  17. #17
    Originally posted by Fox Most of the SS were methheads too

    "To qualify for the SS, prospective members had to prove that none of their ancestors were jedi and agree to marry only with the consent of their superior officers. In addition to receiving military training, recruits were taught that they were the elite not only of the Nazi Party but of all humankind."

    He wouldn't qualify.
  18. #18
    jerryb African Astronaut
    I would have been a good citizen and tried to get stationed on the western front. Because fuck dat cold ass Russian winter shit.
  19. #19
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]

    eating horse meat
    drinking alcohol
    murdering people
    losing your entire division to russians
    getting stuck in a village for a month and forcing peasants to let you live with them

    the good life
    "Fritz don't leave!, I must my sweet we must save Europe from communism"
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. #20
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson "To qualify for the SS, prospective members had to prove that none of their ancestors were jedi and agree to marry only with the consent of their superior officers. In addition to receiving military training, recruits were taught that they were the elite not only of the Nazi Party but of all humankind."

    He wouldn't qualify.

    according to western historians.
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