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False Hollywood JOO Agenda ridding an Irish American

  1. #1
    Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Fallon is gone. they're letting him go. Blaming him for being "Toxic". He's not Hip-To-Be-Hollywood Godless Bolshie enough

    Real Jews should take over Hollywood and start speaking real Hebrew and see who really is Jewish and not use this Religion as a power point to success. such fucking bullshit

    "I'm Jewish by Culture but I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD OR SHEM".. hurrrrr. So fucking common. MAKES 0 FUCKING SENSE

    Fucking filthy scum. Also Jimmy Kimmel is not Jewish either. not half on his mothers side or father (obviously) he's a Catholic raised. he's next. they tried to get him on Black Face to wash him off. it's not Jewish doing this. It's just Bolshies trying to clean house. Anyone who doesn't follow strict guidlines and goes off course is DONE! You're not working in this town AGAIN."

    but tthey have false "White Nationalist" scream KIKE and other offensive shit to strengthen their control. It's pure comedy at its finest.

    so many Bitches will suck up as well.
  2. #2
    Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Having his 3 year old daughter try to score laugh and popularity points in Hollywood. make them Bolshies happy. God know's they would never sell out their children. get the non bolshie to do it. Adam McKay not Ferrell

  3. #3
    Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Oh how funny and cute. Getting your 3 year old to say lines like this will condition her mentally for the future. imagine the damage no matter how much fucking damage control you do to try and undo something you momentarily thought would be good to whore your daughters image on screen.

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