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troons r good and u shud treat me like a girl >:(

  1. #41
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i guess my question could be simplified down to :

    what are the feelings that make you want to be a woman.

    is it the attention from men ?

    is it not having a penis ?

    is it the feeling of being pretty ?

    i can not imagine what the feeling of being a woman feels like like i can not imagine the feeling of being a dog like, or what it feels like to wag a tail in an aggresive manner.

    i guess what i really want to know is what makes a woman feels like a woman.

    do women feel like women ?

    I love/hate attention from anyone and have often said I wish to not be perceived. I mean, I love positive attention and it makes me feel giddy. I just hate that it makes me feel giddy, so I end up feeling gross in equal measure. So probably not that. I still have a dick, so probably not that. The feeling of being pretty is definitely part of it, but before I started hormones I steeled myself for the possibility that I would not pretty up all that well because I figured that'd be the case. It's not that, or not just that. Probably not even predominantly that.

    And I can't imagine what it feels like to be a cis women that well either. I feel like taking a bunch of estrogen gives me some glimmers of insight, but nothing profound... and almost certainly nothing that a less autistic male wouldn't pick up on without having to go through all that trouble.

    It's hard to describe. The formative experience for me was a dream I had when my grandpa was still alive, and he died when I was 7 or 8. I've talked about it before. I was a girl in the dream, and I felt happy in the dream. It was such a profoundly good experience that I tried to have the same dream every night for months afterward. There's also the time I saw myself in a mirror when I was out on a date with that one guy: it felt right, and good, seeing that staring back at me. I had hated mirrors my whole life up to then. Hated my reflection. I used to think it was just 'cause I was an ugly little goblin, but it's not like I'm an especially pretty dickgirl either (and if anything there's way more pressure on me to believe I'm ugly now than there was for me back when I was presenting as a man).

    It's... ineffable, indescribable. It's such a little thing, yet holds such vast power in my life. It just feels right. It... clicks. It feels closer to the truth than the truth I've been presented (see: allegory of the cave analogy from earlier). I dunno. I don't know (or particularly care) if there's a scientific justification or whatever for what I'm doing. I've wanted it for as long as I can remember wanting things. Needed it. 🤷🏻‍♀️
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #42
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Meikai I don't want to go anywhere near that thing, or anywhere near women's bathrooms (I have heard horror stories, and smelled the smeeeeeeel of moldering used period products first hand).

    It’s not really surprising you’ve missed the point entirely again. Racism doesn't really exist for you because your skin color has never been a barrier. People of color don't have that choice…you’d think being trans would make you sympathetic to blind ignorance like racism…. or do you hate yourself so much for being trans that you feel it’s necessary to project that hate outward or smoke that self hatred away. Nothing you can do is gonna change that Y chromosome to a X.
    I guess when you hide in your rent free “condo” smoking meth all day using public restrooms doesn’t come up much…or do you only wear dresses at home?

    You throw rocks at someone like Candy, who supports herself and is obviously very content and self confident because of the color of her skin.
    Does that make you feel better about being an unemployed drug addict who pretends to be a female?

    You’re probably that kid who made fun of the retarded and crippled kids in your private school.

    What’s funny is I don’t really care if you want to pretend to be a girl, or a fuckin cat…I just don’t understand blind hate.
  3. #43
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Haxxor It’s not really surprising you’ve missed the point entirely again. Racism doesn't really exist for you because your skin color has never been a barrier. People of color don't have that choice…you’d think being trans would make you sympathetic to blind ignorance like racism…. or do you hate yourself so much for being trans that you feel it’s necessary to project that hate outward or smoke that self hatred away. Nothing you can do is gonna change that X chromosome to a Y.
    I guess when you hide in your rent free “condo” all day using public restrooms doesn’t come up much…or do you only wear dresses at home?

    You throw rocks at someone like Candy, who supports herself and is obviously very content and self confident because of the color of her skin.
    Does that make you feel better about being an unemployed drug addict who pretends to be a female?

    You’re probably that kid who made fun of the retarded and crippled kids in your private school.

    What’s funny is I don’t really care if you want to pretend to be a girl, or a fuckin cat…I just don’t understand blind hate.

    I don't blindly hate black people, and my responses in that thread were in response to candy thinking she's clever and subtly jabbing at me (or catching me in the crossfire of her jabbing at scron - irrelevant) rather than "saying it with her whole chest" as her people would say. What I said was terribly, wildly, almost comedically racially insensitive and that was by design. It was a means to an end, difference is instead of implying shit, I was saying it with my whole chest. Shit, like two or three chests worth of my whole chest. Being socialized as a guy was great training for that. "Gentlemen... calm down" was a plausibly deniable shot fired and the little baboon whore got unloaded on exactly like she deserved.

    My actual views on black people are definitely still racist, but I don't hate them: I've just never had any particularly positive interactions with them with in real life (unless you can call being cat called when I was 17, years before I transitioned, "positive" - I found it flattering, but lol lmao). They've all been neutral-to-negative. And statistically, they're allegedly (I don't put as much stock in statistics or science as more "sane" people do) more likely to behave in ways I dislike. These two facts reinforce each other, and asking me to ignore all of my experiences and all the statistics on criminal behavior to my own detriment because it's "mean" or whatever is just silly. There was no vertical transfer. My parents didn't teach me to be racist, they're too polite and too white and Canadian for that. I learned to be racist from being around black people (thankfully, not often). Whether they're "like that" because of environmental factors stemming from how they've been treated by society or some innate genetic predisposition toward shittiness is kind of irrelevant in the context of "I just don't like 'em" - it's only relevant to how the problem should be solved. If it's environmental, more gub'mit programs will fix everything I'm sure. If it's innate... well, hopefully CRISPR can fix that, so solutions don't have to be more classically... final. Basically: I'll give a given black person a chance - I don't think they're all shit by default.

    I'm just not above leveraging racist or misogynistic rhetoric against a black woman who wants to talk shit.

    (Because let's not forget I said she both is and has a worthless cunt. Of course, self-interested handsome and well tanned individual that you are, you don't care about that.)

    EDIT: Also, I pay rent. Lmao. I just rent it at a rate considerably under market value.
  4. #44
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Basically: I'm an escalation enthusiast. A Golden Rule Accelerationist, if you will. Treat me how you want to be treated, or I will treat you far, far worse. Throw a punch, get shot. Needle me, get called a baboon. Escalating from non-interaction to a negative interaction with me was her call, escalating from a negative interaction to her getting shit on for having a straight blonde weave in her pfp because she do be secretly wishing she were white was mine (and it was actually less of an escalation than the functionally infinite escalation from nothing to anything that she was guilty of).
  5. #45
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    That "(s)he started it" isn't an excuse is an idea that people who really like to start shit cling to when they see someone get finished for starting it. Better than an excuse, it is perfect moral justification.
  6. #46
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Meikai I don't blindly hate black people, and my responses in that thread were in response to candy thinking she's clever and subtly jabbing at me (or catching me in the crossfire of her jabbing at scron - irrelevant) rather than "saying it with her whole chest" as her people would say. What I said was terribly, wildly, almost It was a means to an end, difference is instead of implying shit, I was saying it with my whole chest. Being socialized as a guy was great training for that. "Gentlemen… calm down" was a plausibly deniable shot fired and the little baboon whore got unloaded on exactly like she deserved.

    My actual views on black people are definitely still racist, but I don't hate them: I've just never had any particularly positive interactions with them with in real life (unless you can call being cat called when I was 17, years before I transitioned, "positive" - I found it flattering, but lol lmao). They've all been neutral-to-negative. And statistically, they're allegedly (I don't put as much stock in statistics or science as more "sane" people do) more likely to behave in ways I dislike. These two facts reinforce each other, and asking me to ignore all of my experiences and all the statistics on criminal behavior to my own detriment because it's "mean" or whatever is just silly. There was no vertical transfer. My parents didn't teach me to be racist, they're too polite and too white and Canadian for that. I learned to be racist from being around black people (thankfully, not often). Whether they're "like that" because of environmental factors stemming from how they've been treated by society or some innate genetic predisposition toward shittiness is kind of irrelevant in the context of "I just don't like 'em" - it's only relevant to how the problem should be solved. If it's environmental, more gub'mit programs will fix everything I'm sure. If it's innate… well, hopefully CRISPR can fix that, so solutions don't have to be more classically… final. Basically: I'll give a given black person a chance - I don't think they're all shit by default.

    I'm just not above leveraging racist or misogynistic rhetoric against a black woman who wants to talk shit.

    (Because let's not forget I said she both is and has a worthless cunt. Of course, self-interested handsome and well tanned individual that you are, you don't care about that.)

    EDIT: Also, I pay rent. Lmao. I just rent it at a rate considerably under market value.

    Ehhhh….read through the thread, the “shot” was “fired” in defense of Bradley…..whom (among others) Scron hates & trolls.

    And let’s face it, having been on the never ending receiving for end of Scron being “triggered” by some stupid post I laughed when candy said that.

    You replied

    You overreacted to the "Gentlemen… calm down" post and took it way south from there…you can dress it up as comedically racially insensitive and that was by design. but I found it over the top ignorant and to be honest I was somewhat shocked, because up until that thread, I found you to be someone who seemed relatively intelligent and compassionate.
    The next day you follow up with and I knew I misjudged you.

    I grew up in a predominantly black section of the city and I understand that there are blacks who behave badly…however there are equally (if not more) whites who behave in deplorable fashion….I don’t hate an entire race because someone behaves badly.

    I think the frosting on the cake was

    So dress it up anyway you like…you’re racist and that kind of blind hate spells ignorance to me….also makes me feel bad for whatever is really at the root of all that hate.
  7. #47
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Believe what you want chief, you dicksuck candyrein everywhere she goes, so this is not surprising to me. I don't think I've ever started a hostile interaction with you. I've just escalated shit to the point of absurdity when you've started shit with me. Yeah, I took it "way south". I took it to a early 20th century klan meeting in Georgia. Why shouldn't I? Because you'll think I'm "ign'ant"? Okay. Think that. I literally don't care. Not because you aren't white, but because you're a dick and a dicksuck for an uppity bitch. I'll act ign'ant if I think it'll upset you or make you less comfortable, because you've demonstrated you've no §m£ÂgØLs with being shitty to me. Or are you denying that what I said in that last screeny was also retaliatory and you totally weren't referring to me anywhere? It wasn't a plausibly deniable jab?

    And you can deny you find my over the top racism upsetting if you want, lord knows I would, but whether it's upsetting because it's making you lose faith in someone you thought was above casual cruelty using racist rhetoric (as you've already admitted) or because you're genuinely hurt by racism is as immaterial as whether I caught a stray from candy jabbing scron or whether she'd considered me and simply didn't care. You're a dick, so I'm a dick in ways that'll upset you. Simple as. Why should I care what handsome and well tanned individuals [who don't care about me] think [about me]?

    Say something smart or interesting and I'll read it. Maybe even thank your post. Start shit with me, I will return fire. Not gonna feel bad about that.
  8. #48
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Meikai §m£ÂgØLs

    Haha like wow I totally meant to type "qualms". I wordenhancemented myself, and got wordenhancemented. Wack.
  9. #49
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Haxxor Ehhhh….read through the thread, the “shot” was “fired” in defense of Bradley…..whom (among others) Scron hates & trolls.

    And let’s face it, having been on the never ending receiving for end of Scron being “triggered” by some stupid post I laughed when candy said that.

    You replied

    You overreacted to the "Gentlemen… calm down" post and took it way south from there…you can dress it up as comedically racially insensitive and that was by design. but I found it over the top ignorant and to be honest I was somewhat shocked, because up until that thread, I found you to be someone who seemed relatively intelligent and compassionate.
    The next day you follow up with and I knew I misjudged you.

    I grew up in a predominantly black section of the city and I understand that there are blacks who behave badly…however there are equally (if not more) whites who behave in deplorable fashion….I don’t hate an entire race because someone behaves badly.

    I think the frosting on the cake was

    So dress it up anyway you like…you’re racist and that kind of blind hate spells ignorance to me….also makes me feel bad for whatever is really at the root of all that hate.

    holy dhiy take your meds skitzo
  10. #50
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    IMHO Trans is deeply rooted in narcissism.
  11. #51
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    whores belong in the kitchen or bedroom thats just how I see things personally

    they can have all the deep discussion on issues all they want but they only exist to serve MEN, made from the rib of ADAM according to JEHOVAH
  12. #52
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Meikai Believe what you want chief, you dicksuck candyrein everywhere she goes, so this is not surprising to me. I don't think I've ever started a hostile interaction with you. I've just escalated shit to the point of absurdity when you've started shit with me. Yeah, I took it "way south". I took it to a early 20th century klan meeting in Georgia. Why shouldn't I? Because you'll think I'm "ign'ant"? Okay. Think that. I literally don't care. Not because you aren't white, but because you're a dick and a dicksuck for an uppity bitch. I'll act ign'ant if I think it'll upset you or make you less comfortable, because you've demonstrated you've no §m£ÂgØLs with being shitty to me. Or are you denying that what I said in that last screeny was also retaliatory and you totally weren't referring to me anywhere? It wasn't a plausibly deniable jab?

    And you can deny you find my over the top racism upsetting if you want, lord knows I would, but whether it's upsetting because it's making you lose faith in someone you thought was above casual cruelty using racist rhetoric (as you've already admitted) or because you're genuinely hurt by racism is as immaterial as whether I caught a stray from candy jabbing scron or whether she'd considered me and simply didn't care. You're a dick, so I'm a dick in ways that'll upset you. Simple as. Why should I care what handsome and well tanned individuals [who don't care about me] think [about me]?

    Say something smart or interesting and I'll read it. Maybe even thank your post. Start shit with me, I will return fire. Not gonna feel bad about that.

    Most of the things that we notice, we notice in passing, on our way to something else; then, every so often, something gives us reason to pause. Something catches our eye or draws our attention, and we’re drawn for a moment to ponder or to reflect on that which awakened us in this way.

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood holy dhiy take your meds skitzo

    Another Pot meet Kettle moment brought to you by the least self aware poster here 👏🏼👏🏼
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. #53
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by aldra we could be friends but I wouldn't respect your pronouns or fuck you

    Don’t worry Lucy, we could be friends and I’d respect your pronouns or fuck you.

    That’s an exclusive or though

    Your call, you either get the D or the she.
  14. #54
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Lanny Don’t worry Lucy, we could be friends and I’d respect your pronouns or fuck you.

    That’s an exclusive or though

    Your call, you either get the D or the she.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #55
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  16. #56
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Instigator IMHO Trans is deeply rooted in narcissism.

    Narcissism is definitely a huge component in the activist spaces (if not trans people generally, jury's out on that one for me).

    Originally posted by Haxxor Most of the things that we notice, we notice in passing, on our way to something else; then, every so often, something gives us reason to pause. Something catches our eye or draws our attention, and we’re drawn for a moment to ponder or to reflect on that which awakened us in this way.

    I didn't mean do it right now, what if I thank this and it turns out to be really shallow and dumb or something. I'd have basically admitted I thought otherwise! As a narcissist, I must shield myself from that possibility.
  17. #57
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Haxxor 👏🏼👏🏼

    black hand
  18. #58
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    What knickers you wearing?
  19. #59
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Instigator What knickers you wearing?

    I'm torn between a desire to tell you (because I think knowing the honest answer to that question would cause you psychological harm) and a desire to not be weird and lewd.
  20. #60
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    ill check
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