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  1. Originally posted by frala Oh Spectral

    Did you know Lanny was a card-carrying Fun Bunch contestant as well?
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Was I a fun-bunch too? remember when helloClarice thought I was you? you were always a fun bunch to me /cute emoji goes here

    gum ball machine hacking threads and shit
  3. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Did you know Lanny was a card-carrying Fun Bunch contestant as well?

    How could anyone not at this point
  4. Getting packed up to drive to my SEVENTH WEDDING this year. I hate dressing up. Im too broke to be taking thse days off work rn. Idk if theres something wrong with me, but i dont find these types of “events” fun. Its expensive. imma be fat n sweaty n u comfortable. I honestly just want to drive up to a cabin n spend a couple weeks by myself.
  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Getting packed up to drive to my SEVENTH WEDDING this year. I hate dressing up. Im too broke to be taking thse days off work rn. Idk if theres something wrong with me, but i dont find these types of “events” fun. Its expensive. imma be fat n sweaty n u comfortable. I honestly just want to drive up to a cabin n spend a couple weeks by myself.

    jesus christ just get a tattoo of live laugh love on your forehead. you don't have to go to any weddings and you know it.
  6. If i dont go to the weddings its like a big fight
  8. Originally posted by frala How could anyone not at this point

    I meant to put some posters up, but eventually decided to go with repeated/monthly audio/txt announcements to reach a larger audience. People on the street always ask me 'who is that innocent-looking kid in the Russian ear-muff hat anyways?". I say, 'that's Lanny "Fun Bunch" Jenkins!!
  9. No weddings are shit. Especially if you don’t know the people and even if you do know the people. They are just dumb. 7 in one year would make me absolutely kill myself.
  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked If i dont go to the weddings its like a big fight

    You have become the person you never wanted to be. Haha I'm just joking obviously but it is funny to see you be a silly wedding goose
  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    thread needs more Lanny Jenkins cooking videos
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Originally posted by frala No weddings are shit. Especially if you don’t know the people and even if you do know the people. They are just dumb. 7 in one year would make me absolutely kill myself.

    Yeah like my clothes are ill fitting, im broke as hell, gonna be super hot. Gotta drive 3 hrs. I see people having fun with these things all the time, but this is not my jam. This is for my gfs best friends little brother. Im not allowed to wear cologne by the baby might have an allergic reaction.

    Im so fat n tired. I really just want to go nowhere until my CCs are paid off.
  13. Originally posted by mmQ You have become the person you never wanted to be. Haha I'm just joking obviously but it is funny to see you be a silly wedding goose

    Yeah. Im mean im trying hard to do the like "normal guy" thing but i feel like a bear on a unicycle in these social settings.
  14. Originally posted by General Butt.Naked This is for my gfs best friends little brother.

    Child who? That is way too far down the food chain. Like set some guidelines. Maybe tell her you will go to one a year or immediate family/close friends only. That you're trying to save money and get your finances in order. If she can't understand that and/or compromise then my dude she ain't worth your energy.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Yeah. Im mean im trying hard to do the like "normal guy" thing but i feel like a bear on a unicycle in these social settings.

    This is YOUR circus. Enjoy it.
  16. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Yeah like my clothes are ill fitting, im broke as hell, gonna be super hot. Gotta drive 3 hrs. I see people having fun with these things all the time, but this is not my jam. This is for my gfs best friends little brother. Im not allowed to wear cologne by the baby might have an allergic reaction.

    Im so fat n tired. I really just want to go nowhere until my CCs are paid off.

    Bring your GHB and periodically dose 2-3 ml in the bathroom until you're having fun
  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Yeah. Im mean im trying hard to do the like "normal guy" thing but i feel like a bear on a unicycle in these social settings.

    as you should feel.

    I used to direct a choir of Christian dudes trying to not go to prison. Just remember that. life is funny
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by mmQ as you should feel.

    I used to direct a choir of Christian dudes trying to not go to prison. Just remember that. life is funny

    Used to??? Why u stop? Choirs are chill
    I have a nice falsetto myself and would have joined just to hang out and PRAISE DA LAAAAWWD

    me me me me me me meeeee
  19. Originally posted by mmQ as you should feel.

    I used to direct a choir of Christian dudes trying to not go to prison. Just remember that. life is funny

    Did they all sing in low, gravely, monotone voices?
  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Did they all sing in low, gravely, monotone voices?

    They did a pretty good job under my direction to be honest. We had all, baritone tenor soprano and altos
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