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"Deadliest Varient Covid Yet" to hit UK by October

  1. Originally posted by Meikai I can buy that. I can also buy that it was a custom built bug with a low mortality rate - a feinted assault that nonetheless psychologically wounded you, readying you for a sudden coup-de-grâce that's yet to come. You are a self-declared enemy of the forces arrayed against humanity. They know you exist. They are not obliged to honorably meet you in battle. If they're going to kill a bunch of people by underhanded means, they're starting with you… if you'll let them.

    Shame is, it sure looks like you'll let them, so long as you've got this pacifying fantasy about how you've outsmarted the NWO and their dastardly machinations.

    But I'm not the one dropping dead of a heart attack.
  2. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ But I'm not the one dropping dead of a heart attack.

    What happened to "igg4" and covid being real but the boosters reduce your immune response?

    Look, I'm an obese tranny. If that were the attack vector in question I'd have died during the 18 months I was daily smoking prodigious amounts of meth. Like I said I have general safety concerns along those lines when we aren't in schizo-ville, but if we're going to play around in schizo-ville let's not get any more retarded than we need to.
  3. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai What happened to "igg4" and covid being real but the boosters reduce your immune response?

    Look, I'm an obese tranny. If that were the attack vector in question I'd have died during the 18 months I was daily smoking prodigious amounts of meth. Like I said I have general safety concerns along those lines when we aren't in schizo-ville, but if we're going to play around in schizo-ville let's not get any more retarded than we need to.
    You're too young to die from that right now. Lucy, try losing weight now and taking supplements and stop eating meat and start walking up hills and no sugar sweat , eat less, don't eat sugar. Make 1 day a week a pig out night like Saturday night. And just eat properly the rest of the f****** week.
  4. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Pete Green You're too young to die from that right now. Lucy, try losing weight now and taking supplements and stop eating meat and start walking up hills and no sugar sweat , eat less, don't eat sugar. Make 1 day a week a pig out night like Saturday night. And just eat properly the rest of the f****** week.

    His name is Sean
  5. Originally posted by Meikai What happened to "igg4" and covid being real but the boosters reduce your immune response?

    What's to explain? Covid is real. It's a coronavirus. Coronaviruses have been around for thousands of years. We've known about them for 100 years. It's not "something totally new", like the liars on CNN keep parroting. A coronavirus is a common flu, and it always has been. The New World Order used a common flu to terrify the population into compliance. The jabs are bioweapons, also designed by the New World Order to not only generate massive profits to feed their climate change scam and other schemes for power and control, but also to kill off the vast majority of the world's population. And that's where we are right now, with doomed idiots on one side, the smart people on the other side, and the New World Order right in the middle.
  6. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Covid is real. It's a coronavirus.

    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Covid-19 is real, because it's just the common flu. It always was just the common flu. It was nothing more than a psyops.

    Okay, grandpa. Let's get you to bed.

  7. Originally posted by Meikai Okay, grandpa. Let's get you to bed.

    Yeah, like splitting hairs changes anything. It doesn't. And you should research the difference between conspiracy theories and conspiracy facts.
  8. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Yeah, like splitting hairs changes anything. It doesn't. And you should research the difference between conspiracy theories and conspiracy facts.

    It's really not splitting hairs. Is it a coronavirus or influenza? You can't even keep this straight. I'm open to either, but you have the conspiracy facts to work from so I'm asking.
  9. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Influenza looks like a parasitic worm of sort or like a capsul (like Dr Mario). but micro size. it mutates these different shapes and forms.

    Corona look like HIV because both are spherical shape cells with protein spikes sticking up. hence the name "Corona" (a mass like ejection pushing upward or outward. like the suns coronal ejection )
  10. Pete Green African Astronaut
    In 2003-2007 CoViD but just like WWI, WWII didn't start so it was just World War

    Same with 2003 until CoViD SARS 2 etc

    Corona Virus Disease Acronym of sort CoViD19 for 2019 being discovered and Officially in the USA on March 17 2020 (St Patrick's fucking day) SHUT IT ALL DOWN

    If you were told Oh covid might be 4-6 weeks to that of nearly 3 years (at least in some states) would you have advanced your career in Online Courses or learn to play the piano, bass, guitar etc, master a 5x5 side x 6 rubic cube etc etc etc

    Maybe coded a fucking video game or two
  11. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Imagine if you were told "Everything shuts down for 3 years. Hope you have enough food and buttwipe stored away

    everyone should have 3 years of emergency food stored away

    Covid 19 THE MOVIE - Re~Imaginary
  12. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ What's to explain? Covid is real. It's a coronavirus. Coronaviruses have been around for thousands of years. We've known about them for 100 years. It's not "something totally new", like the liars on CNN keep parroting. A coronavirus is a common flu, and it always has been. The New World Order used a common flu to terrify the population into compliance. The jabs are bioweapons, also designed by the New World Order to not only generate massive profits to feed their climate change scam and other schemes for power and control, but also to kill off the vast majority of the world's population. And that's where we are right now, with doomed idiots on one side, the smart people on the other side, and the New World Order right in the middle.

    Scientists first identified a human coronavirus in 1965. It caused a common cold. Later that decade, researchers found a group of similar human and animal viruses and named them after their crown-like appearance. Seven coronaviruses can infect humans.
  13. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Scientists first identified a human coronavirus in 1965. It caused a common cold. Later that decade, researchers found a group of similar human and animal viruses and named them after their crown-like appearance. Seven coronaviruses can infect humans.

    Someone came into my bar and read to me

    TRY SOURCE next time, Simp Chimp
  14. Pete Green African Astronaut
    HIV was found in a man from the Congo. A Doctor who was burried in 1958. they took samples and it was discovered later by researchers.

    yes the virus' were around but you should know this fucking thing and Corona are zoonotic or lab crossed genome

    it was said HIV1 wasn't that bad but HIV2 took off after it was crossed with a weakened HepC strain virus. also something about Polio happening

    I dont care when it was discovered. it's being manipulated. But I don't deny its existance. You guys denied it was real and now you're contradicting yourselves

  15. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The Covid thing was good to me, financially, socially and erotically.

    betas can only thrive under controlled conditions.
  16. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai The whole point of prepping is being able to survive once SHTF. And how would you go about killing 90% in a way that selects for desirable traits? I just gave you a pretty solid plan:

    Stage one:
    Covid-19. Spread an obviously not-that-dangerous disease and go FULL DRACONIAN to stir up the rebellious shitheads into a committed antivaxx stance.

    Stage two:
    Let's call it "Covid-24". Spread a very dangerous disease that will rip through the unvaxxed population, decimating them. Completely destabilize the food supply. (Bill Gates owns a lot of farmland for some reason. Weird, that.)

    Stage three:
    Use your control of the food supply (which you have, since you planned this whole fiasco) to starve out undesirable elements. The chaos will mask the orchestrated nature of the famines. Holodomor 2: Electric Boogaloo.

    Stage four:
    Use your vaxxed and well-fed armies to crush any resistance.

    Yeah except for the fact that literally none of the high profile individuals got the actual vaccine because you know.. it kills people.
    In this case, by your logic. The VIPs would be wiped out by their own creation.

    So obviously they target the vaxxed ones. No brainer.

    Food supplies are being targeted via other means, such as arson, the mass killing of cattle and increased tax on import.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Another plural.

    when things heat up the pattern is obvious as fuck
  18. Xlite African Astronaut
    A bit off topic but not really. Good for laughs.

  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Pete Green Another plural.

    when things heat up the pattern is obvious as fuck

    ur a plural, ur a fake alt, you're fake just like fake covid and the fake vaccine
  20. Originally posted by Xlite A bit off topic but not really. Good for laughs.

    And it ended up to be 0.03%, three hundredths of one percent. They not only lie, they lie bigly.
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