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"Deadliest Varient Covid Yet" to hit UK by October

  1. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Itt: people falling for the covid media hype

    NO U

    The vaccine does nothing
    Covid does nothing

    Yup 👍
  2. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by aldra how long do you think 'preppers' in general are able to live off-grid? stockpiling supplies for more than a few months at a time takes a lot of space and it grows exponentially depending on how many people need to be fed. how long can pumps or electrical systems go without maintenance or parts? how long would those people hold out on something between agriculture-revolution era tech and going totally feral when they have the option of coming back to the modern era if they're willing to take the oath?

    further, how would you go about killing 90% of the population in such a way that it selects for traits that would be desirable in a slave caste? keep in mind that even though you're powerful, you're vulnerable in that you're a tiny sliver of a fraction of a percent of the total population

    The whole point of prepping is being able to survive once SHTF. And how would you go about killing 90% in a way that selects for desirable traits? I just gave you a pretty solid plan:

    Stage one:
    Covid-19. Spread an obviously not-that-dangerous disease and go FULL DRACONIAN to stir up the rebellious shitheads into a committed antivaxx stance.

    Stage two:
    Let's call it "Covid-24". Spread a very dangerous disease that will rip through the unvaxxed population, decimating them. Completely destabilize the food supply. (Bill Gates owns a lot of farmland for some reason. Weird, that.)

    Stage three:
    Use your control of the food supply (which you have, since you planned this whole fiasco) to starve out undesirable elements. The chaos will mask the orchestrated nature of the famines. Holodomor 2: Electric Boogaloo.

    Stage four:
    Use your vaxxed and well-fed armies to crush any resistance.

    That's it, that's all. Stages one and two select against the wolves, and as a shepherd you are in charge of culling the remaining flock of sheep. Congratulations, between disease, carefully controlled famine, and good ol' fashioned war... well, you truly believed "billions must die", and now you've successfully pulled it off. Biblical.
  3. It's actually the other way around. They extorted the population into injecting a bioweapon that kills the immune system, so when they release Covid-24, all those idiots who took it will die. The people who didn't inject the bioweapon will be fine.
  4. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Literally make a disease that's lethal proportionate to the number of boosters you've had and you have a pretty solid proxy for obedience being selected for. It's honestly that simple - the scenario I laid out is just my schizo fantasy where I still live despite not being boosted to hell and back.
  5. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It's actually the other way around. They extorted the population into injecting a bioweapon that kills the immune system, so when they release Covid-24, all those idiots who took it will die. The people who didn't inject the bioweapon will be fine.

    Yes, sparing you! The... anti-government types. Makes sense.
  6. Originally posted by Meikai Yes, sparing you! The… anti-government types. Makes sense.

    Well, they can never break us anyways, so why bother with us until it's time to bring in the tanks?
  7. The jab creates a condition called IgG4.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Well, they can never break us anyways, so why bother with us until it's time to bring in the tanks?

    They don't need to bring in the tanks if you're susceptible to the aforementioned toddler-tier reverse psychology. Which you... proudly are. Microbes hold street corners better than tanks or infantry could ever dream of.
  9. Originally posted by Meikai They don't need to bring in the tanks if you're susceptible to the aforementioned toddler-tier reverse psychology. Which you… proudly are. Microbes hold street corners better than tanks or infantry could ever dream of.

    Of course they'd have to bring in the tanks for us, because we're not stupid enough to inject their bioweapons.
  10. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    If you want to be there when the tanks roll in, buddy, don't get jedied: get the jab.
  11. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Like, nobody who claims they believe this conspiracy theory ever has an explanation for why the government would do it that way. It's literally nothing more than copium from prideful morons who can't recant their antivaxx stance after all their bluster during the draconian bullshit that went down in 2020. "We'll survive because of course we'll survive, we're big and strong and tough and they'll need the tanks to kill us."

    Do you people even fucking hear yourselves.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Evil always goes to the low hanging fruit first.

    I agree with you on this though. Again: toddler-tier reverse psychology is all it takes to make you essentially commit suicide out of Pride.

    The bonus here is that making you think vaccines are bad and then having you die from being unvaccinated will reinforce the survivors' faith in the secular civic religion - they bear witness to the sinners being punished for their lack of faith. There are so many arguments for why the scenario I've laid out is a much better plan. Literally all you schizos have is cope and an extremely inflated sense of pride, which leads to a hilariously off-base assessment of our relative positions on the fruit tree.

    Sorry if I'm scaring you, old man.
  13. Originally posted by Meikai Like, nobody who claims they believe this conspiracy theory ever has an explanation for why the government would do it that way. It's literally nothing more than copium from prideful morons who can't recant their antivaxx stance after all their bluster during the draconian bullshit that went down in 2020. "We'll survive because of course we'll survive, we're big and strong and tough and they'll need the tanks to kill us."

    Do you people even fucking hear yourselves.

    You should be more concerned with why they all lied to you for two years straight how the jab would fully prevent transmission, then finally admitted it doesn't.
  14. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You should be more concerned with why they all lied to you for two years straight how the jab would fully prevent transmission, then finally admitted it doesn't.

    Covid-19, in this scenario, was irrelevant. It was a ruse to entrench loyalists and rebels in their respective positions wrt taking safety precautions against "covid". Covid-19 might well have just been the flu by another name - simply fudged statistics, as I'm certain I've seen you claim before. It didn't prevent transmission because it wasn't the flu vaccine, it was the covid-24 vaccine.
  15. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Your willingness to believe information from the mouths of the devils themselves - so long as it confirms your priors - is kinda hilarious though. Damn. Like. "I won't believe anything Fauci says! Except that the vaccine ended up being leaky and didn't prevent transmission! It was definitely a real vaccine for a real disease and they lied about its effectiveness to you suckers... it just was also a bioweapon to depopulate you. Fucking sheep. Shepherds actually love dealing with wolves."

    Also, consider: the more silly the lies they told were, the better the vaccine would select for preserving the credulous faithful - the loyalists.
  16. Covid-19 is real, because it's just the common flu. It always was just the common flu. It was nothing more than a psyops.
  17. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Covid-19 is real, because it's just the common flu. It always was just the common flu. It was nothing more than a psyops.

    I can buy that. I can also buy that it was a custom built bug with a low mortality rate - a feinted assault that nonetheless psychologically wounded you, readying you for a sudden coup-de-grâce that's yet to come. You are a self-declared enemy of the forces arrayed against humanity. They know you exist. They are not obliged to honorably meet you in battle. If they're going to kill a bunch of people by underhanded means, they're starting with you... if you'll let them.

    Shame is, it sure looks like you'll let them, so long as you've got this pacifying fantasy about how you've outsmarted the NWO and their dastardly machinations.
  18. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Man I wish we could split off into two realities where my plot plays out and your infinitely more retarded one plays out, and we can compare notes on how well the NWO is doing in each one. I'm just some retard on the internet - if I can predict how poorly your version of their plan is likely to go for them (I mean, surely in your reality the forces of good are actually still alive to triumph in the end), they've definitely predicted it. So why... why would they do it like that? lmao
  19. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Never leave your fruit hanging is the lesson.
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