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Silly thought but maybe Obvious?

  1. #1
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    would a simple way to simple encrypt from a qwerty to a colemak or ALZERTY etc etc by remapping key punchs on a standard keyboard layout (without num punch pad) and then maybe shift or whatever.

    then just simple word-process back. or map it back

    What color are your shoestring? if White You're a NAZI, BRO
  2. #2
    idk what that is but

    def qwerty_to_colemak(text):
    qwerty = "qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,."
    colemak = "qwfpgjluy;arstdhneiozxcvbkm,."

    mapping = dict(zip(qwerty, colemak))

    converted_text = ''.join([mapping[char] if char in mapping else char for char in text])
    return converted_text

    def qwerty_to_alzerty(text):
    qwerty = "qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,."
    alzerty = "qwaorijhnteyu;lsdkzxcmvbg,."

    mapping = dict(zip(qwerty, alzerty))

    converted_text = ''.join([mapping[char] if char in mapping else char for char in text])
    return converted_text

    input_text = input("Enter a text in QWERTY layout: ")

    colemak_text = qwerty_to_colemak(input_text)
    alzerty_text = qwerty_to_alzerty(input_text)

    print("Converted to Colemak:", colemak_text)
    print("Converted to ALZERTY:", alzerty_text)
  3. #3
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood idk what that is but

    def qwerty_to_colemak(text):
    qwerty = "qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,."

    print("Converted to Colemak:", colemak_text)
    print("Converted to ALZERTY:", alzerty_text)

    why are NOT you employed? why dont you have certs and get a FUCKING 120k a year job
  4. #4
    Originally posted by Pete Green why are NOT you employed? why dont you have certs and get a FUCKING 120k a year job

    i work for the shadow economy full time

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood We are Hiring! &
    WE are the shadow bank of Bhutan enterprises LTD united incorporated, the communist capitalist futurist retrotech BBS shadow bank solution for the emerging underground economy of people that reject the false lies of fake scameconomy society and instead are building glorious open source future technology that will change the world, by destroying anything in our way

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood i'm literally starting a factory just because of this

    The market is wide the fuck open THEY TOOK GOODIE RINGS OUT OF THE FUCKING VARIETY PACKS and it was Canada only, they never exported them… the fuck???? those were the best cookies EVERYONE ATE THE FUCKING GOODIE RINGS AND LEFT THE REST FOR THEIR MOM

    And if you buy an entire bag of goodie rings you are a degenerate, but now you can't get them at all. Fuck that shit, if they won't make goodie rings I WILL. literally just peanut butter and chocolate

    they must be fucking retards or something, how the fuck can you not make profit off such a simple item, no way the margins are bad enough

    they still sell these , is it the chocolate??? like it makes no sense. Why would they stop producing their BEST product???

    actual retards. Thanks for giving me a market opportunity though!
  5. #5
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood idk what that is but

    def qwerty_to_colemak(text):
    qwerty = "qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,."
    colemak = "qwfpgjluy;arstdhneiozxcvbkm,."

    mapping = dict(zip(qwerty, colemak))

    converted_text = ''.join([mapping[char] if char in mapping else char for char in text])
    return converted_text

    def qwerty_to_alzerty(text):
    qwerty = "qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,."
    alzerty = "qwaorijhnteyu;lsdkzxcmvbg,."

    mapping = dict(zip(qwerty, alzerty))

    converted_text = ''.join([mapping[char] if char in mapping else char for char in text])
    return converted_text

    input_text = input("Enter a text in QWERTY layout: ")

    colemak_text = qwerty_to_colemak(input_text)
    alzerty_text = qwerty_to_alzerty(input_text)

    print("Converted to Colemak:", colemak_text)
    print("Converted to ALZERTY:", alzerty_text)

    How do I save this as an .exe and run it on my android?
  6. #6
    section .data
    qwerty db "qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,.", 0
    colemak db "qwfpgjluy;arstdhneiozxcvbkm,.", 0
    alzerty db "qwaorijhnteyu;lsdkzxcmvbg,.", 0

    section .bss
    converted resb 100 ; Adjust the size as needed

    section .text
    global _start

    ; Read input from user
    mov eax, 3 ; sys_read
    mov ebx, 0 ; stdin
    mov ecx, converted
    mov edx, 100 ; Read up to 100 bytes
    int 0x80

    ; Perform conversion to Colemak
    lea esi, [qwerty]
    lea edi, [colemak]
    call convert

    ; Perform conversion to ALZERTY
    lea esi, [qwerty]
    lea edi, [alzerty]
    call convert

    ; Exit the program
    mov eax, 1 ; sys_exit
    xor ebx, ebx ; Return code 0
    int 0x80

    xor eax, eax ; Clear EAX
    lodsb ; Load byte from [esi] into AL, increment ESI
    test al, al ; Check if it's null-terminated
    jz .done
    mov dl, al ; Copy AL to DL
    mov esi, eax ; Copy EAX (address of converted text) to ESI
    sub dl, 'a' ; Convert ASCII to index
    mov al, [edi+edx] ; Load corresponding character from destination
    stosb ; Store AL into [edi], increment EDI
    jmp .loop

    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 How do I save this as an .exe and run it on my android?

    Termux maybe

    package main

    import (

    func qwertyToColemak(text string) string {
    qwerty := "qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,."
    colemak := "qwfpgjluy;arstdhneiozxcvbkm,."

    mapping := make(map[byte]byte)
    for i := 0; i < len(qwerty); i++ {
    mapping[qwerty[i]] = colemak[i]

    var convertedText strings.Builder
    for _, char := range text {
    if mappedChar, exists := mapping[byte(char)]; exists {
    } else {

    return convertedText.String()

    func qwertyToAlzerty(text string) string {
    qwerty := "qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,."
    alzerty := "qwaorijhnteyu;lsdkzxcmvbg,."

    mapping := make(map[byte]byte)
    for i := 0; i < len(qwerty); i++ {
    mapping[qwerty[i]] = alzerty[i]

    var convertedText strings.Builder
    for _, char := range text {
    if mappedChar, exists := mapping[byte(char)]; exists {
    } else {

    return convertedText.String()

    func main() {
    var inputText string
    fmt.Println("Enter a text in QWERTY layout: ")

    colemakText := qwertyToColemak(inputText)
    alzertyText := qwertyToAlzerty(inputText)

    fmt.Println("Converted to Colemak:", colemakText)
    fmt.Println("Converted to ALZERTY:", alzertyText)

    Open Termux: If you haven't already, install and open the Termux app.

    Write Go Code: Use a text editor available in Termux (such as nano, vim, or emacs) to write your Go code. Save the file with a .go extension (e.g., myprogram.go).

    Run Go Code:

    In the Termux terminal, navigate to the directory where your Go file is located using the cd command.
    Compile and run the Go code using the following command:


    go run myprogram.go

    Input Data: If your program requires input, provide the necessary input through the terminal.

    View Output: The terminal will display the output of your Go program.Open Termux: If you haven't already, install and open the Termux app.

    Write Go Code: Use a text editor available in Termux (such as nano, vim, or emacs) to write your Go code. Save the file with a .go extension (e.g., myprogram.go).

    Run Go Code:

    In the Termux terminal, navigate to the directory where your Go file is located using the cd command.
    Compile and run the Go code using the following command:

    go run myprogram.go

    Input Data: If your program requires input, provide the necessary input through the terminal.

    View Output: The terminal will display the output of your Go program.
  7. #7
    or just use the python code in termux idkw hat would be easiest
  8. #8
    if it don't run on assembly x86 and C it ain't blessed
  9. #9
    Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by Pete Green why are NOT you employed? why dont you have certs and get a FUCKING 120k a year job

    His certification cannot be verified by any second source.
  10. #10
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood or just use the python code in termux idkw hat would be easiest

    Doesnt matter.. Compilers will convert the code into whatever the standard or proprietary source is where you work.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #11
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    the entire point of different keyboard layouts is a different visual layout

    unless you have one of those keyboards where every key is a little LED display you can't change what the keys look like
  12. #12
    Originally posted by Bradley His certification cannot be verified by any second source.

    i have nonne

    Originally posted by aldra why

    the entire point of different keyboard layouts is a different visual layout

    unless you have one of those keyboards where every key is a little LED display you can't change what the keys look like

    because skitzo
  13. #13
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Google (Tool of NSA) figured out they could produce a labeled version of Panel Speakers VoG as Voice of God but not in it's true tech sense of CIA level mind fucking where you have to be right in the direct line of site to hear it and no one else can hear this but you or whoever the panel is being pointed at.

    they removed the video from Youtube when you look up Voice of God-panel speaker with DML panel speakers

    they even throw in a few religious videos to act as if they're confused about what you're asking for yet their AI search is powerful enough and one of the most advance to data-mine your interest. but when you ask it straight forward, it cock blocks this fucking shit.
  14. #14
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Fucking hell.. this was directed at another forum. I did not open to tab pages .. wtf
  15. #15
    Originally posted by Pete Green Fucking hell.. this was directed at another forum. I did not open to tab pages .. wtf

  16. #16
    Originally posted by Pete Green Google (Tool of NSA) figured out they could produce a labeled version of Panel Speakers VoG as Voice of God but not in it's true tech sense of CIA level mind fucking where you have to be right in the direct line of site to hear it and no one else can hear this but you or whoever the panel is being pointed at.

    they removed the video from Youtube when you look up Voice of God-panel speaker with DML panel speakers

    they even throw in a few religious videos to act as if they're confused about what you're asking for yet their AI search is powerful enough and one of the most advance to data-mine your interest. but when you ask it straight forward, it cock blocks this fucking shit.
  17. #17
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    what happens if you go on the Canadian vs of .gov and type the N word into the search engine and hit send send send over and over..hella fast. not suggesting you DdOS SCIS or whatever but just curious if they would take your free gibs way from you and seperate you from you little honey momster HTS
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