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Depression induced cognitive dysfunction

  1. #1
    cant find the health and wellness subforum, it probably doesn't exist.

    I meet the criteria for everything in the DSM-V + some other things like supporting ISIS, the desire to own firearms, child porn/lolis and wanting to be a spaceman and huffing triangles.

    I am a better worker/civilian/person/lover than anyone. I have never been to a doctor in my life, I alm0st die every day and I live completely outside the system like a predator and only interact to take what I need at any costs, fucking over anyone in my way.

    I break so many laws but I follow a strict moral code and don't steal and I am not violent in any way. I just survive by killing the world around me because I am a beast, a man, a highly evolved human. I cannot be called a criminal, a junkie or citizen, I do not belong to any system or group of humans I am 100% independant lone woof, even my own family has abandoned me.

    There is no changing my ways and improving my life because I change multiple times every day and my life has no room to improve, I am the living singularity, the very evolutionary cusp of humanity making 1000 interactions a minute more experienced than any nation on earth but isolated from everything. I am a born shark.

    The universe is too obsolete for my energy, multidimensional time travel is the only socket type for my kind of plug.

    Serial killer reptile DNA are meta humans.

    Mayan blood sacrifice, AUM SHINRIKYO heaven gate scientology all know this

    Dare to huff the Tripartite Glutamate Synapse genetic modification fam?
  2. #2
    This too

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