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What do you mean you went on a Quest for Kinkou?

  1. #1
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    every day and every night t5rying to ask questions about my man he is 45 and that's what I wanted to say to you before sean puts on those wemens cloathing and starts to kazuuze who the fuck is just going to tell him to calm down and when does that nigger roll into a ball like 93 while he told me that he can change a motor like it is a guage-guapo 193 where he takes the time to get to know me through msn messenger and he takes the time but we shouldn't roll it up into a ball we should just hocus what if i told yhou this is plymouth colony county and this is milk weat iut causes exema and you don't know how to roll on up into a ball what if you had 2 brother's 3/14 where you took the time to t4ell them that you can't hold me down in a blanket and terrorize me before you're o0wn cond1tion becomes an time repellant, valinciae my final quoe even if you know that you kept a spider in a jar you can still pleed quilty in the court of law before state of apparel but if you wear basketball cloathing you know exactly who it is who told you i'm no o0ne and i don't capitalize and we look for tghe nuugget bu t if you pinch and pull on jesus christ.
  2. #2
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Becauuse my name is Blaine and I know who I am and you know who you are but if you commit a crime before the jury of state vandiction while you are waesting time you mist be able to find out about the qinch when you are only 5'9 152.2 pds and you like to play the worpal before an execit beofre an aoudaoubit when you finish the wall you can calm down before the rest of the state neurons to neurons you found a bag of drugs on the ground and if you take time and you start to talk about it you will see that i like to play diablo? who else that poor boy who punched the wall at the hospital it doesn't matter that's a totse member that's a police offi8cer what do you mean that i got up and looked at those faggots like they don't kniow where to walk when some idiot begins to punch the wall, CRYSTAL METHAMPHEINE they said to me bakersfield california where i took money from them for free becuase exeveryinhg was a lotus but if you talk japanaese they'll give you money so you can stop time so whay don't you talk about it some time when you're finished with your little bit of drug raid while you wear women's panties or something.
  3. #3
    Amazing thread
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    It's the hospital it's alright i know how to break them shoot them dont suck cock tell thgem you broke them and they broke the law in your name before petition and this is the bomb but
  5. #5
    im tellig yiy fuys this OP is amaamazing poster and you should not ignore but instead study everything they post this is a real OG post right here .
  6. #6
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    I want to be like Greg Giraldo.
  7. #7
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
  8. #8
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    i'm waiting for Mr Mash to say less codie and inane shit.
  9. #9
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    this website breaks brains
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #10
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Albert in front of Burger King
  11. #11
    Originally posted by Pete Green i'm waiting for Mr Mash to say less codie and inane shit.

    maybe it's not code

    everyone says its code its code but I more or less pick up what he's shooting down the line. It's just that if someone asked me "what did that guy say" and I repeated it word for word they wouldln't get it.

    Originally posted by β˜†$Pβ‚³C3πŸπŸŒŸπŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ»κ’°βŒβ– Ο‰β– κ’±πŸ‘πŸΏπŸͺ$H33PπŸ‘πŸŒ› I award the solid goldje fridge magnet to MASHLEHASH who's posts cheered me up in some weird way idk maybe my mind is that gone,maybe he's a genius. I secretly suspect he is the best poster #amongus but about 15% of the RISC heavy lifting of his posts gets lost to fascimale demodulation like a baud over the line. Thats right we are ending on a POSITIVE NOTE

    if you bought the seasonal pass to the award show then I direct to the NO REFUND fine print. Thanks everyone its been great

    i find him more endearing than someone that just calls everyone a GOVERNMENT AGENT like label a person whatever you want, i dont think everyone is deserving of LABELS andn beingn put into a box and just OH THERES THE SKITZO GUY like I don't do that to you, I definielely TEASE you about it and mention it but dont just ignore walls of text and be like OH THERES ANOTHER SKITZO SPACE SHEEP RANT

    no I don't read every wall of text rant but I think not all walls of text or insane posts or random shit are the same like bling bling for example

    Originally posted by A offical page of Ghanian space agency., we strive to be the first african nation permanantley in space

  12. #12
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by mashlehash Albert in front of Burger King

    Where's Sploo\Angel;C/
  13. #13
    Originally posted by mashlehash Where's Sploo\Angel;C/

    *holdje that angel up to your heart*

    in your heart and mine now, occasionally the hearts of others. I dunno what happened with kinkou but I did come across her battling it out with like 4-5 DH'ers in one thread like some kind of gang rape gone wrong where the victim turns the tabel on the 4 people trying to rape her and instead forces them all one by one into consentual sex, and schooling them all while fucking them. In the end she ended up agreeing with Ellaria Sand that eveyone here deserves to DIE DIE DIE!!!!! and she said she was already planning on leaving anyways and the dhers were like WELL THERES THE DOOR!!!! and were just not at all pleasant or entertaining in the slightest to read

    which is probably why nobody remembers her leaving as she WOOP'ed out the door the same time DH stuck their ugly foot in the door and barged in

    I dont think I ever posted the stuff I found involving her but I did invoke her name several times this year SHE COMES UP IN MY BATTLES WITH THE SHADOW REALM

    Originally posted by A Oh Great Spirits! Us Humble degenizens of the Third Temple pray to thee Spirits of life, death, luck, gambling and others to please grant us another soul in the sacred Temple for we have fought one another in space for generations and require new blood to appease you oh Great Spirits leet 1337 us spill the blood of virgins and the corrupt alike and mix it in an elixir and xtep on it with tussi pink feminine red blood pink champagne MDMA love potion magic wiccan polish qt3.14 female energy HTS hydromorphone kreepy kay kinkou kafka KKK female N RG!!!!!! CHARGE US WITH YOUR PURITY AND LIGHT!!! AHKMAH!!!!

    We shall draw Henna triangles all over her bodyoieoieoieoieoieoieoieoeioeioeeoeoeoeoeooeoeoeoeoe in the name of Jeff Hunter and our Dear Leasder Lanny and blessed Fralala AMEN AND TRIANGLES BLESS THWE ZUNDAY

    May you bear her many fruit and may she remain trapped on prison eartyh with the SPICE NIGGAS awakened to true light for all eternity

  14. #14
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    So Johannus Grabbed the Sword.
    When Gebriel Started to get mad.
    Often, Johannus began to wonder.
    What if I am a fuck-up? what do
    you mean I knewd more Energy.
    If I am about 42 years old,
    How old are you?
  15. #15
    Quest for Kinkou is a good title
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #16
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    How old are you, Kinkou?
    And you know I Never
    Wouldn't; See, I am .TMP~Q
    This Best Person Q
    That if we Q
    started to Q
    grow a tree Q
    it would be Q
    the best trea Q Q
    why don't you fuck me, why don't we stack grass?
    You steal hamburger's from burger king.
    Why don't you turn yourself in?
    Why don't you tell them you know
    Better than them, Jehova's
    Crack the System; You
    Find Anything;
    C10 $Break The Law$
    Segment Break
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #17
    She's 250lb again.
  18. #18
    Originally posted by mashlehash How old are you, Kinkou?
    And you know I Never
    Wouldn't; See, I am .TMP~Q
    This Best Person Q
    That if we Q
    started to Q
    grow a tree Q
    it would be Q
    the best trea Q Q
    why don't you fuck me, why don't we stack grass?
    You steal hamburger's from burger king.
    Why don't you turn yourself in?
    Why don't you tell them you know
    Better than them, Jehova's
    Crack the System; You
    Find Anything;
    C10 $Break The Law$
    Segment Break

    this is just pure gold right here you can tell he wrote this by hand tyurly you have to appeciate the digital arts to appeciate a post like this. Mashlehash is definately a talented artist and whats sad is that people done seee that more often WELL I SEEE YOU!!!!!

    and I Would liike to see kinkous nuuuuuuuuuuudes

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson She's 250lb again.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ABOUT THE NUDES OH HAWT MAMA any OG Nis girl can be any weight and I would want to see them more just saying, they could be 400 lbs or 50lbs and would you honestly want to miss seeing how time ruins what you once considered a hotttie????

    ive had similar situations where you see a girl and its like DEAR GOD TIME HAS NOT TREATED HER WELL... But it does say "single" under her relationship status HMMMMMM
  19. #19
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Every world is for a spider, now a spider GETS KEPT IN A JAR. Now, when you transfer a spider from Utah, all the way To Bakersfield..You don't tell anyonE. Don't tell anyone that you know mash, that you understand he had a problem, that you don't und3erstand. Even0You Jheit. Don't tell anyone that there was a spider in a jar that you left in a jar but when you left it in a jar, it rolled up into a ball and you started to tell Mr. Kevin Federline that he shouldn't fuck around and neither should (It's Your Family) you, Piece of Ranche. If you want that job one will be affordable and available to you but if you want to make fun of that boy, you stop it right now. I bought an tampered packege that wax supposed to make balloon animals but if he looks at me again? Nigger's like jeepers creepers at the gas pump trying to tell me that I am an a fbi. Okay brayden. Schizophrenia and Autism Rule In Pairs. Time? We've Goooooot A Search Warrant. This is a magic carp. Then, why don't you search the gas station. Little Phony. Everyone's a phony in Bakersfield, California. It's 1:38 PM but it's 11:00 PM at night. Why don't you mind your own business while you slope on the curve before we begin to fight, not with you with someone. ?

    User was banned for saying the taboo phrase "balloon"!
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. #20
    That'll teach you.
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