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Novel idea for the ultra wealthy NIs elite

  1. #1
    If you had a bajillion dollars you could hire a couple strong ass Somoan nurses , and hire them to make your depressed friends hang out with you.

    If they don't answer the phone send over your somoans wearing their healthcare night gowns to bust into your friends place to drag them out of bed into the shower and then slap a handful of TryActin between they're cheeks and dress them in tommy Hilfiger that way they have to hang out with you
  2. #2
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    ok Ali G
  3. #3
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 If you had a bajillion dollars you could hire a couple strong ass Somoan nurses , and hire them to make your depressed friends hang out with you.

    If they don't answer the phone send over your somoans wearing their healthcare night gowns to bust into your friends place to drag them out of bed into the shower and then slap a handful of TryActin between they're cheeks and dress them in tommy Hilfiger that way they have to hang out with you

    If you had a "baijillion" dollars you'd have more "friends" then you could handle titesack
  4. #4
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
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