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Paul Wozny is the reason they seal fast food with stickers when it's delivered by fat fucks for DoorDash

  1. #41
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    So do it differently starting today. Or not...
  2. #42
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker So do it differently starting today. Or not…

    Too logical.
  3. #43
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Too logical.

    Like great great grampy Darrell Eugene used to say...

    If yas doesn't like what yas gut stop doin wutchyer doin, cuz wutchyer doin is gettin yas wutchya gut
  4. #44
    Bradley Florida Man
    I'm thinking about getting DoorDash today and just ordering myself more food than I normally eat in a sitting but I was like why wouldn't I Just walk the 8 blocks to the college and get it from the clean mcdonalds (cleanest i've ever seen in a city) instead of paying delivery

    then I was like wait I have all this sushi. I bought this tray of sushi and it's new dragonfruit, mango carrots, shits fucking awful, so awful in fact I called the grocery store and told them they're new sushi is fucking awful, they said "How much of it did you eat?"

    I said 1 part of the side (They come in a roll) and it was awful, so I tried one from the middle, and I would like to replace it.

    "Sure just come in tomorrow or in the next 45 minutes and we can switch it out for one you like."

    'do i need my receipt?'

    "haha, did you buy it here? No you're good, see you when you get here."

    I'm like thtat's pretty good customer service for a drunk phone call a half hour before you close.
  5. #45
    Seems to be it would be relatively simple to get a hold of some of those labels/stickers to seal the bags. Any fat fuck worth his salt would do this and simply reseal the bag after rubbing the hot dog along his shaft before returning it to the bag and resealing.
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