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I am the worst person to tell you're gonna kill yourself to.

  1. #21
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    your just wrong.
  2. #22
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  3. #23
    trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat look up age of consent laws throughout the entire human experience it was like 12 only to 130 or so years ago in england. look at the article above of victorian times england and educate yourself. it wasjustified then look at the images no one cared they even gave the pregnant 10 yr old celebrity status.

    Laws don't dictate morality. You're not going to change my mind, murder is much more acceptable than baby raping. No questions, you are the only person that believes otherwise.
  4. #24
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    wrong you are just wrong. read the actuala rticles i posted. educate yourself. no one is talking about "baby" raping. in most of human history and still today in much of the world having willing sex at a young age with an adult for free or money is not wrong while murder always was and will be.
  5. #25
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i dont give a fuck about your stupid morality or mind or hypocryte probably thought process.
  6. #26
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    never stated laws i pointed to examples in russia where no one made a big deal about fucking child porn pics being sold with real porn in a flea market or kids going to porn shows with adults and no one caring.
  7. #27
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by trippymindfuk There's a such thing as a justifiable murder, there's many reasons to drive someone to kill someone else.

    There's no justification for being a child molester, no matter how much you try to justify it there never has been and never will be


    It's called "Stand your ground" with Justifiable Manslaughter-enhanced

    Murder is defined as premeditated or by a passionate knee jerk reactionary response.
  8. #28
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    exactly and in california this does not exist hre i stood my ground against kevin markley and did not even kill him.
  9. #29
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    trippy please read this:
  10. #30
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    some of them even claimed tey enjoyed it or the attention none of them said its worse than murder or being killed. ur a retard.
  11. #31
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    on top of this murder is one of the ten commandments. nothing to do with sex is.
  12. #32
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    wariat should kill himself so then nobody has to commit crimes
  13. #33
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Wariat also read this:

    this guy was like the only one who cared or did not find it acceptable at the time.

    lol its interesring how they used the word make or referred to the brothel girls as marks.
  14. #34
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    “ "Maids, as you call them – fresh girls as we know them in the trade – are constantly in request, and a keeper who knows his business has his eyes open in all directions, his stock of girls is constantly getting used up, and needs replenishing, and he has to be on the alert for likely "marks" to keep up the reputation of his house. I have been in my time a good deal about the country on these errands. The getting of fresh girls takes time, but it is simple and easy enough when, once you are in it. I have gone and courted girls in the country under all kinds of disguises, occasionally assuming the dress of a parson, and made them believe that I intended to marry them, and so got them in my power to please a good customer. How is it done? Why, after courting my girl for a time, I propose to bring her to London to see the sights. I bring her up, take her here and there, giving her plenty to eat and drink–especially drink. I take her to the theatre, and then I contrive it so that she loses her last train. By this time she is very tired, a little dazed with the drink and excitement, and very frightened at being left in town with no friends..."

    "I offer her nice lodgings for the night: she goes to bed in my house, and then the affair is managed. My client gets his maid, I get my £10 or £20 commission, and in the morning the girl, who has lost her character, and dare not go home, in all probability will do as the others do, and become one of my "marks"–that is, she will make her living in the streets, to the advantage of my house. The brothel keeper's profit is, first, the commission down for the price of a maid, and secondly, the continuous profit of the addition of a newly seduced, attractive girl to his establishment. That is a fair sample case of the way in which we recruit. Another very simple mode of supplying maids is by breeding them. Many women who are on the streets have female children. They are worth keeping. When they get to be twelve or thirteen they become merchantable. For a very likely "mark" of this kind you may get as much as £20 or £40..."”
  15. #35
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i dont get why its so unacceptwble today for a girl this age to even date or go out with wn older guy but back then it deems their families didnt even csre until they became marks.
  16. #36
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat i dont get why its so unacceptwble today for a firl this agr to even dste or go out with wn older guy but back then it deems their fmsilies didnt even csre until they became marks.

    because you're an idiot, it's been explained to you time and time again
  17. #37
    cryptographiccontrarian African Astronaut
    fake and gay
  18. #38
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by aldra because you're an idiot, it's been explained to you time and time again

    how so? polish hypocryticwl wociety? I just hwd w firl todsy gomout of her way to make a fwcebook account just to tell me shes not interested lol rwther thwn ignore me as i wouodnt have even tried for the third time and inwasnt too interested to begin with. why is it ehe acted like those but those girls in victorian times youngerr than her (accoridng to artivle 12-14) would be willing to go on dates or tlak about marriwge with wdult men?
  19. #39
    cryptographiccontrarian African Astronaut
    having a sex drive period is fuckin disgusting and degenerate beyond belief. can you imagine all those people out there just being hella depressed because they just want to smash their genitals against someone elses all the time but cant because people are generally intolerable af and its hard to find someone you would actually be cool with spending the majority of your life with without wanting to unalive yourself. i mean get real, what a degenerate hobby
  20. #40
    Originally posted by Wariat how so? polish hypocryticwl wociety? I just hwd w firl todsy gomout of her way to make a fwcebook account just to tell me shes not interested lol rwther thwn ignore me as i wouodnt have even tried for the third time and inwasnt too interested to begin with. why is it ehe acted like those but those girls in victorian times youngerr than her (accoridng to artivle 12-14) would be willing to go on dates or tlak about marriwge with wdult men?

    im with wariat here guys , lets say you have a 9 year old girl right? and shes GOING TO TOWN on rover s red rocket, like I mean it's more concerning than sexual, like you are actually worried she is going to huert the dog and lets say you just slide right in and she doesn't notice it's an oldje adult man dick instead . Whats wrong here I mean honestly ask yourself who is the dog in this scenario ?

    and what moral lesson can we apply to life from this FICTIONAL example, you sick fucks? Well I mean ... JUST STYICK IT IN HER!!! just hold her down and BUST HER WIDE OPEN i mean COME ON whats stopping you really. No means yes and if you learn sales , no is just a yes that hasn't happened yet, and why wait? Just penetrate your dick I mean is it a problem of angle s or do you think it just wont fit? Becuase let me tell you if theres a will theres a way and if you let minor (minor) engineering issues prevent you from showing a child the ins and out deep dive first hand experience with an adult deep dice into SEX here why don't you just put those schoolbooks down and suck on this

    these whores are getting youngerr by the minute literally age regression just search up "DDlg dog fucking" on google and you will see what I mean
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