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Coward Hippies pushed by Communism is why You're All Cowards

  1. #1
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    It's up to you to be proud to serve your Nation.

    I hear people saying they will never ever fight for "The Jews" and always blaming Jews for "Dying for What"
    Well the talk of the Draft is happening. You'll have no say in the matter. 18-36 will be called. but they have reserved the right to call anyone up to the age of 44

    Enjoy your service for our Nation
    Putin is making threats again if Poland if continue to push forces to the front line.

  2. #2
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Op never served
  3. #3
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Op never served

    I want you to think about these words, and I want you to reflect on how they read absent the context of the military - what it means to be someone who served, as opposed to the one being served. Then I want you to realize that the military context doesn't change anything about what those words really mean. You have served OP. You are a server. A servant.
  4. #4
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    They tell you there is nobility and honor in serving to make you want to do it, but it's honorable and noble in the same way the life of a Victorian maid scrubbing bedpans for some aristocratic household is honorable and noble - it's the honor and nobility of servitude. "Pssshh, op's never been a slave - I've been whipped *so* hard by massa." Not exactly bragging rights.
  5. #5
    blob6106 Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Op never served

    Came close

    80s was a dead period in activity except Lebanon bombing, Grenada and ended in Panama

    None of them lasted longer than a few months

    Even Gulf War ended in 9 weeks in 1991
  6. #6
    blob6106 Tuskegee Airman
    I served in a different way.

    I worked as a civilian on NAS and also helped out in a few luncheons at the officers club working for a catering business

  7. #7
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    If there was a war, with the life expectancy really short, it seems like a good portion of Americans would rather just kill cops instead 🀷 or go to prison if the point was staying alive ig.
  8. #8
    blob6106 Tuskegee Airman
    Spasticus Autisticus
  9. #9
    hipppies and communism lol it's not 1960 anymore,,,, grandma

    Originally posted by blob6106 I served in a different way.

    I worked as a civilian on NAS and also helped out in a few luncheons at the officers club working for a catering business


    so a coward, basically
  10. #10
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⋅⋆*$Pβ‚³C3β˜†πŸκ’°-β– ^β– κ’±vπŸ‘πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈβ«·α”•πŸŒŸα”•β«Έβš‘5H33Pβ‹†Β°βœ©πŸͺ hipppies and communism lol it's not 1960 anymore,,,, grandma

    so a coward, basically

    a Coward? They literally were very picky about who was joining because it was under Reagan who was cutting funds and zero war. they had enough people. something like 250k active members at the time and he wanted to cut back the military but raise money in M.I.C defense. "fleecing the nation" or some shit was the theme back then. when I was 16 shy of my 17th birthday I brought home the papers to sign to emancipate me at 17 and she was like "No fucking way". Everyone in the family was telling her to sign the fucking thing. She just likes to be in power.

    then there was my friend Mark trying to get me to join the Army and I was like "Fuck no" because I had a Union job.
  11. #11
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Not to mention me being on meds all over again by 17. they would of thrown my ass out probably
  12. #12
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by blob6106 I served in a different way.

    I worked as a civilian on NAS and also helped out in a few luncheons at the officers club working for a catering business


    Originally posted by ⋅⋆*$Pβ‚³C3β˜†πŸκ’°-β– ^β– κ’±vπŸ‘πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈβ«·α”•πŸŒŸα”•β«Έβš‘5H33Pβ‹†Β°βœ©πŸͺ hipppies and communism lol it's not 1960 anymore,,,, grandma

    so a coward, basically
  13. #13
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Doesn't matter. Im too old now. You guys are not.

    As a matter of fact, if you served they might pull your ass back in. they did so with Vietnam vets in the Gulf War from what I read.
  14. #14
    i dont remember what i said and im not reafin rgigrefefw3t4y5e
  15. #15
    i hate americans but I LOVE LANNY and LANNYISM

    Originally posted by A I wrote a book

    Let us imagine Communism as if it were a discipline for computer science, like a Github repo.

    here are some other flavors of communism

    Now lets look at how Lannyism would fit in this framework of communism

    I have been going through all the works, writings and thought of our dear leader Lanny, even did a scrape of every post he ever made (16k+) and ran block after block of it through an AI summary to distill his very being into LANNYISM, the greatest ideology ever as it was based on the life and philosophy of our dear leader Leonardo who is the secret architect behind many of our stories bringing us here today.

    You don't have to read it (13 pages lol) but if anyone asks what party you support or what your political leanings are, and you DON'T say Lannyism well I would consider that counter revolutionary and anti party, but we err on the side of doing nothing. Punish yourself! Tell your mom you quit left/right politics and have become a devout Lannyist!

    There are 2 'versions' of the 'book'

    here is the raw PDF -

    txt version for poor pppl -

    Lannyism_Ideological ForkintheUtensilDrawerofCommunistTheory.pdf

    This is the special full release edition which includes the LANNYISM MANIFESTO PDF + conways game of life written in HolyC(templeOS), all the images used in the book, a copy of the forum software, the hacker manifesto, Das Kapital, industrial society, and some other pdf files that align with lannyist ideology

    preview of the book

  16. #16
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Pete Green Doesn't matter. Im too old now. You guys are not.

    As a matter of fact, if you served they might pull your ass back in. they did so with Vietnam vets in the Gulf War from what I read.

    You need to be more careful of where you get your reading materials. The minimum age a Vietnam vet would have been at the start of the gulf War would have been 32 - 33 years old. Most if them were in their 50s in 1990. The only way a Vietnam vet saw service period (yet alone combat) in 1990 is if they enlisted or were drafted in 1975 and stayed in for 15 years or were still in the reserves. They did not force separated Vietnam vets to reactivate from civilian life to active duty in 1990.
  17. #17
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You need to be more careful of where you get your reading materials.

    the totse text files on, random BBS sites I find on other BBS sites, the darknet, the sp00knet, very sketchy FTP servers, archives, github.

    I no longer click on facebook links as I found a company that found a epic !!!!! pwn exploit that steals your saved password from any chromium anything uysung about 14 webhook loop tricks and shoots it off to a telegram bot

    and they have 20 million likes on their fake scam exploit page LOKLOLOL EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE <Lollllll rip its one of the biggest reported "hacks" when I searched the name of some of the shit and it's very poorly documented people are wondering HOW IS THIS SPREADING

  18. #18
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
  19. #19
    ^classix jam
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