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the maiden tirbute of modern babylon

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  2. #2
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    „ The disclosure proper began in the July 6 publication, in which Stead reveals that he had asked if genuine maiden virgins could be procured, and being told it was so, asked whether such girls were willing and consensual, or aware of the intentions planned for them:[1]

    "But," I continued, "are these maids willing or unwilling parties to the transaction–that is, are they really maiden, not merely in being each a virgo intacta in the physical sense, but as being chaste girls who are not consenting parties to their seduction?" He looked surprised at my question, and then replied emphatically: "Of course they are rarely willing, and as a rule they do not know what they are coming for." "But," I said in amazement, "then do you mean to tell me that in very truth actual rapes, in the legal sense of the word, are constantly being perpetrated in London on unwilling virgins, purveyed and procured to rich men at so much a head by keepers of brothels?" "Certainly," said he, "there is not a doubt of it." "Why," I exclaimed, "the very thought is enough to raise hell." "It is true," he said; "and although it ought to raise hell, it does not even raise the neighbours."
    "But do the girls cry out?" "Of course they do. But what avails screaming in a quiet bedroom? Remember, the utmost limit of howling or excessively violent screaming, such as a man or woman would make if actual murder was being attempted, is only two minutes, and the limit of screaming of any kind is only five... But suppose the screams continue and you get uneasy, you begin to think whether you should not do something? Before you have made up your mind and got dressed the screams cease, and you think you were a fool for your pains... Once a girl gets into such a house she is almost helpless, and may be ravished with comparative safety".[1]
    Stead commented that "Children of twelve and thirteen cannot offer any serious resistance. They only dimly comprehend what it all means. Their mothers sometimes consent to their seduction for the sake of the price paid by their seducer. The child goes to the introducing house as a sheep to the shambles. Once there, she is compelled to go through with it. No matter how brutal the man may be, she cannot escape". A madam confirmed the story for him, stating of one girl that she was rendered unconscious beforehand, and then coercively given the choice to continue or be homeless afterwards:[1]

    "I engaged her to be my little maid at the lodgings where I was staying. The very next day I took her off with me to London and her mother never saw her again. What became of her? A gentleman paid me £13 for the first of her, soon after she came to town. She was asleep when he did it–sound asleep. To tell the truth, she was drugged. It is often done. I gave her a drowse. It is a mixture of laudanum and something else. Sometimes chloroform is used, but I always used either snuff or laudanum. We call it drowse or black draught, and they lie almost as if dead, and the girl never knows what has happened till morning. And then? Oh! then she cries a great deal from pain, but she is 'mazed, and hardly knows what has happened except that she can hardly move from pain. Of course we tell her it is all right; all girls have to go through it some time, that she is through it now without knowing it, and that it is no use crying. It will never be undone for all the crying in the world. She must now do as the others do. She can live like a lady, do as she pleases, have the best of all that is going, and enjoy herself all day. If she objects, I scold her and tell her she has lost her character, no one will take her in; I will have to turn her out on the streets as a bad and ungrateful girl. The result is that in nine cases out of ten, or ninety-nine out of a hundred, the child, who is usually under fifteen, frightened and friendless, her head aching with the effect of the drowse and full of pain and horror, gives up all hope, and in a week she is one of the attractions of the house."
    Stead quoted a former brothel-keeper who confirmed the nature of the trade:[1]”
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    interesting time to love in victorian london no?
  4. #4
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  5. #5
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    hen they would tlel them it had already been done basiclslya dmitted to rape or there is nothing you csn do every girl has to go throuh it after she was druggef and woke up next dsy dont you think girls even at 22 or 13 would udnerstand what he said and tey to run away or go to police or something?
  6. #6
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i domt get it wouldnt you or any female on here in wuch situation would rsthe rbe homeless even than stay with some dude who just raped you at like 12 or 13 or sold you to some dude who did wt age 12 or 13?
  7. #7
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    why would anyone stay or be cool with it?
  8. #8
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Wariat interesting time to love in victorian london no?

  9. #9
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    “ "Maids, as you call them – fresh girls as we know them in the trade – are constantly in request, and a keeper who knows his business has his eyes open in all directions, his stock of girls is constantly getting used up, and needs replenishing, and he has to be on the alert for likely "marks" to keep up the reputation of his house. I have been in my time a good deal about the country on these errands. The getting of fresh girls takes time, but it is simple and easy enough when, once you are in it. I have gone and courted girls in the country under all kinds of disguises, occasionally assuming the dress of a parson, and made them believe that I intended to marry them, and so got them in my power to please a good customer. How is it done? Why, after courting my girl for a time, I propose to bring her to London to see the sights. I bring her up, take her here and there, giving her plenty to eat and drink–especially drink. I take her to the theatre, and then I contrive it so that she loses her last train. By this time she is very tired, a little dazed with the drink and excitement, and very frightened at being left in town with no friends..."
    "I offer her nice lodgings for the night: she goes to bed in my house, and then the affair is managed. My client gets his maid, I get my £10 or £20 commission, and in the morning the girl, who has lost her character, and dare not go home, in all probability will do as the others do, and become one of my "marks"–that is, she will make her living in the streets, to the advantage of my house. The brothel keeper's profit is, first, the commission down for the price of a maid, and secondly, the continuous profit of the addition of a newly seduced, attractive girl to his establishment. That is a fair sample case of the way in which we recruit. Another very simple mode of supplying maids is by breeding them. Many women who are on the streets have female children. They are worth keeping. When they get to be twelve or thirteen they become merchantable. For a very likely "mark" of this kind you may get as much as £20 or £40..."”
  10. #10
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i still dont even get how they lured them into the brothels or even just wlaked up to some random kids or girls and no one cared like they do in modenr society accusing everyone who even looks at w young girl a pedo or claled the cops (in poland partivulalry ghetto of lods it relaly is this way just looking wt a female gets you in trouble or gets the females acring crazy and grabbing phones tkwing pics of you if they are ghetto tradh and not ukrianians thats how parwnoid they are for some reaosn depsite being ghetto) and how come they dont just day fine kick me out and go back to their fsmilies? why stay at a brothel and make it a career when they clewlry were lured there and still have fmsilies looking for them?
  11. #11
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Wariat i still dont even get how they lured them into the brothels or even just wlaked up to some random kids or girls and no one cared like they do in modenr society accusing everyone who even looks at w young girl a pedo

    It sounds like they didn't "lure them into brothels" so much as it was a case of brothel keepers serving as matchmakers. Pretty sure the way it worked was the brothel keeper found a naïve young girl (or an evil mother sought one out to sell her daughter), and under some pretense - a marriage introduction, employment, etc - lured the young girl to a man's house at his request, to be raped. Keeping a stock of virginal maidens in the brothel itself wouldn't work: a girl could hardly pass for a maiden (in the evident Victorian sense of "a virgin who is chaste and pure of heart") if you found her in a brothel.
  12. #12
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    makes no sense if theyre age 12/13 tho. no one married that young even then. the article implies or mentions these ages at least once. sure some may have been still anitve at 14 but really during those times how many?
  13. #13
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    even at 14 who would marry back then? or be so ignorant to be a match makrer to some old guy and go along with it?
  14. #14
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Wariat makes no sense if theyre age 12/13 tho. no one married that young even then. the article implies or mentions these ages at least once. sure some may have been still anitve at 14 but really during those times how many?

    Before people are married, they are engaged to be married. A marriage introduction leads to a formal engagement, which leads to marriage, which leads to consummation. Would a naïve 12 year old girl in Victorian London realize she's lower class and nobody has any interest in being engaged to some gutter wench whose family is worth less than the dirt they live in? Some would, definitely. Most girls, probably. But there were and still are 12 year old girls innocent enough to see themselves as the princess in bedtime story, newly betrothed to some prince, and excited for what this future has in store. "If this wealthy man takes a liking to me, I can live a magical life!" If anything, they'd probably even have been grateful to the brothel keeper for agreeing to set up the introduction (until it took place and she was raped by the sick fuck, anyway).

    They'd show up to some wealthy estate in the ritzy-er parts of London, and the door would open to reveal a fat sweaty Pollack, naked, with a half-hard dick bent 60 degrees. Even if she tries to run, she's not getting away.
  15. #15
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    "Before people are married, they are engaged to be married."

    nobody at 12 engaged to be married even back then it would have been veryb rare. Secondly arrnaged marriages werent really common in erope since the 1700s or wer eot of style by mod 1800s. Thirdly at 12 a girl wold be shocked anyone would be setting her p with some adult man back then as well. maybe a teenage boy or something.
  16. #16
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i mean sure its possible that at those times 12 yr olds owuld have the hots for someone like me but i doubt it. maybe tho right? if that was true why is it even in ghettos of poland or ukrianian refugees this age dont i mean if it was all eocnomics like you say...
  17. #17
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    plus im not fat. im actually good looking bro.
  18. #18
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    in poland place slike lodz there are people just as poor so why dont a single one of them try to fuck an older ma. or get wiht one marry one if like you said it was just because she was diert poor back then?
  19. #19
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Some od he statemwnts cłami the girls would be sportach on street and luted to the brothel though so sometimes It własny ser Up by the Mom or parents. So why didnt anyone care like they do now or step Up Say anything or why didnt she tel the parents first?
  20. #20
    its a little known fact that snow white was 11 or 12 in the original story.

    why else would every ladies there have difficulties fitting into her shoe.
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