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Everything is a scam

  1. #1
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    I'm tired of it.

    Get fired from Jobs because I didnn't deliver past sensible hours. my one job forced us to deliver past 12am. Do you know what it's like loading 8 boxes of food up into an apartment complex with people coming out with a dog and one time holding a Shotgun looked at me and then shut the door. then his wife cracked the door open and said "Are you fucking kidding me. It's past 12am" and I just said "Sorry running late"

    then called my boss and said I can't deliver anymore of this shit. No Street Lights. Half the people don't have visable large address with curb addresses painted. that used to be a law that isn't enforced anymore

    it's dangerous. no lights.. I got fired for "Abandoning my Post" with just 5 more delivers out of 100.

    they would make me drive vans with bald tires and broken latches on the drivers door so if I was in an accident I wasn't getting out. even a fender bender and the van caught on fire because we carried alcohol.

    should of contacted OSHA on their fucking asses.

    The other was the same basic bitch shit. Amazon driver.

    no one does shit. California is a fucking train wreck of politicians and rules being ignored. murders walking in a rovolving door of justice. its clear they want no police. they want to just make it so fucked up all the rich people will fucking leave. but no one can afford to buy their homes. so who buys them? Chinese. they have shitloads of money and still work. they don't retiire. they keep going. their entire lives. have the entire family working at the stores or restaurants. children too because it's not against Child Labor laws if family owned.

    so the houses aren't coming down in price. they're getting bought up by Rich Asians, Some Europeans and Arabs with oil money for tax breaks and dont even live in their American homes but every 2 years for a couple weeks

    I can't work 40 hours like I used to. or 50-60. I used to work my ass off for Union Pay and now Union workers think they can slack off and get paid more than older workers. newer contracts

    I just want to sleep and throw up half the time. fucked up heart feeling fluttery all the time and lungs only 94-95% Ox Sat that fluxuate from normal to that. I try to keep a good spirit but Im cooked.
  2. #2
    Maybe get a real job.
  3. #3
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Maybe get a real job.

    I'd jump out the office window
  4. #4
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Sell your ass
  5. #5
    What about construction, working outside, whistling at fat chicks passing by and a great workout all while getting paid for it.
  6. #6
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson What about construction, working outside, whistling at fat chicks passing by and a great workout all while getting paid for it.

    those jobs don't pay enough in Hazard Pay throwing my back out especially with a herniated L4-L5
  7. #7
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster Sell your ass

    Or just sell your Ass.
  8. #8
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Come to Ohio.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    No shit lol don't interact with a scam society, don't get scammed. Ez
  10. #10
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bombay Trap Star No shit lol don't interact with a scam society, don't get scammed. Ez

    Everybody needs to use money
  11. #11
    trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Come to Ohio.

    Gotta be better in some aspects than Cali, I know for sure the cost of living is more reasonable.
  12. #12
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Come to Ohio.

    literally drove Non-Stop through it till we got to PA and enjoyed a nice dinner. like it literally Scared the shit out of the driver I was with. He hated Ohio. was praying we didn't get a last minute load there.
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