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crazy night

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I was doing drugs and hanging out with this dude who lives on my floor like near by. He is only like 22 but has been in jail and is this Polish street guy. Like I dont even udnerstand how he talks sometimes as I dont understand polish ghetto or street slang well. but anyway i just met this dude through another dude like a few days ago and went ot his pad to pick up this outlet thing electricity thing he borrowed and he invited me in. long story short he called this chick from my phone as I had her on my messneger. that 17 yr old who spend the night. and guess what? all hell broke lose.

    Some dude answered like she was kicking it with some dude or group of people or whatever and they started going at it with one another talking in jail or prison slang. one dude was like Im a straight dude im solid or some shit are you solid? in polish of course so the menaings were slightly different. but they were like both high you could tell the other dude on the line was high fuming or spitting at the mouth because he wanted to invite that 17 yr old chick over to us. and he wasnt telling him why he was simply saying cna i talk to her and the other dude wouldnt let him. they started telling one another who they knew threatening to fight all sorts of shit and saying im solid and shit.

    Later i tried to end the call and be like guys calm down alright lets end this whatever she has a bofyriend thats her dude but he the dude whose my neighbour and the other guy wouldnt stop. so apparently at one point i was blamed because this guy was so high for calling him basically a bitch or polish jail equivalent of a bitch something like frajer or cwel and talking shit to him and i didnt even directly hold the phone or talk to this dude. in fact ive never met him. i did try to hut on and say i wanted to fuck the 17 yr old chick who previously spend the night that day or yesterday on messenger but she said nah basically and got all emotional and i was like ok cool.

    so i started saying what the fuck is this guy on or talking about and they tried to turn it on me a but but this neighbour dude who is high out of his mind basically said nah he didnt say anything like this but if he did id have issue with him. so i was like in looney tunes and regreted even coming over to this guys pad first of all and getting myself in some weird ass triangle mess over this stupid bitch i had sleep over which i also regreted as all these people are drug users.

    and anyway he hangs up and starts calling people like gang type people or jail street dudes to come for some big showdown with this guys other group they called ot meet him at. and im fucking like damm i just come over to this dudes pad to get my outlet he gives me some lines of mephodrone and a slight sip of vodka and now because i let him use my phone and call that bitch on messenger some gang war is going down im going to have to participate in.

    anyway long story short all this guys people were like tow hours away except some and this other dude luckily shows up the one i met him through or that bisexual dude who is one of my three connections tog et drugs if i ever want some around here. and anyway he also lvies nearby now. all these drug dude slive near me i know which fucking sucks as its gonna be hard to egt rid of them as theyve been coming and knocking and shit.

    and long story short we are partying somewhat but nervous and hear some knock and some dude with a fucking machete is waiting outside outside our door because this bitch the 17 yr old chick and her 20 yr old friend know both of us apaprently and were we both live which is on the same floor and like on other sides of each other maybe one minute away.

    so they have some crew at standby with machetes trying to slice or kill us or some shit. so we dont answer the door. and anyway the siutuation sort of goes away and we continue to get high and buy alcohol these dudes buy two grams of crystal. and this dude starts tripping out at me. not understanding im not some polish street guy but more of an american. he thinks i am talking shit about him under my nose or some shit and when i point at him do this little dance like to the beat or music just to say like hey whats up or just doing my thing he thinks i flipped him off.

    but before this happens some chick comes over they both fucked. like they trained her or threesomed her. later they ask me why i didnt join or some shit. but only when the other dude was getting shit and i was in the bathroom jacking off the dude started fucking her and i heard the noise so i didnt go out of the bathroom to give them privacy.
  2. #2
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    hey bradley do you still wanna come over here knowing this new situation i am having and neighbours?
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    the funny thing was that she had like strings on and a nice perky big ass and she would like squat showing her ass cheeks out of her strings or just get on her knees. at one point they were fingering her and i srot of joined put my finger inside her as well. but i felt weird fucking her or doing anything once that guy started. by the way they came over later and the dude was not high anymore and all of a sudden he was cool again.
  4. #4
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    they were trying to say they went ot the wrong pad or house with machetes and were meant at my pad because supposedly i fucked that chick which i never did. then they started saying she told others at her party they treat her bad. but supposedly the 17 yr old chick lives with the bisexual dude who walks aorund with a bandana all day and some other dude and this dude is just my neighbour but doesnt live with them but she tried to say he does.
  5. #5
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat I was doing drugs and hanging out with this dude who lives on my floor like near by. He is only like 22 but has been in jail and is this Polish street guy. Like I dont even udnerstand how he talks sometimes as I dont understand polish ghetto or street slang well. but anyway i just met this dude through another dude like a few days ago and went ot his pad to pick up this outlet thing electricity thing he borrowed and he invited me in. long story short he called this chick from my phone as I had her on my messneger. that 17 yr old who spend the night. and guess what? all hell broke lose.

    Some dude answered like she was kicking it with some dude or group of people or whatever and they started going at it with one another talking in jail or prison slang. one dude was like Im a straight dude im solid or some shit are you solid? in polish of course so the menaings were slightly different. but they were like both high you could tell the other dude on the line was high fuming or spitting at the mouth because he wanted to invite that 17 yr old chick over to us. and he wasnt telling him why he was simply saying cna i talk to her and the other dude wouldnt let him. they started telling one another who they knew threatening to fight all sorts of shit and saying im solid and shit.

    Later i tried to end the call and be like guys calm down alright lets end this whatever she has a bofyriend thats her dude but he the dude whose my neighbour and the other guy wouldnt stop. so apparently at one point i was blamed because this guy was so high for calling him basically a bitch or polish jail equivalent of a bitch something like frajer or cwel and talking shit to him and i didnt even directly hold the phone or talk to this dude. in fact ive never met him. i did try to hut on and say i wanted to fuck the 17 yr old chick who previously spend the night that day or yesterday on messenger but she said nah basically and got all emotional and i was like ok cool.

    so i started saying what the fuck is this guy on or talking about and they tried to turn it on me a but but this neighbour dude who is high out of his mind basically said nah he didnt say anything like this but if he did id have issue with him. so i was like in looney tunes and regreted even coming over to this guys pad first of all and getting myself in some weird ass triangle mess over this stupid bitch i had sleep over which i also regreted as all these people are drug users.

    and anyway he hangs up and starts calling people like gang type people or jail street dudes to come for some big showdown with this guys other group they called ot meet him at. and im fucking like damm i just come over to this dudes pad to get my outlet he gives me some lines of mephodrone and a slight sip of vodka and now because i let him use my phone and call that bitch on messenger some gang war is going down im going to have to participate in.

    anyway long story short all this guys people were like tow hours away except some and this other dude luckily shows up the one i met him through or that bisexual dude who is one of my three connections tog et drugs if i ever want some around here. and anyway he also lvies nearby now. all these drug dude slive near me i know which fucking sucks as its gonna be hard to egt rid of them as theyve been coming and knocking and shit.

    and long story short we are partying somewhat but nervous and hear some knock and some dude with a fucking machete is waiting outside outside our door because this bitch the 17 yr old chick and her 20 yr old friend know both of us apaprently and were we both live which is on the same floor and like on other sides of each other maybe one minute away.

    so they have some crew at standby with machetes trying to slice or kill us or some shit. so we dont answer the door. and anyway the siutuation sort of goes away and we continue to get high and buy alcohol these dudes buy two grams of crystal. and this dude starts tripping out at me. not understanding im not some polish street guy but more of an american. he thinks i am talking shit about him under my nose or some shit and when i point at him do this little dance like to the beat or music just to say like hey whats up or just doing my thing he thinks i flipped him off.

    but before this happens some chick comes over they both fucked. like they trained her or threesomed her. later they ask me why i didnt join or some shit. but only when the other dude was getting shit and i was in the bathroom jacking off the dude started fucking her and i heard the noise so i didnt go out of the bathroom to give them privacy.

    lol, lmao
  6. #6
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I wonder how much of that actually happened
  7. #7
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    oh yea this dude also sent me some weird friend request and really believes i talked shit to him when it was the other guy the whole time on the phone. here is how his social media image look like:

    and he has pitbulls on his upper logo area. just some street thug i assume?
  8. #8
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    it would be sort of funny if star trek and bradley were here and all of a sudden they were here spending the night and we went to say hi to the dude or they knocked and there was a party and all of a sudden they wer ein the middle of this. like braldye and star trek how would you handle this situaiton if you were here?
  9. #9
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    It may be just this city like this. Most of Poland is not like this.
  10. #10
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    If I had a un on me a piece I seirously think or am sure this guy would drive there to fucking do a shootout. I also forgot to mention he claimed like the preivous day or some other time to get in. fight with some guy who slightly touched him with a knife while he drilled a screw driver somewhat into his skull. Not sure if he was high and telling me this story he also told it to the bandana dude or if he actually attempted murder a guy recently. and this is the neighbour. like he claimed he stuck a screwdriver in a guys head.
  11. #11
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    its bizarre that either this dude from the pic abvoe or one of his people just showed up with machetes and knocked lightly on the door not even try to break in or nothing but he did pull on the handle trying to walk in.
  12. #12
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    the polish chick who got gang banged and was doing drugs and shit who even was somewhat nice and cool and gave some of her money for us to buy booze with she claimed she fucked some ukrainian guy for 7 thousand polish zloty.
  13. #13
    cigreting Dark Matter
    suk his dik
  14. #14
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    lol this is one of his images on the social media i asusme his buddies. look at their shirts. one of them says we are wariats or some shit something about being a wariat:

    hey aldra ok they didnt try to charge in with machetes, but we did get a hard knock and some tuy trying to enter and who knows what he had on him and if he relaky as alone because we could only look out the keyhole forward. the reaosn i said machetes is because he or my supposed „friend” and his friend the bandana dude who was my drug connect for a while told the 17 yr old chick who stayed over this. that was their story lol thst they csme in with machetes so i rsn with it and told it the same way here.
  15. #15
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    its weird how these polish thugs are so different from other thugs of other nationalities. star trek would you agree? like theyre different form ukrianian thugs, from uzbek thugs, russian thugs, they just have this weird mix of street hooliganism drug trafficking and wanting to fight all the time but arent relaly dnsgerous in the sense theyll use firearms but may use machetes. lol it would be funny if a bunch of them showed up in clsifornia and pickef a fight with mexicsn thugs in san jose or something.
  16. #16
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    poland actually has loose laws when it comes to weapons you can carry on you vs other european countries. on germany you cznt even have mace on you. in poland its techniclsly legal to have mace on you, knives, even telescope sricks or unfoldijgnsticks and other weapons. just not guns. but they have these other gas guns or air guns and other shit.
  17. #17
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    they are definitely very agressive and wanting to fight all the time so i do see them giving the mesicsn thugs and blacks in san jose or northern cslifornia some trouble. until real wepwons start voming out or a war im twlking wbout bar fisputes club disputes over bitches shit like thwt i see them getting way more respect thsn white people in cslifornia thats for sure from blacks mesicans etc. candyreign wat u fink?
  18. #18
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    and in ways they have a similar style to cholos. they like pitbulls and look at that guys white sofks and sandals. do you think csndyreign theyr end up joining forces with the choko gangs or sureno norteno gangs? the difference between thes epolish groups or thigs and cholos is they seem more into working out and trainign to fight vs just doing it or doing drugs and getting into fights or shootouts sometime. like they seem to prepare for it more.
  19. #19
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    they also seem to be a mix of street like ghetto people with sport or athleticism hooliganism and drug using and trafficking but you dont see real high crimes from them often like murders or rapes.
  20. #20
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    hey wellhung dont you think ghese ghetto polish guys in woods or street hoodlums who tlsk like niggers in the usa but in polish and sre high all the time or on steroids would do well against the niggers or much better thsn those regular white people or fst white guy who got sucker punched from behind in the fmsous brawl at the chicafo o harre airport?
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