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Record-high number of 40-year-olds in US have never been married: study

  1. #1
    WellHung Black Hole
    *Raises hand*
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man
    People aren't interested in collectivist culture, the west has placed a great deal of importance on individuality and self. Instead of doing what parents are expecting you, you can fuck off dye your hair pink, cut your breasts off, tape a fake dick to yourself and demand that people refer to you by some new name that doesn't even sound remotely like something a mother would name her daughter/now son.

    So no one wants to lock up into someone else's life, I certainly don't. Instead of having a shared goal that is made into a life, and using that union to create a loving family of children with good morals, most people only hold an interest in doing what they feel like at that moment and/or what's best for them.

    When a japanese person describes themselves, they use phrases like 'I go to school, my family, i am this role in my family, i want to work for this company, i am from this community."

    Americans be like "ya I'm doing me, gotta focus on number one, you know, my name, age, what i think, who i am, what I plan"

    I, i, I statements are reflective of this cultural shift and best contrasted to cultures of Asia, Africa, and Native Americans that focus on the group over the individual.
  3. #3
    Bradley Florida Man
    Like if an asian man had his mother tell him "i'm never talking to you again." he'd probably harikari or some shit

    If my mom said it I'd tell her okay i'll talk to you when you act like a mother and not an ex girlfriend, lemme know!~!~!~
  4. #4
    *rasies penis*
  5. #5
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    It will be 50s and 60s and so on as MOON PERSONs get older.

    someone did this to reduce population but it will just be more children born out of wedlock and more fucked up people. many turning to crime before trying to correct themselves later in life.

    the crime rate is sure to skyrocket and surpass the 1980s. the only thing that will stop it is AI robots seeing crime before it happens and flying over people warning them they're under monitor and anything they do will be recorded and an arresting officer will contact them at a later time.

    hell that might be a good thing but will obviouslly be Big Brother we all feared.

    it will only be good for the elderly who can't defend themselves in hoping whoever is about to rob or harm them wont do it knowing they are being moniroted and already identified by AI Facial Recognition. some FLIR can see through face masks

    or just follow them whereveer they go to be arrested later.

    we lost total freedoms and it seems the powers that be created high crime and lowered the population by fucking up 2 existing generations of youths and their minds.

    I dont think that's a silly conspiracy theory but a conspiracy fact.
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