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World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecast

  1. jerryb African Astronaut
    Yeah if you can tough it out you'll have nice weather all winter. TN has hot humid summers also but fairly mild winters. You'd probably do even better out west with the heat but low humidity, I always seemed to breath better out there.
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    I didn't like Pheonix because it is too cutthroat for me. I can function with the Cubans, I can function with the blacks in Milwaukee, I cannot function with the cartel Mexicans, everything is very very umm dangerous and high stakes at all times, not for me.

    YOu can buy an ounce from 1 guy once a week for a month and the next week you don't have money for the 5th bag, so they tell you that you have to and if he has to tell you again you just have to pay and not get the ounce, just pay to survive.

  3. jerryb African Astronaut
    Yeah that sounds fucked up. Florida weather is OK once you get pass the summer. I never liked the flat landscape and not much on going to the beach so really nothing to draw me there.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    I didn't want to be cold ever again so I moved as far south as I could.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    Wisconsin is fucked, 7 months out of the year I sit inside because like it's brutal. As a kid I fell through frozen creeks/rivers, I had frostbite so many times the tips of my toes are numb, I thought I was gonna die during some of the polar vortex cold snaps over the years, I used to put the collar of my coat around my mouth and zip it all the way up and when I would get on the school bus my breath had made a solid piece of ice over the fabric, I remember having a ripped tear in my snowpants and having a discolored thigh because the shit was so cold on the walk home, we used to sit at the local park as kids and bro every one of us (Even the black kids) would have red fingers and red cheeks and sometimes it would burn when you went back inside, people slip and fall getting out of the car at walmart and get stuck to the pavement from their warm skin touching the layer of ice that no one really gives a fuck about trying to clear, fuckin salt don't work below 10F so you gotta hand your boy the beer while you take corners, god help you if your car dies on a county road in November at night, you better find some shit to burn if you don't got blankets and water in your car with the Hot Hands.

    Here, meh if u homeless and can find some cardboard you got a bed, get a little bucket and some change to rattle around and people will feed you, clothe you, give your ass bible versus and when you wake up, yeah you got bit by a couple mosquitos but at least you can feel your extremities.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    The major difference is here the celda/jahulla (city jail) is fucking brutal, we got poisonous snakes, vigilante police, we got poisonous spiders, and the food is extremely expensive (since it's gotta be run to the tip of the dick that is florida), also there are a lot of poisonous plants.

    In wisconsin we have 2 poisonous spiders (never met anyone who found one alive) and 2 poisonous plants (IVY & OAK), total.

    Here there are so many poisonous plants spiders oh yeah there's snakes and shit tons of them, then you got these ugly iguanas. In wisconsin the scariest thing I ever saw was a possum that I shot when it screeched at me while I was fishing and I freaked the fuck out and just discharged my entire pistol at because like I had a flashlight and was going home a half hour after sundown on the train tracks in Oshkosh and when I brushed the flashlight I saw this pink thing scream and start running at me (First possum i had ever seen) and I just dumped the clip out of fear.

    oh and here we have alliGAYtors that will follow the fish you just caught (because it's struggling) and when you get it to shore, it will try to fight you over it's dinner. This only happened to me once, and I didn't wanna give up my braided line so I refused to cut the line believing I could yank it out of his mouth, so he unspoooled my whole line and then broke my arbor knot, fucking fighting me over a local bass, can't remember the name but like a small mouth but uglier and in our canals.

    I wanna go to the national park something like the everglades, and go find the first small gator I can and dump a clip at him for fun & I'll cook the meat.

    ^ "small" as a full grown one will let 9mm just bounce off the face and continue attacking unless you hit an eyeball or the sweet spot at the cerebellum.
  7. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    1798char 11-lines ^
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    my fishing friend made me wear these like (Too small) hip high/bite proof boots to go fishing in this marsh and I Told him bro I'll just go barefoot and he told me the most real truth I've ever heard.

    "Bradley, you're not in Kansas anymore."
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Infinityshockrates 1798char 11-lines ^

    Get over it, you tranny fucking ratfaced faggot. I type original content, not quoting some bitch ass alternative account where I was really methed out and typed up "PURE GOLD" in 2016 and now need it to be reseen.

    What a difference, I make conversation, you repeat previously ignored comments you made five years ago.
  10. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Europe heatwave – live: Greece in emergency weather measures as map shows deadly ‘Cerberus’ heat

    The country has introduced the mandatory stoppage of work where there is heat stress from 12-5pm and high risk members of the public service will work from home.
  11. Speedy Parker Black Hole
  12. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    ^ who gives a shit about al gore or polar bears?
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    polar bears are seen as a conduit/meter of climate change as they are pretty much fucked over by heating up the glaciers/ice blocks in the North.
  14. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Obbe ^ who gives a shit about al gore or polar bears?

  15. "Who gives a shit what our global warming nutjob leaders claimed in the past."

  16. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "Who gives a shit what our global warming nutjob leaders claimed in the past."


    No claims were presented, you idiot.
  17. Originally posted by Obbe No claims were presented, you idiot.

    wow...someone's hot under the collar.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson wow…someone's hot under the collar.

    I just wish one of you had something concrete, an actual argument, something factual and real you could point at and say "See Obbe, this is why I believe climate change is a hoax, I am a rational person after all."

    But that's never going to happen, is it?
  19. cant convince the willfully ignorant.
  20. Originally posted by Obbe No claims were presented, you idiot.

    Yeah, it sucks when you liars are found out in time, eh?
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