2023-07-13 at 3:16 PM UTC
I thought he was a mockery of a jedi guy with no chin. a Woody Allen stereotype. White Nationalist are retarded and confused fucks
2023-07-13 at 3:20 PM UTC
But I take it you do see it often?
2023-07-14 at 9:36 AM UTC
i can't wait to get started on this cream of broccoli soup
I got mushrooms (Fresh) going in that bitch, I got this weird ass cuban/aztec/some shit white corn I'mma crush into dust to thicken it instead of flour, maize flour I think that it is called, i got 3 fatass broccoli flourettes yesterday and dried red pepper (I crush the shit myself), top with a layer of paramison cheese, I think I Might throw in a handful or two of mixed vegetables and then I'mma do a whole white onion, the base layer of this bitch will be the garlic + butter + carmalized onions with the veggies, then the broccoli in a little bit until it's all golden and the butter has alleviated itself, figure I put that all together and if it looks too thick I"mma put it over green beans with a layer of thick bread crumbs and paramession cheese and bake it, otherwise it will be a thick, creamy soup, and I'mma serve it with garlic brad.
2023-07-14 at 9:40 AM UTC
i also wanna do a tater tot salad with green beans and dried onions, cream of mushroom soup with parmission and more dried onions ontop, figure I put one side with all 3 types of peppers I got (Red, jalepenis, habanero) and 1 side with no peppers maybe some red/yellow bells to make people that cant' handle extereme heat still feel like they're eating the same.
Whenever I do this, I always make sure to place 1 super hot part of a pepper (all the seeds, and a 1/2 cm of outer pepper) so that 1 person eating the not spicey side will just hit a bite of the spiciest shit in the world.
When I feed people I sit around and wait for some (Typically old person) to get the good pepper bite and I"m like "Oh my god I can't believe you got one of them, from the corner? Nah that came from the middle if anything. Lol! Your face is red, are your ears ringing?"
Because I've been finding that funny since I was a little boy.
2024-12-16 at 11:34 PM UTC
He was being psyop'd and snapped. Latin Americans have a lot of joo ancestry and communist leanings so they often psyop whites. A lot of it is just simple stuff like harassment and playing music super loud when they know whites are trying to sleep.
I read an article about this when I was researching Havana syndrome. Us diplomats, mostly white ones, mentioned the techniques of harassment used against whites that were normally used like harassment and bullying. They like to box people's cars in so they can't leave a parking lot for one. I've experienced some of it.
They started using directed energy weapons against whites, mostly infrasonic because they're a bit more difficult to detect and they can blend in with regular machines and trucks. They also have a history of poisoning white families vacationing in latin America.
Whites with German ancestry are especially common targets because of certain Habsburgs declared war on Mexicans etc. interestingly they inter married with the Spanish royal family though.
Anyway, the dude snapped due to classic psyops techniques. If you're going to retaliate and get caught you're doing it wrong.