(gay)ng lyfe . The lesbian mafia lmrao
you people are nothing, not to imply we are anything, but you might even be less than that, somehow.
https://lolcow.farmI'm honestly astonished by how ill informed you are. It was not established as a place to harass chris chan. It was originally started as the CWC wiki, meaning the Chris Chan wiki, it was similar to something like Encyclopedia Dramatica, this wasn't something like Metokur or 8chans /baphomet/ there were was no coordination of 24 hour gay ops or harassment campaigns, it literally only served as a repository of information on Chris chan. The reason it began to branch out is because people found other lolcows who had similar spastic tendencies to Chris such as DeagleNation and DarkSydePhil.
You can say that they don't believe in freedom of speech but you and I both know there are opinions that literally half the country holds about transgender individuals that I am not allowed to say here. Same thing with any other protected class, you can call it hateful, xenophobic, bigoted, or any combination of -phobics or -isms but the fact is that I cannot express those views on the vast majority of the internet without getting the boot. I can do so on KiwiFarms, thus they have a higher level of freedom of speech than anywhere else on the internet.
in the eyes of history DH will always be what it is, just like us. YOu reap what you sow etc
stand up for what you believe in and you won't have a kafka mentality and need to run away and hide and cringe from your past. Be better in every way, don't try to be worse and make others worse
we should be building people up not breaking them down. Building them up by telling them to GET TUFF!!!
and not letting gay ops run wild, it's like a prison , that's how things go here. In prison you can lie, stalk people, be a sociopathic little bitch faggot, usually those people end up in the shower with a knife shoved up their ass because they get exposed
https://encyclopediadramatica.online/Kiwi_FarmsForum Rules
Lolcows are bizarre people/groups/events, that are on the Internet, and respond negatively to people in a funny way. They are not countries, political figures, celebrities, your highschool bully, or some random YouTuber that isn't a drama queen.
• Be civil. Don't aggressively attack and insult the people or groups we talk about. Don't get emotionally charged about things that do not matter. If you need to tell people that you're better than someone, you're probably not.
• Write descriptive topic titles. "Hunger Mythos" is better than "Girl thinks she's a corgi". Keep them as brief as possible.
• Hide your Powerlevel. Avoid revealing intimate, personal information about yourself on public boards. These threads are not your personal blog, and we are not an asylum.
• Don't White Knight. Don't turn threads with people of interest into an intervention. You are not their protector. If you want to help, contact them privately.
• No trolling plans. Don't use this forum as a place to organize trolling efforts. We cannot control your behavior off-site, but expect to be banned and ridiculed if you do something embarrassing.
• Do not create topics about forum members. This extends to all existing members of the forum that were first discovered by their presence here. If you think that they deserve one, ask staff first.
you boomers get pressed off DH by fake MS paint articles like corbyn and shit, and think thats an epic troll???? fucking please, you are all stuck in like 2005 more than cock nose rock nose hiki ever was, at least he was an era ahead of you culturally lmrao