2023-07-10 at 1:48 AM UTC
To Marry Lanny. Join the Church and have children while you're capable of doing so.
It is Scrons duty to leave his lust of another man and marry a woman and have children and go to church.
It is WaLuigi's job to marry and have kids and join a church
it is Red's Duty to marry, Join a church and have Kids
It is Candy's duty pushing 40 before her eggs dry up to get married, join a church and have a baby or two
the list goes on and on. It is your duty as a human to reprocreate
I'm done with this place. You're all a bunch of cowards for not procreating
2023-07-10 at 1:50 AM UTC
JIDF Controlled Opposition
Paul 'Bring Me Children' Wozny
2023-07-10 at 2:06 AM UTC
I’m not having a baby so you can eat it at the holidays you fat hog
It’s your duty to mind your business
2023-07-10 at 2:12 AM UTC
I dont eat babies but the people I know might. they had boxes and boxes of dead doe babies in the garage but then again it was a Morturary.
also I never said shit about FreeMasons. it wasnt the masons but another lodge frat. but somehow DTE or one of the other dorks from this site posted I had issues with them showing there is a flase start on their paranoia. I actually sided with Ted Gunderson (HEAD FBI Out of LA, Cali) who stated nothing wrong with Free Masons but there is corruption in the Fraternity at high levels.
He himself was a Free Mason and went after a Master Mason name Lt CnL Michael Aquino from Church of Satan and SETian creator.
so they murdered Ted.
Im afraid you get the penalty flag of off-side. False Start my friends.
that being said I have a photo somewhere showing a man being castrated by the Free Masons who broke the oath of silence. hes in what looks like a Dentist Chair. I saw it as a teenager and someone recently put it online. I know the location of the Room they did this in. Mind you, FreeMason lodges dont have Windows. the modern ones dont. the older ones do. but for 100 years plus, they only have false windows to shelter them inside from prying eyes.
2023-07-10 at 2:16 AM UTC
Right. Maybe you should go to Church.
2023-07-10 at 2:28 AM UTC
Ok cool if you’re not going then neither are we.