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My grangram was giving back to the homeless this holiday season

  1. #1
    He does it all the time, not just the holiday season.

    He puts on his chefs hat and goes to homeless embankments and cooks for them and they all rub his belly and call him papa grampa .

    This is where things get hairy he bought a bunch of lobstahs and was getting ready to boil them but that's when some protester shot him in the dick with a cannisters of mustard gas

    The lobstahs went apeshit and swarmed papa chef and he ent up getting his nipples pinched off by lobstahs and running a muck.
    The pott of water got knocked over and poured on a.guys cardboard bunghole but it didn't burn him because it was still heating up it was just a bath by happy accident

    That's the day that the homeless embankments turned on papa chef and run him out of there dojo
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