Imagine making this to cope for your garbage product instead of actually making good software lmao yikes. I wish more devs were like Lanny who made things that actually work. Just look at NEwtotse it has a fucking facebook login that I think loses the token in the server mess of his retard code and nukes your account from being able to be hooked into his bastard interface
some software feels actually cursed to use I swear 99% of everything is trash. Most word processors for example, Resumes are an outdated technology, real economy just uses portfolios and shit who tf cares about your gay resume
can someone spin me around and hshove me in a different direction??? Leonardos italian commented complicated ajax code does not make this easier, or maybe it does, i'm a retard
Originally posted by A
Do you even understand how much fucking work it takes to "archive" a site. I'm not using either as they are kikes, fuck them. Only trust yourself and your own abilities
of which I have none
does this look like fun to you?
I never had a reason to give a shit before though so it's always fun to be motivated to learn something you can't seem to grasp no matter how much you fuck with it but hey thats life. Nothing on the the internet is gone forever, well it is but it's easy to set up
harder to go back and go through giant walls of shite. If you wanted to log all wariats posts , or yours or mine or anyone you can set up these bots to just do X when user/x performs x action , triggers flags and blobs.
apparently the programs check the robots.txt for rules about reverse spam sucing off the forum servers. 3 secnods per request SORRY IF I FUCKED IT UP LEONARDO I DIDNT MEAN TO RUIN YOUR DATE NIGHT BUT I WILL KEEP A CAREFUL EYE ON THE PARSE REQUESTS AND IF I DO SOMETHING DUMB BILL CHURCH OF TRIANGLISM PHARM CO. LTD thanks - pedophile tek support