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Scrons editor effect and cloud server pricce

  1. #1
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    seems he's using an innerweb-off the shelf editor which has a funny 'charged' effect we used in our class film project when I took classes at Laney (Lanny?) campus near Oakland. we used it in a film project of a guy who goes crazy while he finds a meteorite that cracked open with glowing pills in it and turns him into a meth-head like zombie. before they reported meth head eating peoples faces we actually had that in the plot-line. the film was called "space-case 3000" and was entered into the Mike and Ike Film Festival at Act theater. a 10 minute video I requested and never got a call back because I wanted it for a demo reel since I took part in the project. also it was 1988 and probably isn't in archive. I wish existed back then but then again we know they remove files in real time. Ahemmmmm!

    I am tempted to go back to school just to get a student discount price on Adobe yet you can't use it commercially. otherwise its 450 a month through the pipeline

    I miss purchasing it off the shelf at Fry's electronics or even best buy at one time and it being a lifetime use. they wised up. now they charge you monthly while they try and validify security features and updating product so you never have to repurchase.

    the internet has been corrupted by corporate corruption. down with the man. they take the rights away from individuals but allow big corporation to rob us blind. and this is coming from your Leftist in Charge.
  2. #2
    King of Nonces Tuskegee Airman
    lmrao nice

    I charge $5 for any autistic work
    crypto payment only ;)

    example of my work

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