red you god damn degen and brown with dark hair normie genetics not a ginger master race with freckles like meikai and myself smh not cute and pink like pipotaku
Wondering why "Armitage" complained about only being allowed 10 posts a day when they made a new account last year and complained about the same thing then.
Wandering It would be wholly impossible for me to say whether this cloudy, silently disturbed, unraveled sky is mirrored in my soul or the reverse, whether or not I read the image of my own inner life in this sky. Sometimes everything is so completely uncertain! There are days when I am convinced that no man on earth can recognize certain moods of air and cloud, certain tones of color, certain fragrances and movements of moisture as finely, as exactly, and as truly as I can, with my old, nervous sense of poet and wanderer. And then again, as today, it can be doubtful to me whether I have seen, heard, and smelled anything after all, whether everything that I took to be true is not merely an image cast outward, the image of my inner life.