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  1. #1
    No one goes into the artistic threads around here so I'm posting one giant share DIY vid threads or photo. spare us the psychotic BYB or Symtec DIY stuff please. More for cool moldings like film props or Halloween shit.

    Even something like silicate moldings and the use of robotic or servo machanics to make animatronic puppets (Which I want to do for a project without spending money).

    With this video you can make your own Legos or even a fleshlight that's very poundable,phaggots

  2. #2
    I want to buy or make this machine. looks cool.

    but there is also liquid foam that you could fill a mould with

    this looks more professional

  3. #3
    Neat little project if you're into radiochemistry

  4. #4
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    In a beaker glass, to 200ml cooled acetone add 125ml of cooled hydrogen peroxide(30% concentrate by volume). Then to your mixture add as catalyst 10ml hcl(30% hydrochloric acid by volume). While carefully monitoring the temperature of the reaction. Do not let it exceed 10 degrees Celsius. After all of the catalyst has been added place the reaction vessel into the fridge to leave overnight. The cold will precipitate triacetone triperoxide to be collected the next day. enhancement out your precipitate and to a beaker glass of 1000ml add 800ml lukewarm water and 30 grams of sodium bicarbonate. Proceed to add your TATP precipitate, stir well and again leave it overnight. enhancement out your final product, and wash it with lukewarm water. A cheese cloth will be helpful in this process. After your final product has been washed place it to dry in a safe place for immediate use or store under water for later use. Do not store dry product period and especially not in containers that have screw on caps since TATP sublimates ever so slightly at room temperature and will recrystallize in your lid and you will die when you open your container.

    NOW THEN! Let's do something fun with it.

    To 50ml of room temperature acetone add 100g of TATP and 25g of nitrocellulose the latter can be in the form of ping pong balls, they are made by in large out of NC. Stir the mixture and add more ping pong balls as needed. It needs to become semi solid but still viscous enough to be casted. If you are satisfied with your mixture cast a little block of explosive into the shape of your desire, you can use cardboard to make a mold if you'd like, now stick in a length of Visco fuse and let the acetone slowly evaporate out of the product.

    The nice thing about casting your AP putty is that you can influence the shape of the blast, and, adding NC to your acetone/TATP mixture makes the TATP a bit more stable.

    No videos though because i don't wanna' go to jail.
  5. #5
    I saw a video of a guy throwing a ziploc bag of TATP around to prove its not as crazy as media hype makes it out to be.
  6. #6
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I saw a video of a guy throwing a ziploc bag of TATP around to prove its not as crazy as media hype makes it out to be.

    Better scared than dead. PROTIP: TATP smells like soap. True story, i love that smell.
  7. #7
    how is TATP useful for a comedy show or short film?
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